Methotrexate first dose!!: Just took my first 10mg dose... - NRAS


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Methotrexate first dose!!

Hels1989 profile image
37 Replies

Just took my first 10mg dose!! Is it weird that I was a lot more scared to take methotrexate than I was to take hydroxychloroquine? I mean they are both DMARDS! Is it because it has more side effects maybe it is more mentioned for side effects etc? Not sure. Anyway il let you know how I get on!! Praying I don’t get bad sickness etc as it’s my 6 and 4 year olds half term 😩 wish me luck! Lots of love to everyone else xxx

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Hels1989 profile image
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37 Replies

Please do not read up on this subject too much.everyone is individual and because of the internet have a ability to be vocal. We are all different

what works well for some doesn’t for others 😊

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to

Thanks Hun hopefully well for me xx

in reply to Hels1989

I was worried sick thought MX would make my hair fall out and Hydro would make me blind. 7 years on neither happened x

Mandy8175 profile image

I was afraid of methotrexate too! It was because of the side effects and that it is used in chemotherapy! The only side effects I had were fatigue and nausea. Good luck to you, hopefully it will work for you.

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to Mandy8175

Thanks Mandy here’s hoping and praying 🙏🏼 xx

nomoreheels profile image

Hey, pleased that's done! Oddly enough I wasn't fussed about starting HCQ or MTX for basically the same reason. The first time, with HCQ, I was willing to take anything to help the situation I was in, pain, inflammation, being unable to walk. With MTX I was in the same situation again because just short of a year later HCQ had stopped working. What also helped was my Consultant had prepared me for starting MTX a few months previously so gave me reputable sites to do my own research before I started it. Maybe I'm just odd but I believed I was being prescribed the meds to help me so was willing & ready to take them!

I hope all's well & you're able to enjoy half term with your children but don't overdo things & drink plenty of water. Also, if you do imbibe, I'd not drink alcohol for the first two blood tests just so your Rheumy's got reliable info from your drug monitoring bloods. After that you can see how your liver's responding to the MTX & then test the water, if you do drink alcohol of course!

Don't forget to take your folic acid as prescribed either!

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to nomoreheels

Ah nomoreheels I was hoping you would pop up and make me feel a little better as you always do 😊 thanks Hun. Hopefully tomorrow night I can report back with not much to tell 🙂 xx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Hels1989

Everything that can be is crossed for that very thing! Hope that's big enough for you!

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to nomoreheels

Perfect 😉

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to nomoreheels

12 hours later and absolutely nothing, maybe too early??? Xx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Hels1989

Maybe, but it's looking good. It's not a given you'll have any so those fingers remain tightly crossed for you! Thanks for the update Hels. x

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to nomoreheels

Thanks honey and no probs your support has been huge for me x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Hels1989

Aw thanks. x

Stats12 profile image

Bless you pet, side effects I've had are mainly nausea, now inject 15ml of MTX so it bypasses gut, doesn't make much difference though....

pain starting with a vengeance now too as steroid has been wearing off 😞

Take care & hope you find MTX works for you xx

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to Stats12

Thanks Hun I hope so too xxx

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Stats12

Hi Stats, Sorry to hear yours isn't working too well for you. 😕

Neonkittie17 profile image

Well done Hels! 😘😘xx

Neonkittie17 profile image

I don't think you will feel tired this week Hels. I did start very slowly on mine I think 5mgs and up very gradually. I didn't feel any tired effect for a couple of months. I hope you sleep well knowing you've taken a big step having your first dose. Hugs. xxxx

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to Neonkittie17

Woke up this morning Hun...... nothing! Ziltch!!! Nada!!!! Is it too early? I took it over 12 hours ago!! Xx

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Hels1989

It's early days indeed but just keep on going and hope you will soon be feeling the good benefit of those meds. I was exactly the same getting palpitations looking at the bottle of pills etc.. I think we all are at first. I had a panic attack before I did my first Enbrel injection but you get used to doing whatever you need to in order to feel better and get the RA etc under control. Hugs. Well done once again. xxxx

Eiram50 profile image

Hi hels1989

I was the same although would echo what NMHs said in that I knew I was being prescribed them in order to provide some relief, so as apprehensive as I was about taking them, did do readily.

I experienced, nausea, fatigue and mouth sores but all quickly faded.

