Patches advice: I'm off to see my no smoking... - No Smoking Day

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Patches advice

nsd_user663_62886 profile image
8 Replies

I'm off to see my no smoking counsellor this Friday for more patches. I've will have been on my current ones for 4 weeks by then. I think she mentioned about cutting the dose down but I'm not sure what to do. Having an emotional rollercoaster this week but weirdly enough I do NOT want a cigarette. I'm just struggling with the highs and lows which is happening at lightening speeds these days. Is it a good idea to drop or not?

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nsd_user663_62886 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_62886 profile image

Thank you. I suppose the emotional bit will still be around regardless and jumping down probably won't make it any worse...I hope :eek:. I do have an inhalator which I don't use so could introduce it if I really need to. You are right though and I'm going to have to do it eventually :)

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Hello, I used the patch method, but realised early on its not a sprint this quitting, so for me I took my time I cut the corner off the full strength ones for a couple of weeks before I dropped down to the next level.

Don't let any one rush you of course there is a average length of time for the the patch, prior to coming off completely, but we are here for the long haul, whatever you decide your doing amazing,fantastic

Just keep going:)

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi I used patches like the other post said take your time.don't rush and defiantly don't stress about it , good luck.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image


A forum friend of mine quit using patches and he used them for 9 months in total, he is still quit though and getting on for 2 years fag free... dont rush into dropping the patches, it is quite a big drop, I dropped after 6 weeks and was quite irritable again for a few days... Im due to drop again to 7mg in 2 weeks, I might carry on with the 14's though until Christmas is out of the way as that will be a MASSIVE trigger for lots of us on here, do whatever feels right for you without compromising your quit xx

nsd_user663_62886 profile image


A forum friend of mine quit using patches and he used them for 9 months in total, he is still quit though and getting on for 2 years fag free... dont rush into dropping the patches, it is quite a big drop, I dropped after 6 weeks and was quite irritable again for a few days... Im due to drop again to 7mg in 2 weeks, I might carry on with the 14's though until Christmas is out of the way as that will be a MASSIVE trigger for lots of us on here, do whatever feels right for you without compromising your quit xx

Oh DONNA that's good to know! I keep getting told I won't notice the drop. Will speak to her Friday and see what she thinks. Can't get anymore irritable than I am. Totally hit a brick wall and feeling sorry for myself. This week feels like a string of Day 3's :(

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Dolores, just wanted to send a few virtual hugs your way, along with my congratulations for holding on in there despite feeling pants at present. It probably doesn't help when everyone keeps telling you that it will pass (even though it does) so I wont (;)).

You're a star you know- you really are- and I shall be keeping everything crossed for you getting through this mirey patch as soon as possible. You'll feel SO good about yourself when you've done it (it does wonders for your self-esteem :)).

nsd_user663_62886 profile image

Dolores, just wanted to send a few virtual hugs your way, along with my congratulations for holding on in there despite feeling pants at present. It probably doesn't help when everyone keeps telling you that it will pass (even though it does) so I wont (;)).

You're a star you know- you really are- and I shall be keeping everything crossed for you getting through this mirey patch as soon as possible. You'll feel SO good about yourself when you've done it (it does wonders for your self-esteem :)).

Thanks for the kind words. Im sorry for being such a moan on here when everyone is trying to be positive.It's coming up to the first anniversary of my brothers passing and to make matters worse my little brother was in Intensive care for a second time in 2 weeks. He's now out of hospital so I haven't got that worry anymore but it was clinging on to me or rather the nicotine monster jumped on the back of it to weigh me down! Decided to shake that little s*** off and stamp him into the ground with my heel!!!

I promise when I get over this hump I will be be posting lots of positive stuff just to show anyone starting out then you can sink low and bounce straight back up! I know I will and I WILL NOT cave!!! I DO NOT need disgusting cigarettes and I do believe it will get better otherwise I wouldn't be clinging on by the tips of my fingers! That said I have claws and they aren't letting go. :D

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Don't you ever, ever feel you need to be sorry about anything Dolores. All I can say is that to remain as strong and committed as you have done, despite all the horrid things that life has thrown at you over recent weeks, is one mighty achievement. There are very few of us, I think, who could have taken all that so early in our quit and not succumbed.

And you don't winge. :)

May you have an easy ride for the foreseeable future because you deserve to.

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