Hey guys, I have RA. I am on week 5 of taking methotrexate and just realised I forgot to take my folic acid last night. Could anyone advise if I should now take 2 today? I have had such a terrible time with the side effects and now I am anxious that it will be worse when I take it again next week!
Help! : Hey guys, I have RA. I am on week 5 of taking... - NRAS

I wouldn't take 2 in the one day, I'd just accept I'd missed a dose & try not to do it again! Is there some way you could use as a reminder? A post it note on the drawer or cupboard where you keep your meds or something, just until you get in the habit? The reason I don't think you should really take another on the same day is we take folic acid to replenish what MTX takes as it's not selective which cells it affects but take too much folic acid & it reduces the effect of MTX. I don't think you'll notice the difference missing one day, unless you only take the one per week?
It is early days for you, the side effects often lessen the longer you take it so hopefully things will get easier soon. How are you taking your MTX? Often splitting the dose during the day helps rather than taking the whole dose in one go. I used to take my 15mg as 2 tablets with breakfast, lunch & dinner. You don't say how many folic acid you've been prescribed but if it's less than 6 a week you could ask your Rheumy or nurse if it could be increased. I've injected MTX for the last 7 years, that's another option for you if it's working but side effects persist. Often you can have a reduction in dose too as less of the med is lost as it doesn't go through the digestive system unlike tablets. Something to bear in mind if things worsen, hopefully they won't though.
I often forget to take my folic acid. I now have a reminder each day but sometimes I still forget because maybe doing something at the time of reminder.
Even after 18 months I still experience the side effects of MXT but I just write off the day after MXT day. I'm now taking folic acid 10mg day before and after.
Please don't worry. We aren't allowed to give medical advise, but everyone should be notified of the on going debate of folic acid. In North America it is not uncommon to take 5mg of folic acid a day, 7 days a week,even on MTX day. I've learnt that in the UK they only take it 6 days a week.
I wouldn't take 2 folic acids @ 5mg each, but I would take 2 folic acids @ 1mg each.
I used to forget all the time, and it wouldn't be till I was feel absolute exhausted that I would remember! It will be fine just take them the next time it due
Thanks guys!! This is so helpful and the first time I have posted on here. I will just take my folic acid again as normal this eve and set an alarm on my phone to remind me each day. It's the first time I have forgotten it and it is only because this is the first week I feel slightly normal on the MTX..although I have just given my flat a spring clean as I felt an burst of energy and now I feel very dizzy. I really hope this will get better over time like some of you have said...it's so difficult working full time on top of everything!
No...just carry on taking it as normal .....I was on Mtx for 7 years & often forgot the FA.On the whole with most meds If you forget to take a dose it's safer just to take the next pill when you would have taken it anyway,
Nope- just carry on as normal tomorrow x
I take the folic acid in the morning as a rule so if I do forget I have all day to remember, but if forgotten I would leave until next day and take only 1
I put my tablets in a dosette box which I leave near the kettle in the kitchen. (5 different prescriptions taken at differing times). I refill it every week. Seeing the box when I put the kettle on is a gentle reminder. I also use a phone alarm for the two injections I take each week, for different drugs on different days and have the name of drug included in the alarm as I once mistakenly injected one drug twice in a week.
It best not to take a double dose but continue as usual if you miss a dose of a drug. There's lots of ideas in the posts above. Hopefully you will find the best solution to suit you soon.
Take care
I am in US and take 1mg daily EXCEPT MTX day. I use a daily pill case to help.