Confession...: Well I'm not going to lie... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_2681 profile image
34 Replies

Well I'm not going to lie there's no point.... I lit my friends fag earlier and had 2 puffs...I'm not proud of it, I know it was stupid but I did it.... The events of the past few days have just proved too pal John J not being here anymore tipped the balance for me...

I had the 2 drags and passed it back to my friend because in all honesty I could of smoked the whole thing as sweet as a nut..... I am not going back to day 1 over 2 puffs, I've worked too hard to get here and if I go back to day 1 I will fail, some of you on here will probably think I should go back to day 1 but it's my quit and I'm sorry if it offends people but I'm not going to do it... I have probably had more passive smoke in the past 10 weeks than those drags today....I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to resist but I do feel somewhat proud that I didn't have the whole thing.... I have to be extra vigilant now because to tell you the truth it wasn't horrible it was a relief....this is dangerous for me because had it of been disgusting it would of made it easier but it didn't.... Again I am sorry to my friends on here, the ones who have supported me through thick and thin but I can't just pretend it didn't happen.... Your friendships mean to much and I can't lie to you xxxxxx

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nsd_user663_2681 profile image
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34 Replies

Don't beat yourself up - you'll just feel worse and give yourself one more reason to give up and have another smoke.

I found a technicality for you that allows you to keep going and not return to day one. You didn't smoke a cigarette, you had a couple of puffs. No, I'm not a lawyer but I bet one would use that if it came down to it. :)

Anyway, your quit is YOUR quit - not ours. How you measure it is up to you. Just keep going and keep the memory of how easy it was to have those puffs - and don't do that again!

Good luck.

nsd_user663_61250 profile image

2 puffs isn't the end of the world and shouldn't put you all the way back to day one.

Just put it behind you and don't dwell on it.

PS - What did I miss re - John J?

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Don't beat yourself up - you'll just feel worse and give yourself one more reason to give up and have another smoke.

I found a technicality for you that allows you to keep going and not return to day one. You didn't smoke a cigarette, you had a couple of puffs. No, I'm not a lawyer but I bet one would use that if it came down to it. :)

Anyway, your quit is YOUR quit - not ours. How you measure it is up to you. Just keep going and keep the memory of how easy it was to have those puffs - and don't do that again!

Good luck.

Thanks Dgee...I'm not proud of it, it was stupid but my stress cup flowed over lol....I will persevere I'm sure 2 puffs isn't enough to wake the demon again ;)

2 puffs isn't the end of the world and shouldn't put you all the way back to day one.

Just put it behind you and don't dwell on it.

PS - What did I miss re - John J?

Thanks finally...John is no longer on the forum and as far as I can tell won't be back :(

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Hi Donna, I,m with you all the way, two puff,s is neither here or there, but I did like you honesty re (liking) it,s not so horrible is it, it's just we know we need to quit, health, money, what ever the reason, we know is not god for us.

Am still in your shadow my lovely, and NO WAy are you ack to day one.

Will be following in your foot steps, we all have little hiccups!:)

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

I don't believe you should go back to day 1 either:)

As you say it's your quit to see through as you see fit:)

Afm been so stressed out lately don't know how I havnt reached for a fag:eek: but know it won't solve anything and Iv worked too hard and come so far.....but the awful things still occupy my mind at times like this and I hate it....esp after 8 wks:(

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thank you for your understanding, I could of just ignored it and carried on as I was on here but it's not my style....I can't lie x

nsd_user663_61320 profile image

It didn't surprise me that you liked it. That's always the issue that I will face. I don't like being a smoker for all the obvious reasons but I did enjoy a cigarette.

I choose not to smoke THAT cigarette because it will lead me back to being a smoker which I hate.

You also chose NOT to smoke THAT cigarette, you could have finished it like you said but you didn't because you don't want to be a smoker either.

As for the day one thing, i totally agree with you, your quit, you count the days in the way that means you make the penthouse.

Everything else is fiddlesticks.


nsd_user663_61680 profile image

That's what I call a blip.

Done just the same as you but came on here, got loads of support and I'm back on track.

No way is it going backwards, you just left the path slightly but sometimes such a blip can make you even more determined.

I'm at the same stage as you and I think the demon is losing grip and you feel this confidence of winning. Then suddenly you find yourself in a situation where you say one puff won't matter.

It happened last weekend for me when a friend was staying over and we were just talking outside and she lit up. So I thought I'll just have 2 puffs.

The next day I was so disappointed with myself.

It's a setback but you haven't lost the war.

Remember those early days, I never want to have to go back there again.

Onward and forward, be strong.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

It didn't surprise me that you liked it. That's always the issue that I will face. I don't like being a smoker for all the obvious reasons but I did enjoy a cigarette.

