Just wondering about taking any of these different RA... - NRAS


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Just wondering about taking any of these different RA drugs. And what are any alternative treatments?

gingeq profile image
16 Replies

Has anyone tried any alternative treatments , I would love to hear from you!

I'm feeling really nervous about taking any DMARDS or BIOLOGICS , Thanks!! Gingeq

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16 Replies

Hello ging

I went to a chiropractor for about six years before I managed to get a final diagnosis. One problem with that is when they manipulate the offending joint they break the damage on the joint by manipulation this eases movement and brings back hopefully the full radius of the offending joint. Sometimes I think I understand scarring can be caused by movement and if in the neck can cause thickness on the face of the joint.

Eventually in my case the treatment were done in ten appointment slots with two appointments with an Osteopath who checked at the beginning of treatment and checked improvements at the end of the course of treatment.

Generally it worked well although I had Xrays after quite a lot of treatment and they could see buildup of bone on the two C1-C2 in neck. ALthough movement was improved for a good period of time.

This was private treatment under the signature of my GP at that time. When my condition was proved my GP said now I would be treated by NHS and he was true to his word as I had made my point


gingeq profile image
gingeq in reply to

Thanks Bob! I have tried chiropractors before and could not handle them, it hurt to much and what little they could do didn't seem to help!!

nomoreheels profile image

If you're meaning the homeopathic of natural route then I'm in the traditional medication camp. I do believe that a good diet recommended for RD patients is helpful though. Unfortunately otherwise nothing other than the meds which have proved to control my RD in my mind can give you the best chance of not risking joint damage or possible heart/lung problems the further the disease progresses. Without them I know I'm back at square one & was crying out to be reinstated on them.

If you search online for library pictures of RD in those who had no opportunity to have these disease modifying meds I think you'll see the likely result of not taking what has been offered to help your RD. My nan looked like the pictures I have seen & I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I was too young to appreciate the pain she must have been in but do know that she used a potion/ointment on her poor hands.

I don't know why you have asked the question specifically but if you're considering resisting the meds for alternative natural therapies because of possible side effects or that you consider the meds very strong please be assured not everyone has them to the extremes some people are often focussed on before having started treatment &, as is the same with any med, even paracetamol & aspirin, possible side effects listings, undesirable effects & the frequency of them are a legal obligations the manufacturers have to abide by when a drug is licenced for use.

Please don't be nervous & trust your Rheumy, he is the one treating your condition. If you're fearful ask if he'll take the time to assure you. Of course much of the "heavier" meds may not be used but it depends on the severity of the disease when first diagnosed & the necessary the drug to get it under control. My Consultant, though I had a cut & dried seropositive result through bloods & investigations preferred the gentle approach in the hope I could be brought under control with the less harsh meds but eventually had to submit & prescribed MTX which has brought me under control. I don't blame him as he went through all the options with me but, with his help, this was the decision we came to. Hindsight is a wonderful thing & if I was facing those options now I would definitely choose MTX, particularly as I'm well monitored on it & because of that one slight issue I had was acted upon quickly & resolved.

I hope you have some positive responses to your question but please keep in mind we're all different & what suits one person doesn't necessarily suit another, in either natural remedies or traditional meds & very much depends on the severity & specifics of this disease. I'm not too sure if you're in the UK but if you are maybe phoning the NRAS helpline to talk things over would be of benefit?

in reply to nomoreheels

Very sound advice no more heels!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

Thanks Kikideelili. It does concern me what possibly unnecessary damage could be done when people sometimes delay through fear really necessary meds & consider alternative options without having tried the meds available for RD. I completely understand it's a heck of a blow when RD is confirmed but for me the pain was enough to accept the help of meds. Cap in hand springs to mind! If it's a headache maybe I'd try less conventional things though I wasn't even brave enough when the 4head type migraine relief (different brand name in Spain) first came out & was given a sample to try by my pharmacist!

Hope you're as well as you can be today. :)

helixhelix profile image

Some things may help some people, but they do have a patchy record. Here's a report from arthritis research on them, and their stuff is always well researched and sound.


