I have RA over 2 years diagnosed. Now I have issues with getting overheated like my body litteraly on fire. I am 62 now way pass menopause. I on Sulfasalazine twice daily but i just take one in morning. I on pain meds, blood pressure, anxiety, inflamation an more meds that i sick of taking. I have droped weight an my legs an knees burn an get so painful at times. But has any one ever heard of getting inflamation in gallbladder cause of RA? They want to remove it cause i stay nausa an my right side hurt they say gallbladder is 90 percent an very overactive. I am scared of getting any thing taken out of my body. I have cancelled two appointments already. Help
RA an gallbladder: I have RA over 2 years diagnosed... - NRAS
RA an gallbladder

Morning QueeI do not know if RA affects the gall bladder directly or whether it may be a consequence of all the meds we take but I too am scheduled to have my gallbladder removed!
You’ll know the pain it causes is dreadful and I would encourage you to discuss your reservations and fears further with your medical team.
Whatever you decide, I wish you the very best going forward.
Hi Quee ,
I had my gallbladder removed over 12 years ago and everything went well , I don’t have to worry about what I eat , nothing has an adverse effects . I’ve also got family members that have had theirs removed , neither of them have RA though .
What advice has your surgeon given you ?
I can’t guarantee that my gallbladder problems were because of RA , but in the past I’ve read others have had problems .
I hope you can find away forward to solve the pain and nausea .
Best wishes

Thank you so much!

Thanks Cherie.
Rheumub said it could be linked to RA but as it’s full of stones and not working, to have it removed.
I’ve had so much removed and replaced over the past 3.5 years - another chunk gone is just another chunk gone to me now. Jaded, I know.
I should hear in the next few weeks when I go in for op.
Hi Marie, my son had his removed about 4 years ago, he doesn't have RD luckily. He was in so much pain before, he hasn't had any problems since. Wishing you lots of luck. X
Hi Eiram50
Mine was full of stones also , but unlike most I had no symptoms until I was taken ill on holiday then had an operation whilst on holiday . My gallbladder was too enlarged for keyhole surgery , so a lovely long scar ! I also have many replacements but spread over many years .
Good luck with your surgery when it happens , it will be well worth it .
Best wishes Cherie

Thanks so much Cherie
I had my gallbladder removed in September best thing I did cos the pain was awful and lost weight because I didn’t eat because the pain. The only problem now I can eat everything with out pain I am putting on weight lol. Hope you find the courage it is nothing to worry about apparently it’s very common operation x
All the best when you have your op Marie. I'm sure you'll be better off & I like your thinking, it is just another chunk of your body causing pain so why keep hold of it?! You'll be losing more than a few stones you're losing a whole load.
Haha I like your thinking too and thank you NMH. Hope you and H are well x
Fine thanks. He had a wobbly in the MRI on Saturday at the Health Centre, one of the old ones. Hoping they got enough but if not will send him up to the big one at the hospital. Trying to find the cause of his leg problems. It's one thing after another, thinking of trading him in for a newer model. 😊
Not heard of a problem Linking RA and gallbladder but I had mine taken out 10 years ago, it's quite a common operation so please don't be afraid and the pain will go away x
Had mine removed with keyhole surgery no problems and was in as a day care patient. It's good not having extreme pain anymore due to stones. With reference to overheating like you I'm past the menopause but get hot and perspire a lot especially when out and about,I've put it down to immune system not working properly.
Good luck on the op and you'll feel better afterwards xx
Hi I don't know if mine was linked to RD as it was pre diagnosis. Gall bladder gave me excruciating pain and sepsis, so no choice really, it had to go! Another one of those strange bits that we can live without easily. I had keyhole, no problem and good riddance. Good luck.
Only just seen this. I was reading the other day, searching for referred pain which turned out not to be relative to my pain, that there's a high prevalence that women with RD may have gallbladder problems from middle age onwards. It was a Spanish trial, of decent size, & the conclusion was related to, I thought somewhat understandably, chronic inflammation caused by RD &, which I didn't expect, HDL ('good') cholesterol. So, the conclusion considered it may be a comorbidity of RD in women. A greater prevalence of gallstone disease was seen in RD patients compared to the general population of the same age; however, the differences were significant only in women aged 60 or older.
It is a common enough operation, though whilst I understand why you're hesitant, it's not common for you. I'm concerned with you having cancelled two appointments if your Surgeon will say enough. Please talk your concerns through with your GP.
Don't know if that rings any bells for you or anyone else who've had gallbladder problems Quee? You don't mention statins as one of your meds but if you don't have high LDL ('bad') cholesterol you won't be prescribed them of course.
Hi, had mine removed back in 2010 with keyhole surgery, not as painful as C-sections but my RD "officially" started in 2013 and during that time I had swelling on my feet and knees and no doctor ever tested me for RD. Actually when my hands and wrists hurt, they would give me anti-inflammatories for tendonitis. Finally, I went to a Rheumatologist myself, even though my hands and fingers weren't swollen. He also didn't think it was RD but after insisting I do tests for RD (RF, CRP etc), it was confirmed. Due to removal of gallbladder, It is important to avoid fatty foods as toxins can't be removed as were previously. A special diet is given for the first couple of months and then you follow a low-fat diet. Good luck to you.