into month four!: Well it was... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

5,244 members32,490 posts into month four!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image
8 Replies

Well it was 3 months yesterday, I didn't post as I feel a bit fed up still.....I bought an ecig, must stop beating myself up about it though, it's still not a REAL fag...... I am hoping it will see me over the Xmas hump and then I'll ditch it, I have learnt from using one last time what it can lead to so I am very very conscious of what I am doing, hope everyone is well, I haven't posted much but had to pop in today to say congrats to my old mucker Skiddaw on her 1 year quit, flipping marvellous! Thank you again for your words of support it means more than you know xxx

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nsd_user663_2681 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thanks mate, I reckon if I get through Xmas I got this in the bag :) xx

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Hi Donna , you are so In control of this quit we all need a little help along the way, so using a e-cig over Xmas is no harm done. Your stronger than you think and at times I no we don't want to be strong but your here like me for the long haul, you just keep going my lovely,.

I,m sorry your a little down, it doesn't help does it when every one is big smiles for Xmas, but this is such a little moment in time, it will pass and I bet you happier times are ahead for you.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thank you my lovelies, I honestly don't know what I would do without this place xxx

Ola44 profile image

Hey Donna, month 4 is great, you are doing fab x

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

Hi Donna. Correct, you MUST stop beating youself up because you're doing just fine. You are not smoking and you are not going to smoke. You're doing exactly what you need to do to stay off the cigarettes.

Everything is positive. You're into month 4, you're not smoking and you've got the lovely new puppy to look forward to.

Don't ever lose sight of how well you're doing and let anything people have ever said on here put you off. You're doing just fine thank you very much :)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thanks everyone xxxx

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Donna my dear girl,

Firstly, a huge Thank You from me for your lovely post on my Penthouse thread. I really do appreciate your kind words and it was so good of you to pop your head around the door despite feeling a bit off-colour.

Secondly, my HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS on your arrival in the Month Four room. Who cares whether you're using an e-cig on a temporary basis? In fact, you having the wherewithal & experience to know that's what is needed temporarily just shows how strong your quit is and how far you have come. I'm with Tea- there's going to be the biggest Penthouse party ever seen come late summer/early autumn 2015 and you're going to be playing a starring role so better start chosing that dress now!

I really hope that today is a better day for you but whether it is or not you will come out the other side of this temporary hump, and it'll happen soon I promise. All my love heading your way. :) xxx

nsd_user663_62360 profile image

Hurrah Donna! Glad to see Your still going strong buddy!

You might feel a bit fed up but you had a choice to make..... To smoke or to refocus and take your mind away from that old habit! You chose the latter and the best one:) so what if you have to puff on an e cig! It's way better than a fag!

Also dreading the festives, it's a testy time for all quitters, but we know that we can keep going! I have no doubt I'll be greeting you in 2015 smoke free! Hugs xx

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