Where has everyone gone: i can't believe how... - No Smoking Day

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Where has everyone gone

nsd_user663_19503 profile image

i can't believe how few people are on here now. When I quit there were so many supportive people I would never have made it without them. For all those new quitters never give up there is a better life without being a slave to nicotine.

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nsd_user663_19503 profile image
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23 Replies

A lot of the regular posters have either been banned or have left in the light of recent events. Not a very good time for those in need of support and encouragement.

More reason for regular posters who do still view the boards to help IMHO..

I still check in now and then. Unfortunately I am really busy at work and cannot post as often as I would like. I too am discouraged by the recent departures but this is offset by the way others seem to have stepped up to keep things going.

I am fast approaching my 100 day celebration (currently on day 96) and can think of no better place to celebrate this achievement than right here with the forum that has helped me get this far.

Keep on keeping on.


It's seems a shame in my time there were so many supportive and kind members. I don't know what happened for so many good people to leave but it's certainly not the supportive forum it was. I'll check in more often to offer what support I can.

I've noticed there aren't a lot of people on here I expected a lot more however I appreciate the support I get.

I agree the forum is quiet,but I've had some good support so I will stick around

Yes this is indeed true, so many people banned, a real shame.

On the plus new members will come, and need support, so hoping the forum can rebuild,

I do believe the crew who are now missing, had something very special, of which the like don't happen often.

I do hope the forum continues to grew, with people getting the support they need, to quit and stay quit

I'll be popping in to help new quitters :) have started training for new job so not been in so much. Promise to check in when I can :)

well, I am smoking again to my misery! I did try very hard but failed, that's why I have been away. ..I'm nor proud of failing, not one bit actually.

I am already beaten and defeated enough that's why I haven't been posting...mostly I don't want a mob to start telling me that I am a loser, I know I am...don't need anyone to tell me more :(

I am going to be back shortly on day one, but won't be today.

I have to say I miss Capitain and Karri, they helped me a lot and I felt it a lot when they left....

I still haven't given up giving up the fags, but I am failing terribly, I just cannot get my head in the right place.

well, I am smoking again to my misery! I did try very hard but failed, that's why I have been away. ..I'm nor proud of failing, not one bit actually.

I am already beaten and defeated enough that's why I haven't been posting...mostly I don't want a mob to start telling me that I am a loser, I know I am...don't need anyone to tell me more :(

I am going to be back shortly on day one, but won't be today.

I have to say I miss Capitain and Karri, they helped me a lot and I felt it a lot when they left....

I still haven't given up giving up the fags, but I am failing terribly, I just cannot get my head in the right place.

Oh my lovely, many of us have failed quits behind us that includes me, quit a few if I remember, but you know you will pick your self back up and learn from your experience, please don't beat your self up. Just realise you can do this, you really can.

Believe I yourself my lovely.

in reply to nsd_user663_59644

Thank you for the hug, much needed!

Something has changed in me this time, I know I can do this & like I said before ...I will not be a smoker forever, I will get there.

I know it sounds like I am making up excuses, but I am not in the right place right now ... I have loads of negative stuff coming to me from everywhere and I was not strong enough to stay quit, nevertheless, I am happy in a sense, because I found this forum and I know if I stick to the forum I can do it.

By the way...I am not a smoker, I am a secret smoker now LOL, I was so ashamed of my multiple failures that I am hiding...that's actually good because that way I can't really smoke much ;)

Oh mmaya don't ever give up giving up. I've been there myself, quit many times sometimes for fairly long periods then started again. Somehow this quit is different I know I'll never smoke again. One day you will know it will be the right time for you. Don't leave the forum I think you need to be here.

I want to wish you well mmaya, and hopefully see you back on the quit track. All of this is a challenge. I'm having a hard time this evening. I've had hard times with this smoking lark on and off for years. We're all different and we all deserve support and encouragement.

Capitan stopped posting not that long after I came on here, but he was the first to give support (I even thought for a good while that he was employed by BHF he was so good!). And I think Karri was close second to giving encouraging words. I miss them both. It was probably communicating with them that moved me forward in my quit.

Thanks Guys! I didn't give up...Im still reading and reading...and smoking ....I will be back again vey shortly.

About Capitain and Karri, I thought the same, they were really top class.I hope they are well and if any of them is reading this..I would like to thank them very much.

I do know that everytime I was one bit down one of them always had the right words to get me back up.

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to

Ditto - and also stay strong mmaya! xx

Right there with you :)

I don't post anymore because i have moved on with my life, I have no reason to talk or be reminded that i once smoked. Is that selfish?

