Massive fail!!!!!!!!!!: Went to the pub... - No Smoking Day

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Massive fail!!!!!!!!!!

nsd_user663_62400 profile image
39 Replies

Went to the pub tonight (day 6) and managed quite fine until about 10pm, thereafter it's quite the norm for a round of shots to be ordered here in CZ.... anyway, after several rounds of beers and shots I am disgusted to say I only managed to fail by ONE cigarette :P

I actually walked home from the boozer grinning about it :-)

I don't care if any of you say it's a slippery slope, for me it's a RESULT, and if I do the same next Friday I shan't be counting this as a fail.... so roll on Day 7, I'm ready for you ya beetch :D

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nsd_user663_62400 profile image
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39 Replies
nsd_user663_62400 profile image

Preach away.

I could also argue that quitting by using patches and NRT means until you quit those you are also on day one.

And kindly, do NOT call me 'pal', thank you

nsd_user663_62400 profile image

Actually, you know what? For that one pompous reply from Max, I am not going to bother with this site any more.

nsd_user663_62392 profile image

hmmm got to say i agree smoking really is all or nothing, and there is no need to throw the toys out when someone responds in honesty with an opinion

not saying that to undermine your sense of self achievement, if you thought drinking would be your hardest situation then its not the end of the world for you to have one, i just really would not call it a win because cigarettes and nicotine are sneaky little buggers

dont let it sneak back in or undermine the potential for addiction

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Oh dear, Pavel, it's is so true indeed that having one fag on a Friday night, is indeed still smoking.

Maybe ask yourself why.

Did it taste nice?

Did it smell nice?

Was the crave to strong?

So many reasons, but this is your quit and of that, it is entirely up to you if you smoke or not,!,,,,,,,,,:(

I do hope you continue with your quit, doing so well, pick your self up and start again

MAx knows his stuff, and In general his advice is on the ball, with the best of intentions for us all to quit, and stay quit.!,,,,,:)

nsd_user663_62023 profile image

Such a shame that honest, well meant advice is dismissed so aggressively. Hope you return PP and contiue your quit or was that the excuse you were looking for to go out and buy some.

It wasn't your fault it was all Max.

I used to do that with my other half.

Oh nicotine is a tricksy beast.

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

One honest opinion is enough for you to flounce off the forum? Hmmm, IMHO me thinks either you aren't serious about quitting or were still in your stroppy beered up mode, although I think you were quite prepared to fail from comments in an earlier post, either way, you decided to smoke, felt smug about it then didn't like the response to your bragging. You may not like the honesty of so many of the members here, but in reality the only person who's honesty you should care about is your own, if you are serious about quitting you know one fag is one too many. Also, I think it worth mentioning, as this is a no smoking forum (the clue's in the title) I don't think any one of us here would advocate your attitude to quitting, especially those serious enough to stay smoke free using NRT.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

To me smoking is a binary thing, you either smoke or you don't anything else is just a variation on quantity. Quitting smoking is different to reducing your intake of nicotine and the trouble with the odd one here and there is that it can easily re-kindle the nicotine dependence.

It starts off with the odd one with a drink, then one after a special meal and then any meal become "special", then holidays don't count and before you know it you are right back to square one.

There is a massive difference between a non smoker and an occasional smoker the main one is that the latter is playing Russian roulette with their quit.

The whole mindset of not smoking really should be aimed at getting to a state where the prospect of smoking isn't interesting and not smoking isn't depriving yourself. In that respect I have succeeded and I can promise you that its a great place to be.

__steve__ profile image

Actually, you know what? For that one pompous reply from Max, I am not going to bother with this site any more.

You're the one who called this thread 'massive fail', Pavel :rolleyes:

Come on, dude, don't burn your bridges.

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Pav, in case you come back & read this, I have to say I'm with the others on this one. Those of us on the forum who quit using NRT (me included) can tell you that there's a huge difference between NRT and smoking a fag, and I think you know that really, just as you know that however patronising we may collectively sound (and it isn't intended to come across that way) we have the rights of it because we're all been there at some point or other.

