Waving hello: On the fourth day and after... - No Smoking Day

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Waving hello

nsd_user663_61444 profile image
14 Replies

On the fourth day and after spending the last day or two browsing around the site, thought it was time to (re) register and say hello.

This is my third time on here and I can't believe I was stupid enough to start smoking after nine months off them cold turkey. You know the story; started as one every few days and I was so full of smug that I could do that but before you know it you're up to a pack a day again. That was nearly a year and a half ago.

So after promising myself this year is my year to get healthy and as a result slightly more wealthy, I kicked the booze into touch, started running and the final biggest vice is the cigarettes. One of my kids has been recently diagnosed with an unpredictable form of asthma too so I need to do it for them as well as myself.

Not being a hero with the CT this time. Patch on and having the odd lozenge should the homicidal urges strike me.

Enough about me. Hopefully speak to you all soon.

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nsd_user663_61444 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_61444 profile image

Thanks Jenny :)

Always found this a great, supportive wee place from previous quits. Quietly determined this is the last time even if it's rather uncomfortable today.

nsd_user663_61196 profile image

Hello Sage and welcome. :) Really good luck with your quit, use whatever

helps to get through it (except cigarettes of course :rolleyes:). You'll be

running the Marathon soon I'm sure. :D

nsd_user663_61444 profile image

Cheers Bluebell. If I can get to 5k without collapsing in a heap, I'll be happy :D

nsd_user663_61416 profile image

Hi Sage

good luck with the quit and totally agree with Bluebell use whatever gets you through it, patches and lozenges have been a life saver for me!

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

Hello Sage *waves*

Third time lucky I am sure! :D

nsd_user663_61444 profile image

Thanks guys.

Third time lucky it will be!! Has to be :)

I need to put on about a stone to get to what I want so I'm not too worried about the quit weight. I might regret saying that in a year however if my unquenchable lust for sugar in previous quits is anything to go by.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Sage! Great to see another new face on here, all the best for your quit, will look forward to your posts as it progresses, good luck! :)

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Thanks guys.

Third time lucky it will be!! Has to be :)

I need to put on about a stone to get to what I want so I'm not too worried about the quit weight. I might regret saying that in a year however if my unquenchable lust for sugar in previous quits is anything to go by.

If it's your third time then you know very well that it's nothing to do with luck! As you said, "started as one every few days and I was so full of smug that I could do that but before you know it you're up to a pack a day again."

You said it right there!! Understand that breaking addiction is that hard, and that simple. You've been there, done it and you know the rules of addiction - like we all do:eek: It's all or nothing - SIMPLE:D

We're all here to encourage you though the ups and downs, but luck is nothing to do with it, it's all about mindset, and success is entirely within your grasp.


nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Nice to meet you Sage :)

Sounds like you've made an excellent start and having been through it before, you'll know what to expect. Practise run makes perfect I think!

Will look forward to reading about your journey. :)

nsd_user663_61444 profile image

Ohh thank you very much for all the welcomes :)

You are entirely correct AnEggIsAnEgg. That first cigarette that ends the quit is vile and nothing like you build up in your head. I'm keeping that in the forefront of my mind. It is addiction, nothing more, nothing less and the only way to break it is to never feed it.

nsd_user663_61432 profile image

Hi Sage

Not sure Welcome Back is appropriate but Welcome back anyway.

Goes to show the monster is always lurking ready to catch us again :eek:

I know quite a few people who can have a few smokes then not have any for weeks but doubt if anyone who uses this site is one of them.

I for one am a Nicoholic if there is such a word


nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Hi Sage,this is my 3rd time on here aswell so your def not alone :D

Every quit we learn something so hopefully this is THE quit for you because it is for me :D

Quit 20-1-14

Patches,now CT:D

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

I for one am a Nicoholic if there is such a word


Andy, I think that's an excellent word! If it doesn't exist it b-loody well should! I'm a nicoholic too... There's no way I can even have a puff again or I will be right back where I started.....:) :)

nsd_user663_61444 profile image

Nicoholic is a great word!

Best of luck to you too CarolRose. I agree, every failure is a lesson learnt.

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