Just wondering if any one else has any simaler illness to mine the photo is a result of wat happend threw coughing followed with blacking put wen coughing and now on top of it all i carnt hold a cup proply with dropping in threw pain
Scared to death : Just wondering if any one else has... - NRAS
Scared to death

no tom have you been to docs you need to asp or even a/e get your family to help if poss
Thank you sir / miss for your reply but Yes like i said earlier feel like no one cares or wants to know but ive recently changed Drs as my previous one dis nothing but sigh and tell me off for things i dint know about, and this is the first time in 10 years that I'vefelt that there is some one out there that cares but have been falling apart since 2009
you need to.see a doctor now. can anyone drive you to a and e ?
or call nhs 24
Been to see Drs and specialist in 2014 and they dint have a clue but felt like thsy dint give a s##t Aand E DINT HAVE A CLUE N SENT ME HOME ended up i. Bed scared to go out incase of having a black out and this is why im at me mums couldnt let me kids see me insuch a state luckly threw Garlic of all things my eyes cleard up n the black outs stopped but i feel like theres a matker against my name saying "dont bother with him" it sounds stupid but i feel like no ones giving a shit and im having to youtube stuff and the only thing i have to worry about is been able to move feels like my bones are changing shape some times but thank you for your replies it has helpped more than you know cause wen im feeling low it gets really low and dark a lay there sometimes for hours just staring at the ceiling feeling useless cause im unable to move and its only recently that a different dr has referred me to the rheumatologist as well as the lung specialist with me having COPD and DIP and trying to find help with PTS as well and for the extra stress ive the DWP on my case like i said depression isnt the word but seriously THANK YOU SO MUCH godbless
You’re post really touched me as I can feel your pain through words. Please listen to me, things WILL get better and you WILL get through this. You say that you have kids and you live with your mom. She obviously cares about you otherwise you wouldn’t be there. It’s a positive sign that you have been referred to Rhumatology and lung specialist so hopefully with the right meds you are going to be sorted. You have been feeling very low and depressed for a long time and this can also be treated. I hope they sort you out really soon, unfortunately, as many of us on here know, you have to keep pushing some healthcare professionals. Finally, please don’t feel that no one cares about you. There is a lot of strength and compassion in this forum and you are not alone. Sarah xx
Thank you Miss sarah yeah i moved in with her a few week ago just so me kids got a break from all the coughing and stress of worrying about wats going on end of the day i want em to be kids not me carers , wats mad is i enjoy been active and i hate the fact that i have to plan 2 days recovery for wen ever i do anything first thing to go are me knees then me wrists then me back its mental but once again thank you for your replying its helpped more than yous know godbless 💗
I didn't like your post as your in such a sad way darling. You have done everything you can do at this moment in time,but keep going to your gp you will get answers in the end. I kept tell my gps i had a chest infection because that was how i felt having had it so many times before. Anyway i saw another dr yesterday and he gave my chest a good check over and i mean a good check over. He said there is nothing wrong with your chest(at this point i thought here we go again) but then he looked up my nose and said you have a viral infection and it is affecting your nose and throat thus mimicing a chest infection. I got some nasal spray so here's hoping. So you see you will get answers darling in the end. Don't give up and know your not alone.xx
Sorry that my post upset you in some way sylvi luv it just the frustration but thank you for your kind words miss godbless
Do you cough all the time in which case could you have something like asthma and need inhalers? If not and it has only just started could it be a virus of some sort?
Oh I’ve just seen COPD which will explain the cough. It’s not nice at all when doctors don’t take you seriously. I’ve had that in the past, was told I needed a holiday when I was very ill with a thyroid problem.
Does your surgery have a medical referrals scheme where people with certain condition can be referred to a gym with specialist trainers? I used to go to one and I’m definitely not a ‘gym’ person but it was lovely. The people there were really caring and sympathetic - no one was wearing Lycra. The trainer did lots of measurements and I was given a nice gentle programme to get me fit. Being surrounded by kind and caring people probably helped as much as the exercise though.
So hang on in and hopefully your rheumatology and lung specialist appointments will come through soon. In the meantime can you get out in the fresh air for a little walk every day, hopefully in the sun and you can get some light into your eyes which will help when you are feeling so low. Remember you are very important to your kids.
Hello Thomsk, I'm very sad to read this. No one should go through such trauma! I totally agree with Sarah on her advice and DO listen to what she has said! It shocks and hurts me to the core when I read the desperation of people. You are crying out for help and we are here for you! Now YOU must act on this help with our support. Forget ( for now) what's gone on in the past and focus on getting things better! One thing at a time. First is your health and wellbeing. We all have experienced negativity from people but not everyone is like that. If your current GP isn't helping them see a different one! You MUST seek medical help straight away otherwise you won't be able to deal with any other tasks that are weighing you down. You can and will recover from everything with support. We are offering you that. Make today a positive one! Keep us posted. Suzie xx
Hi Tom the hardest time for me was whilst waiting for a diagnosis. I’m usually a really positive person but every month waiting in worry and pain dragged me down and it was the friendly folk here who kept me going. In the end I got diagnosed with RA fibromyalgia and every few months I pick up something else but I’m getting there and so will you my friend ((hugs)) M x
Thank you for the reply Miss really glad to know im not alone
You will get there 🦋 it just takes time . Please be open about everything and write a list x take photos of your joints of red and stiff x you will get there!! The photos will also show your Rheumatologist how much you have been suffering 🤚🏼🦋👍
Hope you feel better soon. x