I rather get the impression you were still in your cups when you originally posted (apologies if I'm wrong) and as my friend's dad always used to say, when the drink's in, the wit's out (:)) so you may be feeling different about everything by now. Many of us (again, I include myself) had to make a conscious decision to avoid alcohol (and, indeed, some social situations) for a while, until our quits were established enough to withstand the effect a few drinks can have and it may be that you need to consider doing the same just for a time.

Pav, no-one here wants to be judgemental or contentious but we were (and are) rooting for you and wanting you to succeed. Sometimes the only way to do that is to say things you'd rather not hear.

Anyway, what's done is done and I really hope you can pick yourself up, dust yourself down, learn from the experience and move on. We shall all still be here if you decide to return.

nsd_user663_61728 profile image

This is supposed to be a supportive forum is it not? Everyone's quit is different. I think it is a shame that Pavel feels he doesn't want to use this site any more because he came on here, thought that he would share in what he thought was a success and then everyone denied that it was (though the title of the thread was misleading as to the content).

I agree with Max, you either smoke or you don't and there is a huge difference between NRT and smoking but I think the response to this post has been a little off from everyone? Quitting is difficult for everyone and I think in the first week we can all excuse Pavel for getting a little angry and pee'd off, we were there too...

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Pavel was made up that he only had one ciggy and well done to that man as it obviously meant a lot to him, however Max's response wasn't wrong as I'm similar you either quit of start again, it by no means was offensive enough for a abrupt "f*k u* type of response.

Maybe next time no ciggys in the pub :)

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

This is supposed to be a supportive forum is it not? Everyone's quit is different. I think it is a shame that Pavel feels he doesn't want to use this site any more because he came on here, thought that he would share in what he thought was a success and then everyone denied that it was (though the title of the thread was misleading as to the content).

I agree with Max, you either smoke or you don't and there is a huge difference between NRT and smoking but I think the response to this post has been a little off from everyone? Quitting is difficult for everyone and I think in the first week we can all excuse Pavel for getting a little angry and pee'd off, we were there too...

Kirstie, we are all more than willing to offer support to anyone who needs it, I think you'll find the one or two, who were "off" felt that Pavel had reacted poorly to Max's post. Yes we have all been there and apart from a few trolls who have been through here stirring up as much trouble as possible, nobody has resorted to juvenile name calling after one critical post - I would suggest you reread the thread and note that he did not feel the need to leave because we all denied him congratulations for smoking but that he took exception to just one constructive comment - the Mod's have been in and cleaned up the name calling but I think you'll get the gist from Deb's reply.x

nsd_user663_40088 profile image

I think everyone is different. I know for me it took two years of this kind of behaviour before it stuck (8 months now!) and you know what, it was actually a part of the process and i believe those many fails resulted in my ultimate success.

Some people dont get it spot on first time, and some people will lite up that one cigarette. I think we should just relax about the whole thing. Pavel may have struggled deeply to only have that one, and therefore is proud to walk home only having that one. Who is anyone to take that away from Pavel?

I get your point Max, your method works for you, maybe accept there are other paths on this journey though.

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Actually, you know what? For that one pompous reply from Max, I am not going to bother with this site any more.

Well although I don't like to state the obvious, that's no-one's loss but yours:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Far from being pompous, Max is merely telling it like it is. You may not like the message, but you've got to face up to a few home truths about addiction, because unless you do, I can promise you'll never beat it.

__steve__ profile image

I think everyone is different. I know for me it took two years of this kind of behaviour before it stuck (8 months now!) and you know what, it was actually a part of the process and i believe those many fails resulted in my ultimate success.

Some people dont get it spot on first time, and some people will lite up that one cigarette. I think we should just relax about the whole thing. Pavel may have struggled deeply to only have that one, and therefore is proud to walk home only having that one. Who is anyone to take that away from Pavel?

I get your point Max, your method works for you, maybe accept there are other paths on this journey though.

