I'm waiting to to see the RA doctor on 28 July. I ta... - NRAS


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I'm waiting to to see the RA doctor on 28 July. I take cocodamol and naproxen ATM, but the pain and fatigue are unbearable? Any tips/advice

MariePT profile image
8 Replies

Would be really helpful

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8 Replies
nomoreheels profile image

Unfortunately not at this moment in time as without diagnosis there's not much else apart from not overdoing things & resting up when it becomes too much. It's an awful time but it will get better once you're started on the meds the Rheumy thinks are best for you but be aware it could take a few weeks for you to notice much difference, so hang on in there & don't think they're not working, it's not an immediate fix as they need a little time to build up. Just a little tip if you don't think about it yourself & you probably won't appreciate this as you're pain & swelling will most likely increase, but your Rheumy will, don't take either or them for a couple of days before your appointment & have your blood tests. If you do it will give a false reading as the the pain & more specifically the swelling will be suppressed somewhat & your Rheumy needs a good blood base as part of his diagnosis to decide the meds & doses for you. My GP asked me not to & had she not I wouldn't have thought of it. Were you given a ppi (omeprazole or similar) to take with what you're taking? If not, I'd ask your GP to give you some, especially if you've been on them some while.

Hope this helps & you have a good appointment. Let us know how you get on.

MariePT profile image

Thank you, this helps, I've got lanzoprazole for my stomach. I'll certainly take your advice and stop my pain med a couple of days before my appointment as I wouldn't have thought of doing that. Thanks again x x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to MariePT

No probs, hope all goes well & you have some relief sooner rather than later.

Beaches2 profile image

Hi Marie and welcome.

I well remember the pain and desperation I felt before I was diagnosed.

I assume you don't have a diagnosis yet but are waiting for further tests etc?

I have been diagnosed 7 months now and was started on some treatment straight away once I'd seen consultant.Things are not yet under control for me but am miles better than I was back then.

The advice I would give for you right now is to try not to overthink things, have a little look at the newly diagnosed section on the NRAS site just to give you some info.

Try and remain positive, if you do find you have rd the treatments now are very good and chances are you will do very well on them. For now, take your painkillers and anti infl, rest up and relax as much as possible, use ice or heat whichever helps most and try and be kind to yourself. Don't make any big decisions re work etc right now while you are feeling so bad, things will improve.

People on here said to me that the first bit is often the worst, before you get a diagnosis and begin treatment. That has been true for me so far.

Hope that's helps a little and I'm sure others will have plenty more advice and support for you.

Good luck x

MariePT profile image

Thank you, my RA factor was high in my blood so my GP referred me to the rheumy, since then the pain and fatigue has gotten worse and the flare ups come out of nowhere. My concentration is poor, I'm exhausted and I even went out of the house today with my top inside out lol. I think it'll be good to see the Rheumy and get on the right meds, I've been trying not to worry about work but it's hard not to. I'll let you all know how I get on when I see the specialist. Thanks again x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to MariePT

It's more than likely both the pain & fatigue that are making your problems worse & if you're on max dose co-codamol that'll have some affect on your concentration, does me. Afraid to say that putting tops on inside out seems to go with RD & a shoe on one foot & slipper on the other & losing keys & going through the whole households names before you get the right one - it's called brain fog but you'll get used to it!!! No seriously it is hard early days it's fear of the unknown & stressing won't help & you're Rheumy will hopefully set your mind at rest when you see him.

Any problems, just pop on here, someone will have had experience as we've all been where you are now.

MariePT profile image

Thank you x c

foxy81 profile image

The best advice I was given in the early days was to try and carry on with some gentle exercise. I found swimming best. It is difficult when you feel so tired but I think it helped. It May be worth keeping a diary or some kind of note of how you are too. This will help make sure you tell the rheumatologist everything, it is frustrating coming out of appointments and realising you forgot half of what you wanted to say or ask! Its a difficult time just now but hopefully things will improve after your appointment. Try and take things easy and not over do it on days you feel slightly better too. Its all to easy to run around trying to catch up on things then land back at square one. So much easier said than done I know. Hoping things improve for you very soon x