Does anyone get breathless, even when I smoked I was ... - NRAS
Does anyone get breathless, even when I smoked I was never breathless but just lately when walking up hills or stairs I get very breathless
Hi. What meds are you on, as sometimes breathlessness can be attributed to your meds. MTX being one.
Hello Lesley, in my first year of treatment I found myself a bit breathless. I had a scan done on I have a 'thing' on my heart lung.....they told me the name of it....broncio something....not bronchitis but it sounds similar. When I spoke to my rheumy about it he said it could be related to my smoking days. It didn't stop me from getting on any drugs and I'm now on biologicals. I do sometimes get a bit breathless and a bit of swaying with it but I have to say I haven't had it since I went on my latest drug, abatacept.
Be sure t tell your team about it and they will investigate for you. Try not to worry, I know everyone says that don't they? But it worked out alright for me and it is monitored yearly must to keep an eye on it but it causes me no real bother. All the best to you and keep in contact. XX
I get breathless and lately my lungs have been mewing and creaking too, told my rheumy today but he didn't seem that bothered. I'm on MTX and Infliximab. xxx
A change like this is definitely something that should be reported, so glad you are going to talk to nurse/rheumatologist about it. As others have said sometimes meds can do it, and sometimes it can be something like early signs of inflammatory disease having a more systemic effect. Either way, its good to get advice on it early, even if it turns out to be nothing.
You should contact your rhem team. asap
Just seen your post, I too got breathless walking up stairs after I stopped smoking, I have been diagnosed with Copd, Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease for which I use inhalers for.