Oh boy what is wrong with me!!!: I'm... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Oh boy what is wrong with me!!!

nsd_user663_63545 profile image

I'm struggling today, I have no idea why. I feel really down today and I have shed a few tears. I really struggled on the school run and came home and called in sick I just really couldn't face it. I just feel really down, it's like I'm trapped in a dark place and I can't get out.

I know smoking won't make me feel better but I've been thinking about them all day.

I thought being 55 days in I wouldn't feel like this but its hit me like a train!!

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nsd_user663_63545 profile image
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19 Replies

so sorry to hear your feeling down today you're doing great to have reached 55 days perhaps it's the death cry of that nicodemon. Tell him to get lost. Rant and rave all you need to but don't feed him.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi MM, 55 days is very nearly 8 weeks, this is a very dubious time for many, myself inclured, if you can just ride it out for a couple more weeks things should start to look brighter I can categorically swear to that from experience...go back to basics if u feel low, nice hot bath, good film or book, something delicious for dinner, even a nice bunch of flowers to cheer you up, hang in there, it's all going to be ok xx

Stick at it 55 days is amazing your doing so well, be proud of yourself tell Nic to do one, x

oh bless you, eliminate the obvious, are you well, tired, having a bad day ( remember non smokers can have a rubbish day too), etc. if not do exactly what Donna prescribes, and keep going, you are so close to the days when you forget you ever smoked :) x

Well day 56 today and I'm feeling a little better, not great but better. I am off to work in a bit so thought I'd give a little update now. I was ready to commit murder yesterday in between crying I just couldn't get a hold on myself, such a horrible weird feeling.

I took your advice DonnaJ and went back to basics, grabbed LARGE amounts of chocolates from the local shop, had a long soak in the bath and was in bed by 8.30 last night, ate the chocolates and fell asleep. Feeling the choc splurge this morning though!!

Have to keep plodding along and hope that it will pass and I will feel better soon.

How is everybody else feeling and doing today?

in reply to nsd_user663_63545

MM it must be a "THING" around this time of the quit, because I am feeling like an "Anti-Christ" ,I am going to spend some money on a punch bag, otherwise I will end up in jail or a mental instituition!!!

Incy_Wincy profile image

So glad you felt a bit better today madmummy :) While you're doing 'back to basics' treat some of those chocolates and baths as a celebration of how much you've achieved. Remind yourself why you wanted to quit in the first place, and be proud that you've done so much to achieve it :) I'm all for a bit of self-praise! Keep it up xx PS you're an inspiration, I've been smokefree for only 18 days - I am determined to keep it up, as I'm sure you are too. Keep fighting x

nonico profile image
nonico7 Years Smoke Free

Hope you're going well now madmummy. One thing that used to be mentioned a lot on the forum and used to help me on my bad days was HALTT. In other words are you Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Thirsty or Tired. Those feelings will make you think you want a cigarette but it not the cigarette you are needing. You need to address whatever it is in HALTT. I found that helped me a lot.

Nonico's acronym is good. It's often something else we're missing, and the smoking quit has just opened us up to those times. I hope you came through yesterday.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Well day 56 today and I'm feeling a little better, not great but better. I am off to work in a bit so thought I'd give a little update now. I was ready to commit murder yesterday in between crying I just couldn't get a hold on myself, such a horrible weird feeling.

I took your advice DonnaJ and went back to basics, grabbed LARGE amounts of chocolates from the local shop, had a long soak in the bath and was in bed by 8.30 last night, ate the chocolates and fell asleep. Feeling the choc splurge this morning though!!

Have to keep plodding along and hope that it will pass and I will feel better soon.

How is everybody else feeling and doing today?