When i was quitting i gave plenty of support and received plenty in return. Think my post count is a fair reflection on that.

A quit smoking forum is not he sort of place you want to spend long term is it?

For me i absolutely hated smoking. That was a massive factor in why i knew i would be a successful quitter. I'm amazed by the amount of long term smokers who say to me they enjoy smoking.

Really come on?

I smoked for 25 years with some breaks in between and i knew it was having an effect on my health. I also became less active and would avoid any physical activities. Another thing i really hated was the way it dictated my life. Smoking was never going to be long term for me. Just a shame i started in the first place.

That is why i don't post anymore. I hated everything about smoking..

My weakness is food and always will be. I find dieting harder than quitting.

kacmins profile image
kacmins2 Years Smoke Free

I agree with you rogue, it's natural for people to stop coming here once their quit is solid.

I know a lot of people who don't hate smoking. I didn't hate it when I quit, but I still stayed quit for almost 10 months now. I just knew it's the best thing I could do for my health.

That's the beauty of this world, we are all different and work in different ways. I gained around 5 kilos after I quit, but managed to lose those 5 plus additional 5 and went from 84kg in September to 74kg now. I found working out, counting calories and eating healthy immensely easier than quitting smoking.

GrahamA profile image
GrahamA3 Years Smoke Free

I don't know if Karri or Capitan have decided to leave or are just on a hiatus. I know carol62 and Lostie were banned some time after the initial purge. Now that the other forum has closed, maybe some of the exiles will come back, who knows?

I understand why some people don't come on here when their quit has established. It is possibly because they are reminded of smoking. When I used to go to the NHS service, the weekly meeting was the time when the urge to smoke was the strongest, paradoxically. I attributed it to us discussing smoking, and to smelling it on other people.

Mmaya - you are not a loser for starting again, we've all done it..Just analyse what caused you to start again, and if you want to succeed, quit again as soon as possible.

I have to agree with Rogue and GrahamA that once your quit is in place the last thing some people want to do is talk about smoking and be reminded of smoking.

Not so long ago you could come to this site and read jokes and read the funny things that people were getting up to but that all seems to have change and not for the better unless all you want is to be reminded of smoking.

Why so many were banned or just left is a mystery but this site has defiantly not benefited from it.

Billy (2 years and 3 months quit)

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

This forum has been a life savior for so many. It's not the first time it has had trouble. You put a lot of people and personalities together and conflict arises, it's inevitable. The mods keep it going... but they are only human, too.... and looks like this go around of fighting caused some serious shifting. Sad but guess what... the forum is not a few people..... in a few weeks/months those banned will have been forgotten, and all their scheming, and trying to be 'right' will be forgotten too.... one of my fav's Carol seems to have been banned.... I'm sad to see this, wish she'd not felt the need to make a stand. She was sweet, kind, and awesome.

But the forum is not about the regular's, it's not about the supporters at all. It's not about how well you write, or how many friends you make, or even how funny or smart you are. It's about the people struggling. That's it. So it's fun to have a crowd of 'regulars', it's great fun to make friends, and find a distraction here, but please remember, it's not about that at all. This forum's sole purpose is to provide support.

I'm back for a little bit to do just that.... cause this is an awesome place, and I owe it big time. See you around xo

I never posted a lot, but I was an avid reader of the forum for about my first 18 months quit. Its true what people say, the longer the quit is established, the less need you feel to come in here anymore. I never saw it as a social forum, as I think most of those who have departed one way or the other did. I did and do that side of things on twitter and in other fora. But it did help and there certainly was a atmosphere of support and encouragement which was nice to dip into.

I'm done with smoking now, 99.99999999999999% sure of that, although I also believe anyone could slip back in certain circumstances. But I wont be. So there are no losers in this, every day you don't smoke is a bonus and if you slip off the wagon, you owe it to yourself to try, try , try again. I truly believe if I can give up, and I never thought I would do, anyone can.

Education, education, education is the key. Read up on what smoking actually does to you, not just what you've been told. The thing I took out of Carr's book, which in the end cemented my quit, was the "... its not I'm so miserable I cant smoke anymore, but actually I'm so happy I don't need to smoke anymore" feeling. It was not instant but once in place it was downhill all the way. All nicotine is out of the bloodstream within 72 hours, after that there is no physical compulsion whatsoever to contend with.

And anyone who tells you they enjoy smoking has been completely conned. They don't in the slightest. They just enjoy relieving their nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Good luck to all having a go. It can and should be done.

Hello everyone ,

I still pop in every now and then,read a little post a little.

I havnt for about a mth,so could someone enlighten about posters being banned?whats all that about..please tell,what's happened and who x

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