Back again: Hello everyone Well I'm back... - No Smoking Day

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Back again

nsd_user663_51263 profile image
16 Replies

Hello everyone

Well I'm back again for another go says me hanging my head in shame. Can't tell you how many times I've tried this but I'm still not giving up on giving up. I'm determined to win this battle no matter how long it takes so hoping that this really will be my time.

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nsd_user663_51263 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hi Linda, another day another dollar eh? :)

The fact that you come back time and again shows you want to quit, perhaps you really need to focus on exactly why you keep relapsing and concentrate on strategies to avoid or overcome those situations.

You know what to expect in terms of craves etc, so what is it that keeps you going back to smoking? If you can really pinpoint that, it may prevent you repeating history again.

Post regularly and always come here if you've even the slightest thought of lighting up.

You can do this, have faith and courage :)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hi Linda, after my first post I had a quick look at your posting history.

Whilst sometimes you have stopped posting because you lost a quit, it does appear that you drift off the forum after 3 or 4 weeks even if your quit is still going.

In an attempt to change history, and get you your forever quit, how about trying to stick like glue to the forum and post everyday for at least the first 6 months?

It can't do you any harm, and in my 3 years here I've noticed that the majority of successful quitters on here tend to stick to the forum for at least that long, and often right up to their 1 year mark.

Got to be worth a try hasn't it? :)

nsd_user663_63114 profile image

Hi Linda, looks like you've got your supporters in! Wishing you all the best for this quit and making this one the final quit. X

nsd_user663_4609 profile image

Good luck...I find coming on here during a bad crave really can do this x

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

If it was easy to give-up there would be no forum. It's a process that takes time and effort which you are putting in Linda = magic. :cool:

nsd_user663_51263 profile image

Thanks for your support folks. I have to admit that I had to pluck up some courage and swallow my pride before showing my face on here again but it feels good to be back.

What can I say - I've probably had more attempts at quitting than I've had hot dinners but I still want to do it more than anything.

Good to meet you Caroline, Alibonger and Dicko and thankyou for your lovely messages. I was worried that noone would reply this time as I've been here quite a few times before and I'm not one of the forum's success stories yet. I'm hoping to change that this time though.

It's good to hear from you too Buttercup and please say 'Hello' to Hayley for me - is she not around on here anymore? My strategies for quitting are just cold turkey but I do have an e cig that I only intend to use in emergency situations - if I get really desperate to run out and buy cigarettes.

I will stick around this time Capitan, no drifting away as I've done so many times before when I found it easier to smoke than quit (each time I felt disgusted with myself though). I know quitting's all about common sense and willpower and I'm trying to focus on that to help see me through. Being able to share this quit mission with others who don't judge and know what it's all about is an enormous help and that's why this forum works for so many. I know I've got to knuckle down and put the effort in as well though but I will stick around this time.

So far so good:).

nsd_user663_51263 profile image

Karri it's good to see you back too. I think we two certainly have a lot in common where quitting is concerned and I would love for the pair of us to finally win our battle. At least we deserve 10 out of 10 for trying lol.

Keep going, you're doing fine. Hope I can do the same.;)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

So, is that a deal Linda?

At least 1 post per day for the first 6 months to start with?

Mange Tout, you know it makes sense :p

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Still with us Linda? I hope so :)

Let us know :)

nsd_user663_51263 profile image

Still here Capitan :) and glad to see the forum's up and running again. I seem to have got through 90% of each of the last 4 days quite welll but the other 10% has been a bit of a trial. The cravings or urges to smoke seem to come out of the blue and they do take some beating but I know it's no good giving in to them any more. Apart from that though I can already feel my energy levels rising and the tell tale bit of a smokers cough that I noticed first thing in the morning has gone already.

I'm determined not to fall off my horse again Karri and I hope you can stay on yours too.

Hello Lostie, lovely to see you again, it's good to be back.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Great to hear Linda and hey, at 4 days I wish I could have got through 90% of each day ok, it was a struggle for me for several weeks.

The cravings will do that for quite a while Linda, you'll be cruising along smoothly then bam, on comes a crave. Now, if you prepare yourself for that and accept that it's going to happen, it won't surprise or demoralise you, it's just part of a typical journey through a quit.

Above all else stick to NOPE. Don't feed the habit and it will, eventually, disappear. :)

nsd_user663_51263 profile image

I Know that some days will be easier than others Capitan and I just hope I can cope with the bad ones - you know, the ones when the only thing you can think of is the overpowering urge to have just one more cigarette. I've been a victim of that for years and that's why I'm still here trying again to beat this addiction.

It's going to take time before I can start thinking of myself as a non/ex smoker but when that time does come I'll be over the moon. I actually think it will be my biggest personal achievement because giving up smoking really seems to be my biggest challenge in life. Sounds sad when said like that but it certainly makes me more determined to finally do it.

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Oh yes, even after 3 years I can still remember all the days when I really wanted to just light up a cigar, just one, just one more time. I'd make imaginary deals with myself that if I just had one more that would be it for good. Just one more.

But I knew that it would never be just one more. I knew that it would be just one more packet, then another and another.

I never, ever wanted to go through the grief of those early days again, once was enough. That's what kept me going, the thought of having to go through all that again. I forced myself to believe the successful quitters who told me it would get better, after all, they wouldn't lie to me would they? I found it hard to believe them, but I put my trust in them. Give it enough time, the time between you and your last smoke, and it will get better they said, and they were right. Time really does heal.

That's what got me through, knowing that one day I'd never be a slave to smoking ever again. If I did it once and hang on no matter what, it would be over, forever.

Now it's me telling you the same thing. Do it once and never again, it really does get better if you just give it enough time. You have to believe, you have to trust. You do trust me, don't you? :)

nsd_user663_63114 profile image

It is sad that we ever started smoking, armed with the knowledge we have now we would never have started. I can remember the old Nationwide programme with people trying to stop smoking in the 1970's, it was classed as family entertainment!

It isn't funny, it is so hard to stop , but you can do this x

Jess9 profile image
Jess91000 Days Smoke Free

Well done, 4 days is amazing I just keep saying I'm might smoke again, but I'm not going to smoke today x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Just take each day as it comes Linda, hour by hour if necessary, just stick at it, it is soooo hard I agree but we can do this x

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