Glad to hear it hun, chocolate and a long soak.... Bliss! Glad u are feeling a little better, hold tight, you will be so glad you did xx

Well made it... Day 57 or 8 weeks and 1 day (2 months will be on Saturday). I am still feeling a bit down (well a lot really) so have made an appointment to see the Dr, I am wondering if everything is starting to catch up with me and just want to get checked out, so I can keep going with my quit. I have to keep going I can't afford to get ill because who will look after the madbabies then.

I've never heard HALTT before but it's amazingly good actually and I think I am and have been suffering with at least 3 of those feelings for a while, Angry, Lonely and Tired. I think after seeing the Dr I need to make some changes in my life, NOT just physical ones but mental ones as well, start being a little selfish and looking after myself.

How is everyone else doing today, hope you are all doing ok and the quit is treating you kindly.

At least the weather has been beautiful, and long may it continue especially with half term just around the corner

Incy_Wincy profile image

Well done madmummy :) Appt with the doctor's a positive step, best to check in and grab any help you need I reckon. Or just be reassured/officially congratulated on your quit :)

And mummies are definitely entitled to look after themselves a bit, too! When my teenmonster was little, I used to book 'selfish-time' to recharge and feel like a human, whether it was an evening out, a nice long walk, whatever, just some time out. Selfishness isn't so selfish if it helps you look after everyone in the long run :D

I had a lovely day in the sun today by the sea, proper treat :) Hope you got out there too x

59 days and counting....................

Good evening everyone, how is everyone?

Well it's been a busy but positive few days but thank goodness it's Friday. Saw the G.P who reassured me that she didn't think I was depressed but thought it could be an accumulation of everything that has gone on in the last few months, she wants to see me again in 2 weeks to check me over and if I'm not feeling 100% she will talk about maybe prescribing Anti Depressants.

I was seriously swelling with pride when she congratulated me on my quit considering everything that has and is going on, because apart from the madbabies I have no one else, so to hear it from a real person standing in front of me I felt great. I know you guys congratulate me every step but it was different because she was in front of me and I could see her eyes and she meant it (stupid I know!)

She did say I need to start trusting people just because I've been let down and used not just by the Ex but by people I thought were my friends in the past not everyone is the same, yeah that little habit might be a little harder to break!! She also said about maybe having a night off and looking at getting a babysitter for the mad babies even once every 2 months just as a break and a treat for me.

Well I'M busy clearing out my room and packing up my bags and will be moving into month 3 tomorrow, WOW 3 months or 60 days, who would have thought it a few months back when I was ready to break that Sunday.

Have a great weekend everyone and onwards and upwards,



Great post. So encouraging. I'm about to move into a new room week 3 and feeling pleased with myself but you must be ecstatic at moving into month 3. xx

Thanks Spanisheyes, week 3 well done. How have you found it? I remember the early weeks reading the posts from other people saying I'm moving into Month 3, 4, 5, 6+ and I was so jealous I wanted to be with them, but it soon comes around. I am still in shock that it's here so quickly and you will be as well. It's the best feeling once you get that first few weeks under your belt, but I found it easier to deal with breaking in up into chunks, week 1, 21 days, 28 days. Remember though TREAT yourself, you deserve it, you have achieved so much.

Oh boy what is wrong with me!!! you said :( and I say: NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU :)

Congrats friend! ...and well done!

I also struggled big time, I think it must be a thing around this time of the quit, you did it & much better than me.

Thank you for holding my hand this week and Sorry for not helping you at all. Quitting is a selfish business sometimes and I needed time for myself.

Well DONE! :)

Yes, a great post. A good step going to see your GP.

Thank you everyone;

mmaya don't feel bad, I am glad you took the time to be selfish and to come back. Remember quitting is not a sprint it's a very long marathon with lots of bumps and nasty things trying to stop us getting to the finish line, as long as we get there it doesn't matter how we got there or did we slip and fall as long as we got up again and carry on with our journey I say we are all winners.

Come join me in my new room, it's lovely

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

What a difference a couple of days makes! You sound happy and positive again Mad M, really pleased to see this, good for u xx

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