I don't think this has anything to do with Max's 'method', whatever that may be. I do, however, think it's somewhat naive to expect a pat on the back for telling a bunch of folks on a quit smoking forum that you've had a fag and feel really good about it :rolleyes:

FWIW, I think Pavel was still a tad UI when he made his comments, and I'm sure no one holds any grudges. Quitting can be an emotional time, as we all know :D


nsd_user663_62392 profile image

telling a bunch of folks on a quit smoking forum that you've had a fag and feel really good about it :rolleyes:

to put into more context

"dont be angry guys only killed one"

lefoy123 profile image

Massive fail !!!!!

Given the consternation that P.P. has created. Looking at the time of his post I rather suspect that it may be John Barleycorn driving his thinking. Just a pity that he appears to be a touch sensitive. Could it be that it's a sense of failure that's driving his reaction to various posts ?

Let's hope that he's not away for long.

Michael a.k.a:_Lefoy123 in Glasgow

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

...Could it be that it's a sense of failure that's driving his reaction to various posts...

Michael - it could be, but more likely it is someone who has failed to size up his enemy, and hasn't the slightest clue what it is he is facing:eek::eek:

nsd_user663_62400 profile image

I must say I find it most amusing how you all judge me

I had planned to update you all, but you all side with Max so it's clear none of you want to share my journey, with or without cigarettes

Tonight I was in the pub, your guess if I smoked or not

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

I must say I find it most amusing how you all judge me

I had planned to update you all, but you all side with Max so it's clear none of you want to share my journey, with or without cigarettes

Tonight I was in the pub, your guess if I smoked or not

Nobody judged you, they just gave you advice.

You're on a smoking forum, chances are, you're surrounded by a lot of people that have experience in trying to, or actually giving up smoking. With that said, everybody knows all the dangers of messing about having one cigarette here and there. For MOST people, this just isn't possible. I'm not saying for absolutely everyone it isn't possible, but it's very, very unlikely that you'll manage to have "just one" cigarette on a Friday.

The other thing worth remembering is, once you haven't touched a single cigarette for quite a while, you won't give a damn whether you can smoke on a Friday or not anyway, because you'll never even think about cigarettes.

If it was possible to have one here and there, this forum wouldn't exist because nobody would be addicted to cigarettes.

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

...your guess if I smoked or not

To be honest PP, I couldn't care less - if you want to smoke, then smoke away until it kills you for all I care. If you want to stop, then the forum is here to help you. Your choice.

nsd_user663_62392 profile image

I must say I find it most amusing how you all judge me

I had planned to update you all, but you all side with Max so it's clear none of you want to share my journey, with or without cigarettes

Tonight I was in the pub, your guess if I smoked or not

Hold on while I play this tiny violin

Its not a popularity contest, I guess people just choose to vindicate common sense

I wish you well on your quit, but please grow up and just move forward

nsd_user663_62294 profile image

Pav this is the 2nd site I have registered with, the first one was full of extremely judgemental people telling me I had not even quit and should not be posting on quit forum as I was using an ecig. They were completely unsupportive of ANY way to quit except cold turkey, one of them even said they found people like me using NRT products very sad and deluded - THAT was

unhelpful - this site however, is not. The people are supportive but honest.

Also, I would have loved to be a social smoker - I have a couple of friends who only smoke when they are out having a drink, whether that's once a week or once a month, most of us can't do that though (believe me I have tried before and one fag increases until buying daily!) so your post of 'only had one cigarette' and being pleased about it does not help those like me.

Use this site for support on quitting if you really want to and people will support you, your anger reminds me of myself the first time I quit (lasted three months about 4 years ago), I didn't want to stop and was doing it more for others than for myself so it would not work.

Good luck whatever you decide :)

nsd_user663_62023 profile image

Social smoker

The good news is that after while you don't want to be a social smoker either. The penny drops in your brain and you truly, truly don't want to smoke.

Not the 'I want just one but I don't want to smoke.'

You really do not want even one foul little stick. Why would you???

A minor miracle I know Nicky but it does happen. You wait and see.:D

nsd_user663_62400 profile image

Hold on while I play this tiny violin

Its not a popularity contest, I guess people just choose to vindicate common sense

I wish you well on your quit, but please grow up and just move forward

go **** yourself

nsd_user663_62400 profile image

Given the consternation that P.P. has created. Looking at the time of his post I rather suspect that it may be John Barleycorn driving his thinking. Just a pity that he appears to be a touch sensitive. Could it be that it's a sense of failure that's driving his reaction to various posts ?

