Been here so many times before: Day 1 of the... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Been here so many times before

14 Replies

Day 1 of the cold turkey quit....again! 24 years of smoking. Quit for 4 months last year but stumbled. Multiple quit attempts since but keep giving in to the nicotine. Anyway here we go again....

14 Replies
nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Welcome to the forum Simon, you only lose when you stop trying.

If you keep giving in to nicotine is cold turkey the best method for you to start with? What methods have you used before?

One thing that would be a good idea is to look back at the reasons and situations that have caused you to break your quits in the past. Then you can try and avoid them or, failing that, have some strategies in place to deal with them.

Stick to NOPE, Not One Puff Ever. We are all addicts and have to starve this addiction to death. For nearly all of us, 1 puff or 1 smoke leads us straight back to full blown smoking. If we could control and regulate it we wouldn't be here, it controls us not vice versa. If we eliminate it for good, and never let it back in again, we take that control back.

Post often and keep us all informed of your progress, there's nearly always somebody online to help. In particular, always post if you feel you are going to smoke, we'll be here to help you through. :)

AnnMarie74 profile image

Hi Simon,

I am on day 12 cold turkey. I have smoked for 25+ years and have also tried this before. I have learned from failures though and this time I am trying to go at it one day at a time. I feel good like I don't want a puff, I could but I don't want to or else why would I keep trying to stop.

Of course this positivity comes in waves as day 9 - 11 were rough but on we go.

Wishing you the best for today x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Simon, welcome aboard, there are very few people on here who have quit first time so you are in good company :)

Hey, thanks for the kind support everyone. My problem with going back to smoking has been the use of rationalisations, especially after day 4 or 5 of nicotine withdrawal. These will be around weight gain, or foggy thinking. Equally, I get low moods and smoking has helped with this due to dopamine stimulation and that cigarettes have an anti depressant effect. Trying to remove these rationalisations are the biggest challenge, and are part of my addicted thinking schema I suppose.

nsd_user663_58050 profile image

Welcome Simon. I wish you well in your quit. I'm third day in now with Champix, but no NRT. I get anxious and depressed at times, but I know the smoking doesn't really help with either. I'm trying (I am) seeing this quitting journey as one of self-discovery. People on here also help; very supportive and encouraging. I didn't think it would make much of a difference to me but comments and encouragement, and me posting, are making a great deal of difference. all the best.

There's some really good positive support on here and that's great! Just slowly getting through day 1....;)

in reply to

Last time I thought about smoking a , I actually felt guilty because everybody in this forum is always so nice to me...and I didn't smoke!...maybe it will work the same way for you :)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

I didn't think it would make much of a difference to me but comments and encouragement, and me posting, are making a great deal of difference. all the best.

Hurrah! :)

nsd_user663_4609 profile image

Hi Simon, how are you doing? I am a week into a CT quit , my final quit, I had two mini quit trials before this one though, I see them as a positive, they show you can do it, you learn where you went wrong and know the pitfalls. CT is hard, you know you can do it..xx

in reply to nsd_user663_4609

I've lost count of my previous quit attempts! However, you do learn from previous quits, and quiitting becomes less scary. From my experience the first 2-3 weeks is the worse and then it gets a whole lot easier (cold turkey that is). Good luck with your final quit!

AngryBear profile image

Hope you're still with it Simon, post on here as much as you can, this forum made all the difference for me at least....

Incy_Wincy profile image

I agree that this forum is a massive help. So many wise people!

Best wishes Simon.

I'm here after two failed quits, the first I'm gutted about, 2 years in and refusing a cigarette in a bar, I eventually caved in under pressure, stupidly thinking I could take it or leave it... so wrong, it was like I had never had 2 years smoke free. Again I tried, maybe at the wrong time, had a lot happening in my life but gave it a go, 3 months I was fine, then I hit a wall, felt like I couldn't cope any more without a cigarette, my mother was terminally ill and again, I caved. I have a quit date in 4 days time, I feel ok about it up to now, slight panic, nothing major, I'm taking champix and although I have the craving, once I light the cigarette I'm not sure why I've bothered, it tastes horrible (never thought I'd say that about a but... I'm starting again, I know there are pitfalls, and would never think I can 'just have one' that's the one, after all the hard work, that unravels the determination and that's the one that drags you right back into it... So good luck with your Day 1 Simon, in 4 days time I'll be here saying the same thing... :)

Incy_Wincy profile image
Incy_Wincy in reply to nsd_user663_63910

Hello and welcome! Stick around Picknmix....(mmmmm...sweeties!)

It really really helps to post here, and read others' posts too :D

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