How to deal with others: Hello all! I'm... - No Smoking Day

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How to deal with others

nsd_user663_61454 profile image
8 Replies

Hello all! I'm currently on my second day!

Yesterday upon my first day I encountered another lady whom had quit a week prior to myself. My work colleague informed this lady that I had quit and was being really helpful and supportive.

The lady that quit a week prior asked me what method I was using. I informed her I was using my e cigarettes, one which contained 8mg nicotine(for a strong craving) and one containing a 0mg nicotine(for little niggles). To be honest I prefer using the 0mg.

The lady whom had given up then turned and told me if I'm using that I might as well just smoke as I am still doing the hand to mouth action. It doesn't seem to bother me the action, I thought I would struggle with nothing in my hand but surprisingly it's not affected me much and I am trying not to use my ecig.

I asked the lady whom had stopped what she was using to which she informed me she has the patches on constantly (even through the night) and also the tablets that sit under your tongue.

Now I'm not saying that I am right and she is wrong but after she ever so bluntly told me I might as well smoke I felt like buying a pack! I still do as when I get a craving now I still hear her words! :mad:

Sorry, I think this has turned into a rant! Haha. Maybe I am wrong in expecting some positive response/support from fellow smokers?!

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nsd_user663_61454 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oooh heck!!

Well first off there is no "right" or "wrong" way to quit - we're all different and we all have different methods!!

Second, e-fags are a very hot topic with quitters but by using one you are not smoking, and while it's similar, provided you plan to get off it and use it sparingly (like you're doing) there's no problem!!

My experience with them was bad, but others on here - the Sarahs, Lindy and others did/do fab on them.

And flaming hell, how stupid and rude of her to tell you that on day 2!! :mad::mad:

nsd_user663_61432 profile image

Hi Gritty

Firstly Well Done on getting to Day 2 :):):):):):)

It surprises me that someone who is trying to quit themselves should be so negative towards you. But maybe they are going through the grumpy phase so seeing you use the E-cig reminds them of smoking and hence irritates them.

Whatever - you keep going with what works for you.

lefoy123 profile image

how to deal with others

Good morning Gritty being an retired building trade operative with a colourful vocabulary certain turn of phrase spring to mind to assist you in dealing with you colleague and I'm sure you've similar pithy sayings.

However perhaps that's not the way to go about in this instance!!!!

I recommend that you explain to her that your Quit is your Quit and nobody else's.

Everyone's method of quitting is unique there is no one size fits all solution, what matters is the end result i.e:- stopping smoking

We all arrived in different boats,are journeying on different boats with a common destination viz:- banishing nicotine from our lives.

So all the best with your quit and when your friend starts pontificating a few bars from Sinatra's "I do it my way" might be in order.

Michael a.k.a:- lefoy123 in Glasgow

p.s:-I hope Frank will excuse me the light poetic license with the lyrics of his song

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

The attitude to Ecigs is bewildering for me. Yes I know people fail using them but they do with other methods too.

I don't personally see what is wrong with using an Ecig for those tough moments. It has worked for me and I'm now at the stage of only using them a little in the evening.

I really do think this is a mental battle not whether you use patches or something else. Each person has to tailor their quit plan to meet their own needs.

nsd_user663_61054 profile image

My vaporiser was my crutch for the first few days. This person sounds like a Daily Mail reader. Might as well smoke? Hmmm, no. Don't think so. Just try not to listen to the stupid. If you're not smoking you're winning, end of. Getting high and mighty about their NRT being better than yours is pointless and unhelpful.

__steve__ profile image

Hello Gritty!

Since there was nothing to back up her opinion, such as:

* anecdotal evidence of ecigs being harmful to her own quit,

* experimental evidence that digital fags are as harmful as the analog variety...

...I think it was probably nothing more than an insensitive comment from someone having a bad day :)

"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof."

-- Christopher Hitchens (RIP)

"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."

-- Harlan Ellison


nsd_user663_60964 profile image


Absolutely. There is no right or wrong way. The end justifies the means and whether we get there via CT, patches, lozenges, strips, spray, Champix or e-cigs (or any combination thereof) matters not a jot.

The main thing is that you're half way through Day 2 and still going! :D Have you any idea how fab that is? You deserve a huge pat on the back and here's one from me. :)

nsd_user663_61422 profile image

Hello all! I'm currently on my second day!

Yesterday upon my first day I encountered another lady whom had quit a week prior to myself. My work colleague informed this lady that I had quit and was being really helpful and supportive.

The lady that quit a week prior asked me what method I was using. I informed her I was using my e cigarettes, one which contained 8mg nicotine(for a strong craving) and one containing a 0mg nicotine(for little niggles). To be honest I prefer using the 0mg.

The lady whom had given up then turned and told me if I'm using that I might as well just smoke as I am still doing the hand to mouth action. It doesn't seem to bother me the action, I thought I would struggle with nothing in my hand but surprisingly it's not affected me much and I am trying not to use my ecig.

I asked the lady whom had stopped what she was using to which she informed me she has the patches on constantly (even through the night) and also the tablets that sit under your tongue.

Now I'm not saying that I am right and she is wrong but after she ever so bluntly told me I might as well smoke I felt like buying a pack! I still do as when I get a craving now I still hear her words! :mad:

Sorry, I think this has turned into a rant! Haha. Maybe I am wrong in expecting some positive response/support from fellow smokers?!

I have to say gritty that the same has happened to me..I am currently on day 8 (hurrah!!). I use nicotine gum during the day and the ecig at night (12mg). I do plan to get off both of these in due course but the main factor at the moment is not to SMOKE!! I have colleagues at work who consider the ecig to be same as smoking and that if you are using one you may as well smoke. I highly disagree although I wouldn't recommend swapping one for the other completely, I'm not overly sure how good they are for you in the long term use. My way of coping is just to smile and say that they may be right and move along with my day. As others have said this is your quit, your journey, your choices and your whAt gets you through to stay off the fags!!

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