OMG! 25,000+ ?: Some of you may remember me... - No Smoking Day

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OMG! 25,000+ ?

6 Replies

Some of you may remember me from a while back - I quit about 3.5 years ago. Haven't looked at my Quit Meter in a long time. Well, for some reason, I opened it today and discovered that in the time since I quit, I've saved nearly $7,000 by not smoking about 25,047 cigarettes.

That's a couple of stunning numbers I would never have believed possible when I first quit, and for those of you who are just setting out, may seem like impossible milestones. I'm here to assure you they are doable.

Don't ever give up!

6 Replies
Canwes profile image
Canwes1000 Days Smoke Free

That's terrific DGee. Glad you stuck with it and hope to follow in your foot prints. Thanks for sharing.

very encouraging, thanks for's hoping for no turning back....

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

DGee Thank you for sharing. Just making me so much more determined to live my life smoke free.

Perfect post Dgee :D Thank you for sharing, it gives so much hope to all of us - just beginning our journey!!!

Remember, you don't have to always feel 100% against nicotine. 51% is good enough. :)

Wow wish I were that far into my quit! Well done DGee 😄

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