Determined: Hi everyone, seems I have decided... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_4609 profile image
18 Replies

Hi everyone, seems I have decided to quit at a rough time for the forum! Anyway I am 38, smoked since I was 14 and decided today is the day...not so bad so far but early days...look forward to chatting to you all x

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nsd_user663_4609 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Wow, a 6 year gap between posts Ali - welcome back! :)

Stick closer to the forum this time and post often.

Quitting smoking makes people tetchy so upsets are bound to occur from time to time, but there will always be someone here to help, have no fear about that.

Make this time the last time you have to start a quit, don't regret it like I do and leave it till you are 50 plus!

I never thought I could quit but I have, you can do it too - let's have it this time! :)

nsd_user663_4609 profile image

Yeah, I stopped for two months, was overconfident on a night out , had one which turned into 1000's...eejit...will not be making that mistake again. Will be sucking all the support I can out of the board :-)

nsd_user663_63095 profile image

Hi Alibonger

Welcome back :D

Are you using anything to help you with your quit? NRT?

Good luck and keep on top of it :)

nsd_user663_4609 profile image

Just using willpower, polos and a picture of my three beautiful kids who deserve a better role model , thank you :-)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Yeah, I stopped for two months, was overconfident on a night out , had one which turned into 1000's...eejit...will not be making that mistake again. Will be sucking all the support I can out of the board :-)

Oh yes, us addicts can never have just 1.

1 is 1 too many and 1,000 is never enough. We have to stick to NOPE - Not One Puff Ever.

Looking forward to following your journey, this time next year you'll be in the Penthouse with us - a cold one is already on ice waiting for you :cool:

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Hello and a huge welcome from me, getting off to a good start,

Please post and read often,

Great to have you with us, sending a little luck your way, and look forward to future posts

nsd_user663_63095 profile image

mmmm i love polos. dont have too many though, i think they are laxatives if you have too many :o

nsd_user663_4609 profile image

One way to lose the extra weight I am scared of gaining I guess !!

Just had a hurrah moment, found a packet of fags containing three in a coat pocket I haven't worn in a while...I ripped them up and threw them away straight away, then squirted washing up liquid on top just to be sure...bought some posh shampoo as can't wait for non stinky hair...hoping to stay this strong...

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Top man!

Have you thought about starting some sort of exercise regime such as running, cycling or swimming (which is what I do).

Smoking/nicotine releases dopamine to your receptors which gives you a feeling of pleasure and well being. When you stop smoking and eliminate your nicotine intake, your body misses the daily hit of dopamine.

Exercising also releases dopamine into your body (in a safe way) and can be used to replace what you are no longer getting from smoking.

That, combined with it's health benefits, makes excercise a really good quit aid. :)

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Hi and welcome back, sounds like your determined! This is it and we'll be with you all the way, helping each other along :)

nsd_user663_63277 profile image

Hi ali, and welcome to the forum from me. How has the day been for you? Have you got anything planned with the time that you are saving not smoking?

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Oye Ali! Where are you?

If you're still quit, keep posting your progress, people do much better at the start by sticking close to the forum.

If you crashed and burned, don't worry, stay with the forum and start again.

The last time you didn't stick with the forum, look how long it took you to have another quit attempt.

I know you logged on this morning, so come back and post. Nobody will bite, we all want you to succeed. :)

nsd_user663_4609 profile image

Hi, sorry, thank you all for your replies. Hanging in there but struggling. I will be honest I lurked for months and Max was a huge inspiration and one particular post he did encouraged me to set my quit date, feel very sad he has been banned. Not sure what is happening with the board but banning people like him is to me ridiculous. As a lurker he was encouraging and motivating, what the board needs surely?

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Hi, sorry, thank you all for your replies. Hanging in there but struggling. I will be honest I lurked for months and Max was a huge inspiration and one particular post he did encouraged me to set my quit date, feel very sad he has been banned. Not sure what is happening with the board but banning people like him is to me ridiculous. As a lurker he was encouraging and motivating, what the board needs surely?

it sure is pure madness atm with long term members that have only wanted to help and encourage people in there quit to be treated so badly is just so disrespectful and down right a disgrace

really hoping that things improve soon on here and i also hope all this upset doesnt stop you from posting

onwards and upwards is the only way to go

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Good to see you back and still quit Ali :)

It is tough, but you knew that and you also know it is achievable.

Stick closer to the board this time, post when you need help, post if you can help others, and you will succeed :)

nsd_user663_4609 profile image

Should add Capitan you are also a huge inspiration on the board...thanks for the advice on exercise, did 30 day shred yesterday, can't walk today but it helped :-)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Hahaha! When I went back to swimming (after the best part of 40 years) it nearly did me in!

Now I'm swimming miles every week, getting fitter, toning up and not missing smoking one bit.

You really can do it, you just have to have that stubborn mindset until not smoking becomes the new norm for you, and believe me, that day does come :)

nsd_user663_42220 profile image

Another call out for Ali! :)

You're logging on but not posting! Still quit? I hope so :)

If you are it's your 5th day today isn't it? Start a thread in the "Days 4-7" section and let us know. :)

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