Day 5: Hey guys :) Well here we are into day... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 5

nsd_user663_61248 profile image
24 Replies

Hey guys :)

Well here we are into day 5. Another test as it's my first day back at work without a fag! Ahh well, my resolve is strong! Not going to be back on till later, hope you all have a good day and keep on keeping on!

Jim :)

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nsd_user663_61248 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Your doing great Jim,look ahead and plan ahead,that way you won't fall into any traps.

Water gum fresh fruit sugar free sweets are all things that helped in the early days........😆

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

And how very well you are doing, it may help at work as your time is much dictated my routine, good luck for today.

Nearly a week under your belt, can you believe that ?

nsd_user663_62846 profile image

Good work Jim, we're all with you mate :)

Hi Jim. Hope your day is going well. I find it easier when I am at work as there is less opportunity to smoke and none of my colleagues smoke. Just think, by the time you read this tonight, we 2015 quitters will be almost on day 6 and planning our weekly treat. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Nice one Jim :)

...And I trust all you January Quitters are planning a splendid way to celebrate getting Week One under your respective belts? Tell you what, if you carry on at this rate you'll all be in Halfway House before you know it. :D

nsd_user663_63277 profile image

Hi jim. Well done back at work today. Was the same for me too, first day back today. Has been the hardest day so far in some ways. I wonder what I could do tomorrow as it will be a week for me?

nsd_user663_61085 profile image

Evening all :)

Back to work for me today too,so it was a day of breaking old habits since in the past smoking has pretty much punctuated the working day for me!

Get up - black coffee and 1st ciggie

Drive to work - ciggie at traffic lights then another at roundabout

11 am - ciggie break with mate

1pm - ciggie break after lunch

2.30 pm - in between meetings ciggie

4 pm - afternoon ciggie with mate

Drive home - ciggie at roundabout then another at traffic lights

But not today - feeling rather pleased with myself, and hope all the rest of you January quitters are patting yourselves on the back and feeling suitably proud

On we march :D :D

Lovely to see you Starting_Life, just that little bit ahead, blazing a trail for us all



nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Well done mina and jim x

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Hey guys :)

Wow, so today was tough. I always knew I was going to struggle going back to work. The problem I have is that I don't have a routine as such at work. I'm a self employed chippy and I am working with my best mate, so we get up to different stuff everyday, but we could and did smoke wherever and whenever we wanted. I used to smoke far more during the working day than I did in my spare time. Shocking really. Anyway, my mate and the the other guys are still all smoking, but I resisted temptation and pushed through. Got my head down and got on with work. It was tough. But I did it, and in no small part to you guys on here. I was tempted but I didn't succumb, I didn't want to smoke, I didn't want to fail and I didn't want to let down all the wonderful people on here that have been so kind and thoughtful and have given me such encouragement. You all got me through it today, and for that I am truly thankful :)

Right, so that's Day 5 nearly done, and for me, one of the toughest tests passed. To all 2015 New Years Quitters, I hope you have managed to get though today relatively unscathed, and we will march on together into Day 6 shoulder to shoulder. No matter what the temptation, no matter what the stress we will do this. To everyone with a quit, be it a day old or years old, very well done, and always keep on keeping on!

Thank you all once again for your kind words and encouragement throughout my quit, it means so much to me :)


nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Hi Jim. Hope your day is going well. I find it easier when I am at work as there is less opportunity to smoke and none of my colleagues smoke. Just think, by the time you read this tonight, we 2015 quitters will be almost on day 6 and planning our weekly treat. :rolleyes:

Hey Kent :)

Definitely need a treat, not sure what to do, but need some little celebration. To be honest, given my recent track record on quitting, getting through the first week is a miracle! Hope you're getting on ok buddy :)

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Hey Starting_life

It was a tough day, but you are blazing the trail for us guys, we will be right behind you for the first week :) hope you are getting on ok

Sally6 profile image

Brilliant news Jim. Shows true determination to get through a day like that.

Sally6 profile image

Mina, very well done to you too.

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Hey Mina :)

Very well done on breaking away from the deadly fag routine. I have to admit I struggled this morning when I was driving to work, got in the car, drove to garage, bought coffee, drove off, drank coffee on way to work, and that is where I would have had a fag. It felt really odd not having one, but I didn't. And you know what, I was so proud I didn't have one!

So well done you, breaking that routine is a corner turned in my book, here's to Day 6 :)

nsd_user663_61085 profile image

Hope tomorrow is a bit better for you Jim, every bad day is a day we don't have to do again, and a learning opportunity! We are going to rock this - trust me :)


nsd_user663_61085 profile image

Hi Karri - waves.....look at us!! We're doing it!!

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Hope tomorrow is a bit better for you Jim, every bad day is a day we don't have to do again, and a learning opportunity! We are going to rock this - trust me :)


You are so right Mina, and I will use it as yet another reason for not smoking. Why would I want to throw it all away by having a fag, when I have put myself through the mill already! Bless your heart, we will rock it! :)

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Awww jim you're doing so well. Every day you are showing more strength.

A bit off topic but if I buy wooden skirting boards can I just put no more nails glue and stick them on the wall x

Ahh thank you Karri :) it's tough for everyone, but we will all get there!

Lol, yes you can stick skirting to walls with just adhesive, but you really need to wedge them in place until it goes off. Walls are rarely straight or flat so unless you are lucky, one end, or the other, or the middle may ping off before the glue has set leaving big gaps on the top edge. I normally use Gripfill and screws, but Gripfill (the solvent based one in a green tube) will do it on its own :)

nsd_user663_54549 profile image

Well done Jim! Good luck mate :)

nsd_user663_40832 profile image

I don't think I could have had more of a "back to school" feeling this morning unless i was literally going back to school, shocking. I had a few moments, thinking about being sad and would a fag cheer me up. Obviously it wouldn't, but the 20 years of conditioning make you think maybe, these thoughts be it irrational just need a quick swat away.

Well done on your 5 days Jim, day at a time and onwards !

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Well done Jim and Mina

Mina - great news that you made it through the day. There is something about smoking in the car, isn't there? Used to enjoy it at the time, then spend ages freezing with the windows down to get rid of the smell! It felt great today to rock up into the office, not smelling of stale smoke or an excess of air freshener! I loved your wise words to Jim, such a positive attitude can only help us all.

Jim - I agree about the support of others on this site as the 'twelfth man' on our quitters team. Somehow giving in to a crave would not only let ourselves down, but all of our supporters too.

Starting_life - hello! How does it feel to be leading the cavalry charge in our battle against nicotine?

We should all be proud of making it this far - go team 2015!!

nsd_user663_63277 profile image

Hey Mina :)

Very well done on breaking away from the deadly fag routine. I have to admit I struggled this morning when I was driving to work, got in the car, drove to garage, bought coffee, drove off, drank coffee on way to work, and that is where I would have had a fag. It felt really odd not having one, but I didn't. And you know what, I was so proud I didn't have one!

So well done you, breaking that routine is a corner turned in my book, here's to Day 6 :)

jim seems quite similar to my drive to work. Will be harder tomorrow as the traffic will be back on the motorway so more standing around.

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Heheh, no probs Karri, I'm happy to help :)

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