Is it worth switching from mtx pills to injections as... - NRAS


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Is it worth switching from mtx pills to injections as i dread Fridays due to feeling sick on Saturday ? Also my hair loss is stable will

antibes profile image
13 Replies

It start falling out more ? Xx

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antibes profile image
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13 Replies
Dandan profile image

I changed to the injections a year ago and have never looked back. I don't get any sick feeling at all x

antibes profile image
antibes in reply to Dandan

That's good to hear I think I'll ask my rheumy what dose are you on I'm on 15 mtx at the moment

I'd like to switch to injections as I feel sick for several days after taking MTX & I'm only on 10mgs & take Folic acid for 3 days following. I'm going to ask my rheumy in a couple of weekd time

Chanel47 profile image

I have always injected and the only side effects I have experienced are the tiredness for a couple of days post injection. However I have now reduced to 10 mg from 15 and that is much better too.

hatshepsut profile image

Would definitely recommend injections. Still feel wiped out the next day but nowhere near as bad as the tablets. I'm on 20 mg

fridayfever profile image


I would also recommend the injections, I struggled to get past 10mgs on tablet form due to nausea and hair loss and losing my weekends but moved to injections about 7 weeks ago and the difference is well worth it, I am now increasing the dosage thankfully.

Joeyrabbit profile image

I decided to go straight to injections and not even try the pills. Quite happy with this decision. It is relatively easy to get used to doing the injection. I am on 20mg. I do sometimes get tired the next day, but from what it sounds like, it is much easier than the pills.

JEM95 profile image
JEM95 in reply to Joeyrabbit

Hi, I am the same i.e. I feel generally yukky and nauseous with tummy cramps for about 3 - 4 days after my MTX. I take mine (15mg) on a Monday so that I can feel my best at the weekend! I have another appointment at the end of this month, we discussed injecting at my last visit, so I'm going to ask to do this. I'm glad to hear that people think it does make a difference. I don't like taking MTX but after six months of agony it does seem to be making a huge difference in how I feel :-)

calflo profile image

Hi I was put on 15mg MTX (tablets) in March 2010, and like many people I always felt very sick and very tired for 2 days. I hated it. I changed to injections the following year (I was informed by RA nurses that injections bypass the stomach so are much gentler on your gastric system) and have never looked back. I do feel a little out of sorts the following day, but I can leave the house and get on with life. I fortunately have never experienced hair loss.

jenwight profile image

When I first started on mtx tablets nearly 6 months ago I was just a bit sick the day after, but this gradually got worse went on for days and was more than just a bit !! I then started getting really sore mouth, blisters and ulcers followed by hair loss, because the side effects were so bad I was convinced it wasn't working anyway.

I was advised to stop taking mtx about 4 weeks ago and side effects slowly went but at the same time my joints became even more painful and stiff, I had to see GP for stronger pain relief.

I start Mtx injections next Wednesday fingers crossed it will work without the side effects, I am told it's much kinder I do hope you can switch it's certainly worth a try

Jen x

watson3 profile image

Well worth trying the Injections. They certainly work for me. Less nausea. Less ulcers. Still feel a bit unwell but much better than the tablets.

Good luck


mayap profile image

I would recommend the injections, though I hate it. I still feel drained the next day and a little sick but not as much as the tablets. Hair loss is still a problem for me though. I take folic acid 5 times a week.

antibes profile image

Thank you for all the feedback it's good to hear you all feel less sick , less blisters definitely going to ask to change . Hopefully the dreaded Friday night feeling of taking mtx will pass too xxx

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