Like clockwork the anxiety has started :( - No Smoking Day

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Like clockwork the anxiety has started :(

nsd_user663_2681 profile image
20 Replies

Day 30 for me and as said above it's started... Feeling anxious, not sleepng feeling like heart racing, this usually goes on for 4 weeks and grinds me down to about 2 months quit where I am literally on my knees with panic attacks and depression....why does this keep happening to me? Can anyone relate to this?:( x

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nsd_user663_2681 profile image
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20 Replies

Can totally relate Donna - you are far to similar to me!

So, here goes - come on Donna! You are better, brighter, stronger, healthier, wiser, livelier, more delightful and infinitely more important than this s***!!!

You are better than this hun, dig deep and be strong.

Tomorrow's a new beautiful day - you can do this


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Can totally relate Donna - you are far to similar to me!

So, here goes - come on Donna! You are better, brighter, stronger, healthier, wiser, livelier, more delightful and infinitely more important than this s***!!!

You are better than this hun, dig deep and be strong.

Tomorrow's a new beautiful day - you can do this


Thanks tangled... Do you know what I find so odd about it all? I sail through the first few weeks pretty much and then it hits me for 6.... I don't understand why because I honestly and truly don't want a cigarette it is 100% due to giving up smoking I am in no doubt of that, it literally happens every single time....I am fed up with it and just want to get through this hump and get to the 3 month mark where I've been told it gets easier...I don't want anti depressants I'm not clinically depressed it's just that sh1t nicotine, I'm sure it is..... I so hoped I wouldn't go down this road again, it's like nicotine is luring me back into the grip when I don't want to go there.... Like u say tomorrow is a new day.... Today has been hard tho with anxiety and last night was pure hell :( xxx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hopefully just one bad day. You have seemed very bright lately and we all have the odd down day so try not to read too much into it. I know you have posted before about the 7 week crash that has affected you before but it could be that you have this on your mind so much it is that which triggers these feelings.

Are you keeping the patches on and for long enough each day?

John I take the patch off just before I go to bed, I did wonder if I was leaving it on too long?

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

I take mine off about 8pm or it takes me ages to get asleep x

Right, taking it off right now! Anything not to feel like my insides are a washing machine on spin... :(

nsd_user663_2681 profile image


What you must do now is something DIFFERENT to what you have done before.

Your mind otherwise,will just take you down the same road.

Consider taking some of the anxiety relieving things recommended by others.

You will NOT fail-this time!!!!:D:D

Yes ur right, as I say I suffer the anxiety from week 4 until about week 8 then when I am totally down and fed up I have a fag, but this time NO FREAKING WAAAAY! I'm going to look at relaxation and meditation I WILL DO THIS! :)

nsd_user663_61094 profile image


I suffer from anxiety & depression related to a traumatic event that happened to me a number of years back. Its one of the reasons I don't sleep well (even pre quit).

I eventually received counselling and use a number of techniques described in a book I read which helps me turn the negative into the positive. Even when I can't sleep I tend to stay quite calm about it all (years ago I was totally distressed, anxious and unable to function).

The book I read is called Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway by Susan Jeffers. Fear can really paralyze us into non-action and what we really need are some tools to help us cope better.

It isn't specifically about smoking but I think it might be worth a read and will at the very least give you something else to think about. Hugs.


nsd_user663_2681 profile image


I suffer from anxiety & depression related to a traumatic event that happened to me a number of years back. Its one of the reasons I don't sleep well (even pre quit).

I eventually received counselling and use a number of techniques described in a book I read which helps me turn the negative into the positive. Even when I can't sleep I tend to stay quite calm about it all (years ago I was totally distressed, anxious and unable to function).

The book I read is called Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway by Susan Jeffers. Fear can really paralyze us into non-action and what we really need are some tools to help us cope better.

It isn't specifically about smoking but I think it might be worth a read and will at the very least give you something else to think about. Hugs.



So sorry you suffer aswell, it really is the pits isn't it? I have had episodes before and wrongly thought smoking kept me calm, I realise now that actually smoking probably caused a lot of it, the nicotine raises ur heart rate and of course there's all the health worries that go with it, along with withdrawal 20 times a day for a 20 a day smoker....