I'm on 3 of the DMARDS and am fine - no side effects to speak of and a well controlled RA that allows me to do most of what I want most of the time. So drugs are not all bad news.

gingeq profile image
gingeq in reply to helixhelix

Thanks for the site, it was very interesting!!

allanah profile image

I am SO grateful for my biologics. I couldn't move without them! There's not much evidence natural therapies work but cod liver oil is shown to be helpful . If you read the side effects of even Paracetamol you would worry!! Good luck with your choices xx

magglen profile image

I tried a diet recommended by some Arthritis company for several months with no change. Now I wish I had gone on the medication earlier which would have prevented the finger and feet joints distortions I now suffer from. If there was an alternative cure surely we would have heard of it by now. Don't wait any longer to start the medication. My consultant told me that leaving the RD untreated did more harm to the body than any of the medications.

beauty96 profile image

I cannot have any medication. Recently had a TIA as a result of an intolerance to soya after having it for over 20 years on prescription. Feel heaps better without it and pains in the calf have gone. Now having said that...yes diet can play a huge part. have vegs and fruit if you can. Don't get fat else it is harder on the joints. Keep as active as you can. Practice Tai chi if at all possible it is my one thing I can do and teach and it is the most helpful thing I have done and I also have a great massage once a week. Look after yourself no matter what.

Hi there

My RD is agressive never the less I have tried homeopathy, reflexology and dietary changes. None made a bit of difference.

I do benefit from a healthy diet and gentle daily exercise though. I think you just have to try things alongside conventional meds. There are people that decline meds but I know when I came off all meds to try to conceive I was so ill. Never again! My son was well worth the pain and disability!!! Good luck and remember we are here for you.

Take care KiKi

gingeq profile image

Thanks, I have tried MTX for a year,and it caused liver problems, then Leflunonide for a months , and had to stop because it brought up a virus in my body!! Just had blood tested again and going back in a week to see doctor. So at this point I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to take any kind of DMARDS . And Biologics are so exspensive here in USA and insurance won't pay for them!! Doctor said they could cost from 10 to 30 thousands a year !! So I was just wondering if there was anything else that any body new of just In case ! I'll have to wait and see what the doctor has to say next week! I think I'm stressing out a bit because I do feel the pains coming on again!!! Thanks everyone, I can keep you all updated next week if you like!!! Gingeq

christy-1 profile image
christy-1 in reply to gingeq

Hi, try looking at the Clint Paddison programme rheumatoidarthritisprogram.com. It's all to do with diet and Clint has basically reversed his RA and then devised this programme. It's interesting if nothing else. I have tried several therapies as I'm doing my utmost to to avoid the awful meds and their terrible side effects. I'm now seeing an ayurvedic herbalist who has changed my diet to 80% cooked vegetables and the rest is herbs, salads, nuts etc. It depends on the severity of your RA whether you try something else. It all takes time too (this is going to take approx 3 months apparently) so it depends how you're managing your RA in the meantime. James Coburn claims to have cured his RA with MSN but I don't know much about it, worth a look. Also look at LDN research programme which is in the UK (low dose naltrexone) which claims to really help with auto immune diseases of all kinds for 'some' people anyway. Hope this helps. christy-1

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to gingeq

Has hydroxychloroquine ever been suggested gingeq? It was the first DMARD I was tried on & did get me somewhat controlled for just over a year with NSAIDs, steroids & pain relief. It hit the RD but unfortunately became less effective (either that or the RD was progressing) & so MTX was added. I understand your reluctance to take MTX which is a shame as it can be very effective but has the thought occurred to you or has it ever been mentioned by your Rheumy if it was introduced slowly & you were monitored closely then maybe that could help.

I know there we all vary in RD & how it affects us but I was intrigued by what you meant by you feel the pains coming on again. Do you not have pain all the time or are you feeling the effects of not having meds now? I only ask as if you favour some complimentary therapies some people find capsaicin cream can help them with joint pain. Could be worth a try as that won't interfere with any meds your Rheumy considers could be of benefit.

Let us know how you get on next week.

Ailsa-NRAS profile image

Hi Gingeq

I've lived with severe RA for over 30 years and when I was diagnosed the disease was treated differently. All I was given for the first 3 years into my disease was NSAIDs and pain killers and I paid the price. There is no alternative to taking the medication if you want to slow down the progression of the disease. Sadly there is no evidence that anything in the alternative camp can do this. Knowing what I know now having founded and run NRAS for nearly 14 years, if my own daughter developed RA tomorrow I wouldn't hesiate to get her onto MTX and combination therapy as rapidly as possible. MTX has a great safety record and if you are unlucky enough to have side effects or be intolerant, there are other good options. Uncontrolled disease is worse than the medication, believe me!

Good luck


gingeq profile image

Thanks everyone for the great information ! I will let you know after my doctor appoint next week what he has to say about my next treatment plan!

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