As said already, take the folic avid as directed, drink

Lots of waster and for me, what worked better, was to take them at night and sleep through the worst of any yucky feelings!

Wishing you the best going forward .


I started 5weeks ago, I dread taking them every Sunday, bth at the moment I've only had nausea and tiredness, I really don't want to take them, I have my first hospital apt and blood test in a weeks time since starting them so hope alls well, I can't say I've noticed a difference in my skin yet but others say give it at least 6 weeks, I have put on some weight but I have just come back from 2weeks all inclusive so guessing it's drink and food lol.

Ruth12345 profile image

Hi. Any side effects ive had have been worth the gain and they are either subsiding or im getting used to them. Because I have a hate love hate relationship with the meds I take especially mthx as it 8 tabs every Wednesday, I now put them out when I go to bed and take them through the night when I waske up. Which I do 2 to 3 times a night. I know its all in the mind for me but has really helped me get over the amount that I take.

I wish you no side effects and a fab half term.

Soreknees2016 profile image

Fingers crossed for you, but please don’t get obsessed as you might just fool yourself into thinking that you feel tired or nauseous or otherwise ‘off’ - I’m pretty sure I did that after my first dose! Since then, I’ve been absolutely fine - I take mine (15mg) on a Saturday night so that I can have a lie-in on Sunday, but I can honestly say I haven’t felt any difference. So relax, forget about it, keep calm and carry on! 😀

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to Soreknees2016

12 hours later and nothing!!!!! Is it too early? Or maybe I’m just lucky xxx

Soreknees2016 profile image
Soreknees2016 in reply to Hels1989


lovekittys profile image

Hi, hope you are feeling okay. It's still scary for me after 2 years of taking it, but it does help me so much. I hate taking medicine and now I am on so much. It will be okay, :).

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to lovekittys

I’m the same love. Never taken anything but paracetamol for a headache. Never even had antibiotics and now it’s like the other end of the scale. Ah well if they help us then I’m sure I can handle rattling haha. Thanks for the message 😊 xx

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Hels1989

I was just the same .. Not a tablet needed till I was 35. I'm a really bad swallower of tablets too! Hence one reason I was glad to be rid of the big yellow torpedoes that are SSZ! I am only on three tiny tablets now for my thyroid and one tiny supplement tablet as I have a pain patch, an injection and an infusion. It will become the norm, Hels ... Part of the routine of taking them. Less scary. xx

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to Neonkittie17

Thanks lovely xx

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Hels1989


jessquilts profile image

I was also afraid to move to methotrexate. However, I had a lot more side effects from hydroxychloroquine than I have from methotrexate so far. Again proving that everyone is different. Best of luck, hopefully you'll do great with the change.

PecosPeg profile image

No, I know exactly what you mean. I have been on hydrochloriquine for about a year now. Dr wanted to put me on methotrexate and I completed preliminary blood work to track levels, started my folic acid and at the last moment dug in my heels once again. I think I frustrated the Dr. I am too scraed to start because of the side effects. I wld like to know how you do with it. BTW, diagnosed with RA a year ago; age 57. Good luck to you; i'll look forward to hearing about it. Everyone assured me that it was "no big deal" but I don't think any of them had actually taken the med.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to PecosPeg

It's a tad unfair to say taking MTX is no big deal, especially if as you as you suspect none had actually been on it. But, speaking as an MTX veteran of 8 years, the first on tablets, seven by injection, I've done extremely well on MTX. It does have potential side effects but to be fair other DMARDs have similar ones, I include HCQ in that, my first DMARD which I also took for about a year. All you can do is try when the need arises, or your Rheumy broaches the subject again because he won't if he doesn't feel it necessary but conversely will if he does. It seems Hels has got off to a good start so that's two of us you know already (hopefully anyway for Hels!).

Kolson27 profile image

Good luck. I just started it 3 weeks ago. Like you I was terrified—mostly because my mom was on it 20 years ago and she was extremely sick from the side effects. I can tell you that from my experience, the side effects are not that bad and definitely easier than the flares I’ve been having. Take care.

Hels1989 profile image
Hels1989 in reply to Kolson27

Ah thanks Hun let’s hope it both treats us well xxx

Hels1989 profile image

Week 2- nothing again!!!!!

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