I will definitely get the book you mentioned it sounds like it might help, and like you say at the very least will take my mind off of how I'm feeling, thank you x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

In the first couple of months I used to put mine on first thing in the morning and leave them on until bed. You were probably a lighter smoker than me so maybe you are getting too much nicotine so worth trying a variation of your patch times.

Definitely going to take the patch off earlier in the evening, worst case scenario I turn into the Incredible Hulk in which case I'll stick one on again, thank you

nsd_user663_61094 profile image


So sorry you suffer aswell, it really is the pits isn't it? I have had episodes before and wrongly thought smoking kept me calm, I realise now that actually smoking probably caused a lot of it, the nicotine raises ur heart rate and of course there's all the health worries that go with it, along with withdrawal 20 times a day for a 20 a day smoker....

I will definitely get the book you mentioned it sounds like it might help, and like you say at the very least will take my mind off of how I'm feeling, thank you x

Yeah its really debilitating at its worst but I really do think there is stuff we can do to help ourselves cope better :). I used to turn to my cigarettes when I felt anxious, upset and down but you are right I think smoking actually did cause me to feel even worse and therefore I am focusing on not smoking actually improving my mental as well as physical well being :). I find my brain responds really well to the 'power of suggestion'. Just need to jump those hurdles and keep running :D We WILL both get there and it will be this year! Let me know how you get on x

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Yeah its really debilitating at its worst but I really do think there is stuff we can do to help ourselves cope better :). I used to turn to my cigarettes when I felt anxious, upset and down but you are right I think smoking actually did cause me to feel even worse and therefore I am focusing on not smoking actually improving my mental as well as physical well being :). I find my brain responds really well to the 'power of suggestion'. Just need to jump those hurdles and keep running :D We WILL both get there and it will be this year! Let me know how you get on x

Will do, thank you so much and yes we will indeed be sharing a wee dram together in the penthouse in approx 11 months :) x

nsd_user663_61184 profile image

Oh dear

I hope you get through this rough patch ok .....I never thought I suffered with anxiety as such but I have had panic attacks from time to time and I feel for anyone who suffers on a regular basis from similar :( .....there is alot of information available though on calming techniques , breathing excercises etc etc .....maybe some meditation would help ......I find deep breathing ,closing my eyes and thinking of nice calm places and things help me ......just a little time out for a minute or 2 ..........anything is worth a try and I hope you find something thats suits you :) x

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi Donna,

Only just read your post, I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety attacks. Are you an anxious peson normally and have you ever had a panic attack for no reason.

Im not at home till later but I have a book that i read and CD that I listen to, I will post you what they are latter. Hang in there its only a feeling.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi Donna,

Only just read your post, I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety attacks. Are you an anxious peson normally and have you ever had a panic attack for no reason.

Im not at home till later but I have a book that i read and CD that I listen to, I will post you what they are latter. Hang in there its only a feeling.

Cheers beer it would call myself a stress head more so than an anxious person but yh I have had panic attacks out if the blue, it's awful....any details of books etc that might help I will willingly look at, thanks

nsd_user663_59041 profile image

Hi Donna, I suffered for years with panic attacks but got them under control myself doing online self help tasks and yes i used to tell myself being cold and having a fag used to sort me out! During my first few weeks I had panic attacks a few times but managed to pull through it. I never suffered with anxiety until October last year, I can honestly say from October to end of November were the worst days/months/weeks of my life, absolutely horrific. I can't even think about them because I end up feeling sick and chewed as I never want to feel like that again. I still stand by what i said mine started as soon as I started to go down on my patches, maybe a coincidence but I came off my patches this week I had been cutting 7mg in half so its not a mega drop but this weekend my anxiety was back! It's awful thing to have I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Hope you feel better soon, don't crack and think you will feel better because you won't. :)

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi donna,

I use a booke called Free Yourself From Anxiety by Emma Fletcher and Martha Langley

and use a CD called Relaxation Techniques by Lillian Nejad PHD and katerina Volny BSC.

I can personally recommend both of these having been there and done it, when it comes to anxiety and stress and panic.

Hope this is usefull to you as it was priceless to me.

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi donna,

I use a booke called Free Yourself From Anxiety by Emma Fletcher and Martha Langley

and use a CD called Relaxation Techniques by Lillian Nejad PHD and katerina Volny BSC.

