7 weeks today :): Hi all :) Well made it to... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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7 weeks today :)

nsd_user663_61248 profile image
13 Replies

Hi all :)

Well made it to 7 weeks, they seem to be rolling by ok. To be honest the cravings have been worse on this quit but I have gone through far too much anguish and pain to give in to the little white death sticks! So celebrated getting to week 7 by stripping and painting the French doors (living on the edge me!). Although I am not going to cave, I still need to keep busy at the weekends to keep my mind off the fags, but at least the sun was shining :)

I hope everyone is doing ok and enjoying this lovely spring day :)

Keep up the good fight people, we will overcome!



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nsd_user663_61248 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Well done Jim- a mighty achievement! :D

Hope your french doors are coming along. As Kat says, it was definitely that sort of day. I cleaned all the outside windows (or all the ones I could reach anyway) and the external paintwork. Everything is sparkling now. :)

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi mate :) glad to hear you are at 7 weeks I would never have known you have been struggling, you have quit with a quiet determination which is admirable, plus you know it's not going to be easy but you persevere anyway :) as Winston Churchill said "If you find yourself going through hell, keep going" really pleased for you plus now spring is finally arriving and good weather ahead hopefully, I find the sun always lifts my spirits :) well done again Jim xx

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Well done Jim....Will be joining you Monday:D

I know what you mean when you say this quit hasn't been easy,makes you wonder when it's all going to ease up:(but I don't think any true quit is easy because to succeed we have to stick with it til the end and sometimes...wel most times it's a #€$%#¥+#.

Anyway you are doing fantastic....that's the main thing:D

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Wow 7 weeks , that's a massive achievement, and great to read that you at least know your triggers and hit them head on.:)

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

That is absolutely superb Jim and an exact template for how to quit with a steely resolve,you are determined,it is hard but you know and believe that there are easy times ahead :D:D

There is only ONE thing you have to do Jim,to make this a forever quit and that is to keep going,more of the same because what is happening almost imperceptibly is that not smoking is becoming the normal and smoking has become the weird aberration :rolleyes:

What a performance fella!!!! Dead pleased for you!!! :D

Cheers Max :)

The one thing I have always struggled with is staying quit, but this time it WILL stick! I am determined to keep going, and that determination is inspired in no small part by all you guys on here. This time is for keeps!!

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Well done Jim

7 weeks is brilliant :D:D xx

Cheers tractorgirl :)

Hope your quit is going ok :)

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Boy in the chair you are doing brillant. Keeping busy is key and that is what u r doing. Each day is going to get easier.

Keep going and be happy x

Heya debs :)

I have to keep busy, the devils makes work for idle hands and all that :)

Hope you are doing ok x

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Really lovely to see a post from you mate and seven weeks is MAHOOSIVE!!! Well done that man!!!:D:D:D

Ok, so you may not be gliding along without a care in the world just yet BUT every day takes you further away from your indentured servitude to the stinky little oik and closer to total freedom from fags - you are getting there!:cool::cool::cool:

And you're not the only one who seems to be painting, I've seen a lot of posts about that and my folks are doing battle with the glosswork this weekend - must be something in the air!

Aww thanks Kat :)

I am so glad to get to 7 weeks, hopefully the time will start to fly by now. To be honest it hasn't been a walk in the park, but I am starting to feel free of the vile little swine. Thought about smoking today (analyzing a crave whilst rubbing down woodwork!) and whilst part of my brain misses having a fag, the other sensible part of my brain was telling me how disgusting it would be to smoke, how stupid it would be and that there was no way on earth I was going to.

I think there is something in the air!! I have enjoyed my day of painting, I love being outside doing something productive in the spring sunshine. It really felt like the start of something new today, if that makes sense!

Hope you are all good Kat :)


nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Well done Jim- a mighty achievement! :D

Hope your french doors are coming along. As Kat says, it was definitely that sort of day. I cleaned all the outside windows (or all the ones I could reach anyway) and the external paintwork. Everything is sparkling now. :)

Hey Skiddaw :)

Glad you had a productive outside day as well :)

French doors are coming along a treat. Still got a bit to do, so hopefully the weather will be ok tomorrow to get them finished! Deffo that sort of day, feels good to be busy. I feel like I have more energy today as well, more inclined to get out there and do it, which I am sure is to do with not smoking!


nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Hi mate :) glad to hear you are at 7 weeks I would never have known you have been struggling, you have quit with a quiet determination which is admirable, plus you know it's not going to be easy but you persevere anyway :) as Winston Churchill said "If you find yourself going through hell, keep going" really pleased for you plus now spring is finally arriving and good weather ahead hopefully, I find the sun always lifts my spirits :) well done again Jim xx

Aww thanks donna :)

I love the quote :)

It has been a struggle at times to be honest. I know we all go through it when we quit, but I swear at times I have a bipolar quit. Some days I breeze through, some days I stumble about and my head falls off. Luckily now things seem to be evening out a bit. Just got to stay quit this time!

I'm with you on the weather front, it is good for the soul to feel the spring sunshine on your face :)

I hope everything is good with you and you are getting through :) x x

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Well done Jim....Will be joining you Monday:D

I know what you mean when you say this quit hasn't been easy,makes you wonder when it's all going to ease up:(but I don't think any true quit is easy because to succeed we have to stick with it til the end and sometimes...wel most times it's a #€$%#¥+#.

Anyway you are doing fantastic....that's the main thing:D

Well done to you too carol :)

We can be 7 weekers together! I agree with you totally about true quits being tough. I can rationalize and analyze my quit and I know all the reasons for not smoking. Unfortunately part of my brain still thinks it might be a good a idea. It will NOT happen. I am going to stay quit whatever happens!

Lets stick together and we will be in the penthouse in no time!!

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

7 weeks is amazing :)

You can sit out in the garden next week end admiring your doors :)

Heheh cheers Karri :)

When I was done today I cracked open a cold one and sat back and admired my handiwork. Just got to finish it off tomorrow!!

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Wow 7 weeks , that's a massive achievement, and great to read that you at least know your triggers and hit them head on.:)

Thanks Tracey :)

I have always tried to face up to the triggers. Everyone is different but personally I find it e̶a̶s̶i̶e̶r̶ better to not hide away!

Cheers :)

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