I choose not to smoke THAT cigarette because it will lead me back to being a smoker which I hate.

You also chose NOT to smoke THAT cigarette, you could have finished it like you said but you didn't because you don't want to be a smoker either.

As for the day one thing, i totally agree with you, your quit, you count the days in the way that means you make the penthouse.

Everything else is fiddlesticks.


Thanks is a lesson learned and although sometimes the truth is hard to take I can't lie and say it was foul....I don't want anyone making the same mistake and that's the truth.... It's just too easy to fall back into it....I have put my quit back by a day and will move on from it just wanted to confess my sins :eek: xxx

Donna 2 puffs is nothing don't worry about it, I'm proud of you for owning up to though, it is been a hard time for you we all know that xx

Thanks TG your lovely, you really are :) xxxx

That's what I call a blip.

Done just the same as you but came on here, got loads of support and I'm back on track.

No way is it going backwards, you just left the path slightly but sometimes such a blip can make you even more determined.

I'm at the same stage as you and I think the demon is losing grip and you feel this confidence of winning. Then suddenly you find yourself in a situation where you say one puff won't matter.

It happened last weekend for me when a friend was staying over and we were just talking outside and she lit up. So I thought I'll just have 2 puffs.

The next day I was so disappointed with myself.

It's a setback but you haven't lost the war.

Remember those early days, I never want to have to go back there again.

Onward and forward, be strong.

Spj, thanks for that your right I can't bear the thought of going back to the early days...well I know I couldn't to be honest, it's draining even just to think about it, I have learnt my lesson xx

Blip Blip 🐶💚🐶💚🐶💚🐶💚🐶

Done and dusted says Alfie

J x :)

Love you Jen :) and Alfie 🐶 my three cats 🐱🐱🐱 say hello but somehow I think he won't want to play with them :D xxxx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

I disagree.

No smoking means no smoking and 2 puffs cd mean a real 8 puffs.

If you decide that a few puffs is ok then you risk convincing yourself

that lighting a fag then having a few puffs once a day is ok. :-(

Sorry -but to me it means back to Day one.

Just my opinion.

It is inevitable that you would disagree Max.....I don't know what you mean by 8 puffs, I had 2 puffs...I'm not going to lie about it

I have no intention of having a couple of puffs a day I was with a friend I did something stupid I am fessing up....I won't be going back to day 1 if it offends I will leave the forum and go it alone, thanks for your opinion ;)

Edited to say - I have not said that having a couple of puffs is isn't.....

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Donna, don't leave the forum, we all have blips, it's made you stronger, and I for one still need all the support I can get.:):):)

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Don't leave the forum:eek:

It's inevitable that we will all have different opinions because we are all different personalities....

Some will say go back to day 1

Some go forward from this

But it is your quit and you have to do what feels right for you.:)

Learn from it:)x

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

Hey Donna!

You've had a tough few days and all you had was a couple of puffs. Well done. That's much better than the dozens of fags you'd have usually smoked while in a rough patch.

A tough few days and a TINY blip. Onwards and upwards :D

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thanks, after speaking to friends on here I am definitely not going back to day 1...not everybody can be perfect and there are others on here who have had a cigarette or a puff and aren't being told to do the same, I completely understand if some people feel they can't support me or acknowledge me now in the quit but in all honesty, I have gone 11 weeks I simply cannot justify having to go back to day 1 over 2 drags on a cigarette sometimes one persons comment could totally derail a quit, even unintentionally......I realise I have lost the support from Max but so be it xx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

P.s....I wish I didn't mention it now :D:D:D:D

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

P.s....I wish I didn't mention it now :D:D:D:D

Mention what?

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Mention what?

Good point, shall I just delete this thread and we will pretend it never happened pmsl :D:D ( I'm joking obviously...I am a hopeless liar I couldn't of carried on without saying) :)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Donna,no you have not lost my support.I merely expressed my opinion and that will be different depending on who you ask will it not :)

I am a 'purist' -to me no smoking means NO SMOKING EVER but I also think that keeping yourself afloat and staying off the cigs is vital so i wish you all the best,just try to stop this in its tracks and keep well away from the cigs ;)

I know you are a purist and it's admirable, but for the record I wasn't asking for an opinion I was confessing my sins and saying what I am going to do :p I am grateful for your input I really am differing opinions is healthy, but sometimes when life gets too tough you don't know which way to turn, after those 2 drags I felt silly vulnerable and thought what am I doing?? but your comment about going to day 1 made me feel sick and I thought shall I get 10 and start again tomorrow, if I'm going to balls up I might aswell do it in style! That's what I mean by derailing a quit.... Luckily I have now had a good talking to and when I get to the penthouse I will be 1 year minus 2 puffs ;);) no hard feelings :)

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

One year minus 2 puffs! What a great way to look at it! :D

nsd_user663_29008 profile image

Donna, reading through what you've been through I think you've done well just to have a couple of puffs - it takes guts to carry on with your quit, so many would have started smoking again but you haven't so well done to you x

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

Well said Lucy!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thanks Lucy, I appreciate it xx

__steve__ profile image

Your quit, your rules DJ.

