11 months: Wow, 11 whole months. Well I don't... - No Smoking Day

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11 months

nsd_user663_56237 profile image
29 Replies

Wow, 11 whole months. Well I don't really have much to say, apart from ...

Woooooohooooooo!!! :):p:D

Thank you all, you are wonderful xxx

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nsd_user663_56237 profile image
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29 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Go Sarah Lou :D :D :D

You've stuck with it through all the bad tiems and come out a perfect nonsmoker!!

YAY xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thank you hun :) It feels great.

I can tell that this is the one for you, so I'll remember to keep a seat beside me with your name on it when I reach the Penthouse in a month! :p


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank you hun :) It feels great.

I can tell that this is the one for you, so I'll remember to keep a seat beside me with your name on it when I reach the Penthouse in a month! :p



You got everything set for your party?

Oooh and I'll be there in a year, definitely!! xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image


You got everything set for your party?

Oooh and I'll be there in a year, definitely!! xxx

I am so ready for my party! Unfortunately I will have just had an operation, so won't be allowed to drink booze, but maybe I can make up for it a couple of days early? ;):p


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I am so ready for my party! Unfortunately I will have just had an operation, so won't be allowed to drink booze, but maybe I can make up for it a couple of days early? ;):p


YAY!! It's going to be fab too :D :D

Aww pooo for no booze - if it helps I can drink some for you :p Oooh and yes definitely make up for it!!

Good luck with your op :) xxx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Wow, Sarah Lou that's amazing, well done love. You've had it rough at times haven't you, but you stuck with it. I hope you're really proud of yourself, you should be.

One more month and Max will be holding the door of the Penthouse open for you :D

How is your hip by the way? Didn't you have an op on it last year?

Molly x

nsd_user663_61233 profile image

Well done Sarah Lou. I'll see you in the Penthouse one day.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Wow, Sarah Lou that's amazing, well done love. You've had it rough at times haven't you, but you stuck with it. I hope you're really proud of yourself, you should be.

One more month and Max will be holding the door of the Penthouse open for you :D

How is your hip by the way? Didn't you have an op on it last year?

Molly x

Thanks Molly :) It's been an interesting experience, but I'm really looking forward to reaching that one year mark and I never imagined I'd feel this comfortable as a non-smoker.

I'm sure that Max will be looking forward to dragging me through that Penthouse door :p He's held up the fight with me a lot, so I think he's happy I'm making it through to join him!

The surgery went very well thanks and I'm recovering well. Physio is still a big part of my life, but I'm noticing a lot less pain and more movement in the hip now :)

So it's time to go ahead with the second one! :O

I had a post op check up the other week and my surgeon decided to get me straight on the list. So left side will be in surgery on 21st Feb.

I'm looking forward to having it all done with, so I can enjoy the rest of the year :D

How are you? Did you have a nice christmas and new year?


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well done Sarah Lou. I'll see you in the Penthouse one day.

Thank you!

You certainly will! It's a heck of a journey but a great one :)

Enjoy it as much as you can and don't let that naughty nicotine devil get to you. I'm sure you'll do just great. x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

YAY!! It's going to be fab too :D :D

Aww pooo for no booze - if it helps I can drink some for you :p Oooh and yes definitely make up for it!!

Good luck with your op :) xxx

I would love for you to hold to fort for me and have a good drink on 23rd, or any time really ;)

Thanks hun. I have a great surgeon so I'm sure I'll be well looked after! And I'll have more time to be here on the forum when I'm recovering! :) xxx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Thanks Molly :) It's been an interesting experience, but I'm really looking forward to reaching that one year mark and I never imagined I'd feel this comfortable as a non-smoker.

I'm sure that Max will be looking forward to dragging me through that Penthouse door :p He's held up the fight with me a lot, so I think he's happy I'm making it through to join him!

The surgery went very well thanks and I'm recovering well. Physio is still a big part of my life, but I'm noticing a lot less pain and more movement in the hip now :)

So it's time to go ahead with the second one! :O

I had a post op check up the other week and my surgeon decided to get me straight on the list. So left side will be in surgery on 21st Feb.

I'm looking forward to having it all done with, so I can enjoy the rest of the year :D

How are you? Did you have a nice christmas and new year?


Wow Sarah Lou, I can understand you wanting to get this out of the way now, it's been going on a long time hasn't it. When they have finished and you have recovered will you be able to be as active as you want? Sorry, I don't actually know what was wrong, just that you had an operation and was on crutches early on in your quit. I remember being in awe of you going through the inactivity and quitting. That can't have been easy.

Good luck with your second operation, I hope it goes brilliantly for you.

I'm fine thanks, Christmas and New Year were quiet but that's the way I wanted it to be honest so all was well.

Take good care of yourself x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I would love for you to hold to fort for me and have a good drink on 23rd, or any time really ;)

Ooooh fab thanks!!