I can personally recommend both of these having been there and done it, when it comes to anxiety and stress and panic.

Hope this is usefull to you as it was priceless to me.

Thank you Beer that's very kind of u to get me the info, I will definitely order these along with the fight the fear book lindyloo suggested, thanks again

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

No problem I have let some friends use the CD when they've talked to me about there stress levels, and they have thought it so useful they have purchased a copy themselves.

If you want any advice on this you can private message me if you would prefer, one thing that will help is no tea, coffee, coke or alcohol:mad:

nsd_user663_60833 profile image

Hi Donna! My heart goes out to you- that anxiety/depression effect truly knocked me on my ass after the first 30 days. I couldn't hold my job (hyperventilated & cried hysterically when time to go); I could barely get outta bed except to care for my child & go to church (which gave me whatever strength I had)...spent hours reading this & other forums & websites trying to understand what was happening & why & finding out I wasn't alone, it wasn't new, & , I'd get thru it. So now I'm ending my 104th day- a new job, no longer hyperventilating & crying, I.m getting out of bed & even played on my treadmill a bit. However I'm still waking up a few times in the middle of the night dreading- I mean completely full of dread- for the next day. I have no idea why anymore but 'I'm pretty sure this too will pass. In fact I'm kinda p*^#^d off that I'm still dealing with this. I try to rationalize that 36+ yrs of putting crap into my body won't be fixed in a few wks or even mths. But I have learned- yes the hard way- that it will get better!!! Hang in there, seek support, & just know it will be sooo worth it!!

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

No problem I have let some friends use the CD when they've talked to me about there stress levels, and they have thought it so useful they have purchased a copy themselves.

If you want any advice on this you can private message me if you would prefer, one thing that will help is no tea, coffee, coke or alcohol:mad:

Ah didn't know about the tea and coffee thing tho I guess caffeine would make ur heart rate quicker.. Will try and stick to fruit teas for a bit and see if it helps, thanks :)

Hi Donna! My heart goes out to you- that anxiety/depression effect truly knocked me on my ass after the first 30 days. I couldn't hold my job (hyperventilated & cried hysterically when time to go); I could barely get outta bed except to care for my child & go to church (which gave me whatever strength I had)...spent hours reading this & other forums & websites trying to understand what was happening & why & finding out I wasn't alone, it wasn't new, & , I'd get thru it. So now I'm ending my 104th day- a new job, no longer hyperventilating & crying, I.m getting out of bed & even played on my treadmill a bit. However I'm still waking up a few times in the middle of the night dreading- I mean completely full of dread- for the next day. I have no idea why anymore but 'I'm pretty sure this too will pass. In fact I'm kinda p*^#^d off that I'm still dealing with this. I try to rationalize that 36+ yrs of putting crap into my body won't be fixed in a few wks or even mths. But I have learned- yes the hard way- that it will get better!!! Hang in there, seek support, & just know it will be sooo worth it!!

Ah Rose, sorry to hear of your struggles in the earlier days, thank you so much for sharing your experience with me, I really appreciate it, it has shown me that it will pass and before I know it I will also be at day 104.

I also agree 100% about the time factor thing, I never really looked at it that way before but your right, I was a smoker for 24 years, it's not going to all be rosy and perfect straight away, a bit like having a baby I spose...I was peed off at still being overweight after 3 months and mentioned it to the health visitor and she said it took 9 months to put all the weight on you have to give yourself 9 months to get it off :D

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hi hon,

I sympatise with you. I started to have panic attack about 6 years ago and I taught I was having a heart attack. Since they where rare, my GP could not figure my problem until I found out my two sister has the same thing and it started at 45.

I went to see a psychologist to help me and I have a very mild antidepressant for panic attack . At first, I was against it but the panic where so bad I could not work.

I am a bit scared with the risk of depression with stopping smoking. My GP is aware of it and he told me to come see him if I feel some symptom.


Hi Helene,

I'm sorry you suffer too, it's really horrible, sounds like you have a lovely doctor and hopefully the anti depressant you are taking will help you during your quit, all of your posts are really positive so that's a good start :) like u say, if you start to find it's getting you down talk to your GP xx

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