And I wouldn't class lighting a fag for a mate as "failure" either.

Unless it's a catalyst/excuse for sparking up yourself, of course.

But that ain't the case, is it?

Thought not!


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Your quit, your rules DJ.

And I wouldn't class lighting a fag for a mate as "failure" either.

Unless it's a catalyst/excuse for sparking up yourself, of course.

But that ain't the case, is it?

Thought not!


Nope definitely not a catalyst I am focused just lost the focus for a split second.... Thank you S ;)

nsd_user663_51263 profile image

Donna I wish I was only guilty of a 'couple of puffs'.

It was a mistake and a shame after you'd come so far but you realised that straight away. The main thing is that you are doing well and getting on with your quit.

Keep it up and keep smiling. x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Cheers Linda, that's really kind of you, I know not everyone will agree and that's fine, but psychologically I have to keep going and not go back and lose 11 weeks, that's pointless and a bit blooming harsh! Good luck with your quit too, you can do it xxx

nsd_user663_61198 profile image

Awwww hun, dont worry, youve had such a rough time, you stay where you belong and try and build up your resolve again. It worries me that you enjoyed it, i have a feeling if i smoked again id enjoy it so i know ive got to keep away xxx Hope you can stay strong hun, i want to go to the penthouse with all of our group xxx

AngryBear profile image

The fact remains that a smoke is a smoke, it's not a "slip" or a "blip", and if it's treated with the respect as such, that it deserves, and not brushed off as nothing, it can be dealt with. For a quitter of my type, two drags would probably lead me back to smoking full time.

Whatever you do it's up to you, it's your decision as you've made it, but if you post on a quit forum then it will inevitably lead to debate, especially on a subject that has been debated frequently in the past.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Thanks Angry :) it hasn't led me back but I can see what you are saying :)

nsd_user663_61680 profile image

I can understand how you felt by some reaction you got for confessing you had 2 puffs. As I have said before I've had a couple of blips and I've had to question myself whether I should start from day 1. But as I've been on patches for 2 months I reckon i will be on them for the rest of my life if I have any more blips. And I can't be sure I won't fail I can only try not to.

I've been searching past threads and I can't believe there haven't been more confessions/ blips/lapses.

Or maybe no one wants to admit them?

AngryBear profile image

What day a quit is on in my opinion doesn't mean a lot, although I was the same in my early days. I posted as to whether I was on day 2 or 3, I remember, because I was clinging to as much time as I could get away with. What I always think matters more is the state of that quit.

If someone professes to be a year quit when they had two drags at two months or whatever, it doesn't mean much by then because it didn't derail their quit so life goes on. They know they've not been entirely smoke-free but after that time they should be into a way of life that doesn't include smoking, so the length of their quit means less that it might have early on. This is my opinion going by my experience. I knew how many days quit I was in the first few months, I haven't a clue now, that's the gift for me.

When people post about "blips" and "slips" I always find it dangerous because it always sounds like they're brushing them off as nothing. I personally could not have one puff on a cigarette and leave it. For me to do that, would not be a "slip", it's smoking and my quit would be doomed. What day anyone's quit is on is their business; but this is a quit forum, as in "stop", not as in "every now and again", because such is the nature of nicotine addiction, we all know how hard it is, and how there are no half-measures involved, because they don't work.

As for people revealing them, there have been quite a few over the years, it's bound to happen. It's what people do about it that counts.

nsd_user663_61680 profile image

You are so right.

When I've had a blip it's actually made me more determined as it was disgusting.

But I know that if I keep doing it, the addiction would pull me back and I'd be back on the sticks, 20 a day.

I've tried so many times to stop and every method going.

This time it feels different and I'm going to do it.

Blips, slips, etc all in the past.

AngryBear profile image

Good on you Spj, but post more, it's the best aid I had :)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Angry totally agree with you it's how you handle them that counts, it is a quit forum but we have people trying to quit that still smoke and people that have quit, for me I just wanted to come clean I didn't want to plod on telling fibs, I haven't had anything since and don't intend to :) :) spj made a valid point in that there aren't many blip posts on here, maybe that is the beauty of the forum it really is a wonderful quit aid :)

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