Let's hope that he's not away for long.

Michael a.k.a:_Lefoy123 in Glasgow

Don't judge on somebody you don't know

nsd_user663_62400 profile image

Pav this is the 2nd site I have registered with, the first one was full of extremely judgemental people telling me I had not even quit and should not be posting on quit forum as I was using an ecig. They were completely unsupportive of ANY way to quit except cold turkey, one of them even said they found people like me using NRT products very sad and deluded - THAT was

unhelpful - this site however, is not. The people are supportive but honest.

Also, I would have loved to be a social smoker - I have a couple of friends who only smoke when they are out having a drink, whether that's once a week or once a month, most of us can't do that though (believe me I have tried before and one fag increases until buying daily!) so your post of 'only had one cigarette' and being pleased about it does not help those like me.

Use this site for support on quitting if you really want to and people will support you, your anger reminds me of myself the first time I quit (lasted three months about 4 years ago), I didn't want to stop and was doing it more for others than for myself so it would not work.

Good luck whatever you decide :)

Your words make sense. Unfortunately i do not like the general attitude of certain people on this site, so I think I'll do this alone.

AngryBear profile image

If you want to do it your way Pavel, ie smoke once a week, you carry on. It will result in an initial sequence of six day quits before you revert full time. People here are speaking from experience, unfortunately half measures don't work. We know this because we've tried them ourselves, for the most part.

If you want to resent that experience and honesty, that's your call. If you want help and support to actually stop smoking, stick around. The members on here can give you that in spades.

nsd_user663_54305 profile image






Thank you;)

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Don't judge on somebody you don't know

Says you who had a comment removed after commenting on a picture post that a member you had never spoken to and yet you still progress to comment on her other half calling him a "Tw@t" over a nothing more than a picture of the couple.

Your place of origin says it all, it also stands for what you talk out of, feck off back there with your pathetic judgements, people in here have given you countless chances.

lefoy123 profile image

Pot kettle black a**e

Don't judge on somebody you don't know

If you can't stand the heat don't go into the kitchen

lefoy123 profile image

your friend the alcoholic

Hello PP :)

"a dear friend of mine who was/is an alcoholic who I might add hasn't had a drink for years said to me, every addiction has a wagon to fall off but just because you have a few slip ups doesn't by any means mean you've failed or won't continue onto success"

Keep going PP I'm behind you :)

As a recovering alcoholic myself being some 23 years 360 days sober today what your friend says is quite true. However what your friend has omitted to tell you is the what happens to those who don't return to the fold. Wet brains,choking on their own vomit; to name a few.

Perhaps you might ask your friend about that door to recovery which doesn't always swing both ways

Michael a.k.a:-lefoy123

__steve__ profile image

.....PP was faced up with a large amount of people having a pop at him

Sorry Cupster, but this is utter tosh (in my ever so humble opinion :D)

PP brought it all on himself. If he doesn't like being told his attitude stinks he can go elsewhere.

Quitting is not an excuse for rudeness.

__steve__ profile image

Fair enough, Cupster. I honestly respect your principled stance :)

Best wishes,


nsd_user663_54305 profile image

I guess there will be two opinions on this depending on whether you read the poisonous outbursts by PP in a series of posts which were so toxic they were removed by admin.

If you didn't see them then you'll probably believe he deserves some support.

If you did see them then you'll probably believe he belongs in a zoo. As an exhibit.

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

I actually wished him well for just having the one smoke, well it's a start only to go onto another thread and someone had posted a picture of her and her fella, he randomly proceeded to say he looked like a "Tw@T" just out of the blue :eek::eek: for no reason and then I read a few others :( Sadly one of many internet trolls wanting to quit or not.

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

As a recovering alcoholic myself being some 23 years 360 days sober today

Well done on this well, that's a very long time :)

nsd_user663_3784 profile image

On the basis that the subject of these discussions had not posted since the 9th it would be best to let the matter drop now.

nsd_user663_3784 profile image

No need to carry this on any longer, thread closed.

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