Does anyone have RA in their jaw? I can't eat without... - NRAS


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Does anyone have RA in their jaw? I can't eat without hearing a crunching sound.

24 Replies
24 Replies
Susiej38 profile image

I know RA can be in the TMJ joint/s- I've had it and it hurts down into my ear. More so on left side than right. Hope this helps!

It hurts that way for me, too. Is it here to stay, or will it go away?


Susiej38 profile image
Susiej38 in reply to

Pain comes and goes. Most times tolerable, but I had major problems 10 years ago, before being diagnosed with RA- started as a dental problem and progressed to jaws and neck. I am convinced now it was RA. I was getting steroid injections in shoulder and neck and nerve blocks in gums.It was a nightmare. I had a night guard made and it only made it worse. Pain was intolerable. No dr ever really figured out what it was- most looked at it as either dental problem or TMJ problem. Nerve blocks in gums helped more than anything and it was basically an injection to deaden mouth as if you were having a dental procedure and when numbness went away pain would have calmed down. That was done by a dr who was a dental specialist in pain management. I sincerely hope you don't have something like that. It was a living hell and the fact that drs could not figure out what was wrong made me think I was crazy! Forward 10 years later and when I was diagnosed in Oct. 2014 with RA it was mainly knees and wrists at first, but I also had that same pain in jaw and neck area as before. Just not as severe in jaw as before. Do not want to scare you, I believe RA can be misdiagnosed as some sort of dental/ TMJ problem.

Jeanabelle60 profile image
Jeanabelle60 in reply to Susiej38

I'm just reading through your comment Suzie, you poor thing. I can identify with a lot of what your saying. Although I do have a really great rheumy team this jaw problem was never really taken on board. I saw the x-Ray myself and was amazed at the amount of damage in the space of 4years.

I'll be seeing my rheumy in a few weeks and will highlight it with him. It's just a pity I'm left with such permanent damage.

Really hope things work out well for had a terrible time. XX

Susiej38 profile image
Susiej38 in reply to Jeanabelle60

Thanks for your comments! Right now my jaw is ok, but I believe it was RD that was never diagnosed. Hope you get relief soon!

Vandf profile image

I also have problems with my jaw. It is painful, aches and sometimes I can't open my mouth very wide. My dentist is making me a mouth splint to wear at night. It is much worse during a flare. I hope you get some relief soon.

in reply to Vandf

Yep, same here, and it is much worse during a flare. I hope the mouth splint works for you. Maybe it will keep your teeth in line.

kizzy12 profile image

hi i too get it but it does come in patches so do get relief inbetween x

Jora profile image

I had it very badly during initial onset, as well as difficulty in swallowing. But I was told that this was an element of Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I was also told to go immediately to hospital if the pain travelled as far as my temples, in case it was Temporal Arteritis as this can sometimes co-exist with RA. Thankfully, Prednisilone quickly ameliorated the problem. Hope yours improves.

in reply to Jora

I had pains in my temple, but I thought that it was the medicine. It's gone now, but I'm going to read about the Temporal Arteritis. Thanks.

mille profile image

Mine comes and goes. I have even been to the dentist thinking I had toothache when it was coming from my jaw. It is horrible. Just as well it isn't there all the time.

Jeanabelle60 profile image

i posted last week about this. i have terrible problems with my left jaw. it has been bad since i first started with RD, four years ago. this past 5 days my jaw is completely locked. my useless dentist said he would write a letter to the dental surgeon to see if i could get bumped up the list that dates back to may last GP has been great though he has been onto the dental surgeon trying to at least get me an appointment sometime this month! in the mean time i'm living on pureed fruit, mashed potatoes and rice pudding using the 'flatest' spoon i can find.... i was at my rheumy ward yesterday to get a steroid for my jaw and my weekly Abatacept injection......seems i have an infection and wasn't able to get either......another symptomless infection.......i'm not in a great place to answer your question, yes I do have pain Rheumatoid Disease in my jaw!! hope you get relief soon, all the best to you. jean XX

in reply to Jeanabelle60

Sorry that you're jaw is that bad. Mine has gotten to that point, but didn't last long. The bright side would have been that I would have lost a few pounds!

I hope you get relief very soon.

I'm still undiagnosed, unsurprisingly as I was having a good day when I went to the rheumy and my RF test was negative. So, whatever my problem, I do have the jaw thing going on. I have to sleep in a night guard, but I saw a dental specialist over ten years ago and she said there was some degeneration even back then. I now have tinnitus in my right ear that is only relieved by opening my mouth as wide as I can. I hope you manage to get some help. Xx

in reply to

I'm reading these jaw problem posts with interest as I'm suffering myself! It's interesting that you say that you are suffering also with ringing ears....I am as well I thought at first it could side affects from the meds but it seems it's common with TMJ problems.

Jeanabelle60 profile image
Jeanabelle60 in reply to

god you sound worse than seem to have some of the sympthoms of a matter of intrest, which jaw is the pain in? seems to be more the left side that the right......another bit of useless information.....all the best. jean

in reply to Jeanabelle60

Mine is more on the left side as well, but earaches instead of ringing. Now I'll have to investigate RD!

I don't know if it matters, but most of my blood tests have come back okay, RF is at 10.

farm123 profile image
farm123 in reply to Jeanabelle60

Mine is more on left as well and I am right handed.

Pands profile image

And I have damage to my TMJ from uncontrolled RA. You can't tell to look at me but the dentist & rheumy can see that I now can't open my mouth as far as I should be able to. It doesn't hurt (at the moment!) but it does have periods of grinding and locking. Best wishes.

Yes I have very painful and clicky jaw. I see dentist hygienist and dentist every three months to try and pre empt problems because opening wide is not an option !! I have had to re evaluate my diet, virtually given up meat as cannot Cherwell and tend to eat a very soft diet now. Takes me ages to eat a meal now, everyone else finishes way before me!! I cope but it's just another problem to deal with. Lynda xx

in reply to

Eating is like taking a shower now! Slowly...

I'm very glad to know that I'm not alone, but I wish we were all in a happier boat!

Jeanabelle60 profile image

thanks to all of you for replying. from what i've read on here i could be sitting here with a locked jaw for quite some time to come. there has been mention a few times of a TMJ joint ( wish i had a joint right now) so it seems to be the culprit. i won't be able to do anything until i can speak to my rheumy nurse on monday to see if i am able to get a steroid injection. i am at present 'suffering' from another symptomless infection so no joy there. the only other thing is if my wonderful GP can bump me up the queue to see a dental surgeon.......either way my mouth is closed tight until them......soup anyone???

smokin profile image

Sometimes even my teeth ache. My jaw hurts when i chew or open my mouth too wide. Something telling me to keep my mouth shut????

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