Easier start today, tonight has been a batt... - No Smoking Day

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Easier start today, tonight has been a battle :(

nsd_user663_64294 profile image

I woke up this morning much more positive, have been much more active today even leaving the house.

Everything that normally wouldn't bother me is irritating me so much, noises, people everything arghhh :((

I've actually thought today, what if this is my real personality, vile, no patience, saddens me today that I have no tolerance.

I've actually had a couple of glasses of wine tonight, thought this might make me want a cigarette but it hasn't..Pheww

My husband is also giving up with me which is amazing but I feel cross that he is coping so much better than me :(...

How long will it be till I feel normal, stop wanting to eat and feel energetic again??

This forum is helping me, this part of the day makes me feel proud that I've got through another day :)

Thanks for the previous messages of support, much appreciated!!

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4 Replies

It's early days Aly and I think most people feel anxious and vulnerable at the start of a quit. With me it's probably the irrational fear that I need to smoke for life to be 'normal' - how stupid does that sound!

It does get easier as each day goes by and you sound as if you're doing really well. It's good that you can share your quit with your husband - neither one of you will want to give in first (I should say at all). The over eating thing will also pass but I'm going to try and make sure I don't make too much of a pig of myself as I would like to lose a few unwanted pounds that seem to have crept up on me lately.

Keep smiling Aly, you're doing great.:D

Canwes profile image
Canwes1000 Days Smoke Free

Aly, I'm gonna give you my take on this, many say it's around 3 weeks till you feel somewhat normal and that's true for some of it, but I continued to stuggle mentaly well into week 6 and 7. I don't say this to discourage you simply that it effects people differently, the good thing is at one point we can all beat this and smile about it. Keep up the good fight and I'm so glad to hear your hubby has joined you.

Hey Aly - big hugs for getting through day 3!!! Feeling better this morning is a far cry from where you were on day two right?!!!...... It only keeps getting better and your doing well!!!!

Don't worry the husband seems to be coping better than you – its probably just clouded judgment on your part:) we are tougher than you think!! men just don't bare their feelings the same as us women folk!!

Yes, a nice run tomorrow will be good for you, help to clear your mind, build a little energy and the breathing through lungs sans smoke - will just be icing on the cake!!!

but the eating and weight thing, well... that just has to wait :) first things first!!!

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Hi Ally...Wonderful to see you have made it past day 2.

The clever guys says by this time all the Carbon Monoxide is removed from your body as well as all the Nicotine.

I am backing Canwes on the time span and especially on the statement that it differs from person to person.

Some interesting web sites I have found in my Quest to know what is happening to me stated that woman suffers worse withdrawal symptoms than men. ?? (Maybe because women has got a different mindset) Outch... now I am on thin ice..... ;)

Again I want to say it differs from person to person....

In my early days of my quit my wife decided that she is going on a Diet .....Well...... I thought that the withdrawal symptoms are the same ..... Imagine the "growling and barking".. in my household that first 3 weeks but we both make it through and achieved our goals with the support we gave each other (Growling and barking aside)

But.... Well done so far for you and the hubby and stay strong .....

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