The "wonderful" 10 week journey ! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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The "wonderful" 10 week journey !

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor
5 Replies

Just to quit smoking for a day or 2 is a huge achievement and we all know the term of hell week and heck week etc etc……. To get through this first few hours, days and weeks takes so much energy and will power that usually leaves us totally flat, sick, no sparkle, no mojo no nothing just “blah”……. Well it was my forté

It is a fact, quitting is not just taking deep breaths, sipping cold water, chew a sugary sweet but a total full scale chemical war !!!!! with lots and lots of collateral damage on the brain and body.

It is incredible for me to watch my progress report and see after 2 months and 2 weeks on the craving is only 25 % to go …….Yippeeeeee !!

On energy only reached 52 % of full possible energy level…Wow! Still got 48 % to come and I already feel this good. I have said this but still, I can’t believe my stupidity to deprive myself of this wonderful smoke free life for so long.

Well........ I really don’t know what is the full damage report and do not think I want to know. I am Just eager to continue from now on and “charge” every day with a passion for life....... !.

It certainly is to early to do a post-mortem on the Nicodemon but I will dissect this monster who kept me locked up for so many years in the months to come.

Once again thank you for all the support and good wishes. This forum rocks and will always be seen as part of my success.

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5 Replies

Hercu , all I can say is well done!! 10 weeks is fantabulous!!! just promise you'll keep it up!!! - I'm just now trying to catch up on you'all and I am so happy to read your posts. Your just so up beat its hard not to like you:o Africa and California are so far apart, but yet we share this journey together – how awesome is that!! I like the idea of dissecting the monster within – reminds me of Biology class and how much fun I had with worms, grasshoppers and such, definitely something I will try working on my own monster within:) Stay strong my friend and together our past stupidity will become just a faint memory;)

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Que....Thank you so much for the kind words....and I promise I will stay smoke free.

I have tasted,smelled and lived the freedom for 10 weeks now,and don't want to be enslaved again !!!!

After 38 years of "entrapment" I forgot what life should be like.......:o

Yes far apart, but yet so close with the same sufferings and needs of support.

(That Demon... I want to cut in small pieces and leave it in the Africa sun to dry !!!!)

Thank you once again.....

Hercu - I too have smelt and tasted freedom and its damn nice!!! even better than a hot fudge sundae with nuts and whipped cream!!! not to forget the chocolate candies and cherry on top!!!

I too was 40 years of living in entrapment, not knowing what life could offer on the other side of the road, and too damn scared to find out. But in our defense, we were just mere children when we started, hooked from the start. Ignorant to the dangers, and not knowing any different. We thought life was grand, after all we were invincible – we could do no wrong!!! Man – were we stupid or what?? Life does get better after quitting, we just didn't know it until we took that leap of faith:-))

Hi Hercu....crickey mate , I can almost hear that Dopamine flowing!!!! LOl...I think for us after so long, when the penny finally drops and we understand the true face of the drudgery we accidentally bought into, when we no longer feel that we are missing something by stopping because we really understand the truth behind the addiction, thats i think when we perhaps realise that we know at last its over.

We were ignorant fools for too long but now we are learning to redirect and reclaim our brain's pathways and memories etc, we are creating our own rewards of dopamine without nicotine to push it....we are for the first time real and awake.........Good morning to freedom..:)

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

(Quote) We were ignorant fools for too long but now we are learning to redirect and reclaim our brain's pathways and memories etc, we are creating our own rewards of dopamine without nicotine to push it....we are for the first time real and awake.........Good morning to freedom..:)(end quote)

Such wonderful words Meli....I thanked you so many times and certainly will do it more...So true and wonderful that the moment we see the light at the end of the tunnel we take control of our lives and make our own happiness.So many people would say how do you know it is not a train coming.....So bloody what .... if it is a train I will challenge it head on.....

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