You might have guessed I do like the odd sip :p so I'l love that :D :D

Thanks hun. I have a great surgeon so I'm sure I'll be well looked after! And I'll have more time to be here on the forum when I'm recovering! :) xxx

Yeah you'll be fine, and you know what to expect this time around so it should be less daunting :)

And you get more time to be treated like a princess - that's got to be good!! :D

Will be lovely to see you around more too xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Wow Sarah Lou, I can understand you wanting to get this out of the way now, it's been going on a long time hasn't it. When they have finished and you have recovered will you be able to be as active as you want? Sorry, I don't actually know what was wrong, just that you had an operation and was on crutches early on in your quit. I remember being in awe of you going through the inactivity and quitting. That can't have been easy.

Good luck with your second operation, I hope it goes brilliantly for you.

I'm fine thanks, Christmas and New Year were quiet but that's the way I wanted it to be honest so all was well.

Take good care of yourself x

Usually the condition I have (hip impingement) is treated with physiotherapy and eventually hip replacements (because physio will only help with muscles and not the joint itself), but the operation I had has recently been discovered as a way to reshape the joint and stop any further damage to it. This should mean that I won't have replacements in the future (yay!) and I can do most activities again, with a lot less pain and discomfort. :)

To be honest I was worried about having the op and craving afterwards, but it was such a relief (especially with being in pain) to not have to get up and hobble outside to smoke. I've never smoked indoors so it wouldn't have been an option.

Thank you :) I'm sure it will go just as well and I have a wonderful other half ready to jump back into playing nurse again, which is great.

A lot of people (including myself) seem to have had a really quiet christmas and new year. But there's definately nothing wrong with that, as long as you're enjoying yourself! :D


nsd_user663_53658 profile image

It's amazing what they can do these days isn't it? The biggest thing is getting a really good team around you and your surgeon sounds lovely.

I'm sure you'll be able to give us updates afterwards won't you? Will you still be in hospital on your one year? We'll have to have 3 parties, a big one before, a quiet one on the day and a flipping massive one when you're back on your feet. Can you tell I like parties? :D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

It's amazing what they can do these days isn't it? The biggest thing is getting a really good team around you and your surgeon sounds lovely.

I'm sure you'll be able to give us updates afterwards won't you? Will you still be in hospital on your one year? We'll have to have 3 parties, a big one before, a quiet one on the day and a flipping massive one when you're back on your feet. Can you tell I like parties? :D

Ha! You're my kind of woman! :D

The surgery is a day case so it's very unlikely that I'll have to stay overnight, thank goodness! :) I'll be back home and comfortable (ish) by early evening hopefully. And I will, of course, be keeping you up to date. My ipad was my best friend after the last op and coming on here stopped me from suffering with boredom related insanity!


nsd_user663_56237 profile image


Was hoping you'd post this last milestone before the biggie! Peeved.com that you'll be unable to celebrate your Penthouse entrance with your favourite tipple - for some reason my brain hadn't connected the date for your second op with your Penthouse milestone, dingbat that I am! Well, I shall be your proxy and imbibe on your behalf and then, once you're free of antibiotics, etc we shall have a Mark II party!

Massive congratulations hon, not long now!:cool:

Yay! I do like a party :)

Thank you very much hun. I'm so excited for your big day, then not long after I will be joining you! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well, I shall be your proxy and imbibe on your behalf and then,

Ooooh heck Kat's going to get p***ed again!! :p :p

She's shocking Sarah, absolutely shocking!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

So happy for you Sarah 11 months is a monster achievement. Hope your op goes well and look forward to seeing you post your 1yr post. xxx

Thank you hun :) How are you getting on? Xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I am so so pleased and proud of you Sarah Lou,you stand on the edge of glory :D:D well in the sense of reaching the Penthouse anyway!

I did say way back in Feb 2013 that if certain people made the PH I would pay for a splurge-not a virtual one,a real one- for the Musketeers somewhere nice one weekend and I stand by that :D

I would give you such a monster hug if you were here,dead proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Awwww, I do love a good bear hug Max! Thank you :) xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Ooooh heck Kat's going to get p***ed again!! :p :p

She's shocking Sarah, absolutely shocking!!

I'd expect nothing more :) I'm sure she has my best interests at heart and would only do such a thing to celebrate on my behalf ;) xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'd expect nothing more :) I'm sure she has my best interests at heart and would only do such a thing to celebrate on my behalf ;) xxx


Of course hun :p And if she struggles I'll help out xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma, strangely enough, that comes as NO surprise!:rolleyes::D


Whatever do you mean? :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Now really sweetpea, I know your little grey cells are adrift on the stormy quitting sea but honestly, some things are completely self-explanatory!:p


*looks innocent* :D

Oooh 7000 posts :eek:

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

IM doing good apart from a sore throat which I have never had before typical.

Finding this quit so much easier than my attempt last year thank god xxx

I'm glad that this quit is treating you okay. :) Booo for the sore throat though!


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Well done on your 11 months, not long now to the big one! :D

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Brilliant Sarah-Lou, soon be the penthouse :D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Can't wait :) Thanks guys! x

Spanishverbs profile image

Sarah Lou

What an amazing achievement. Well done.

I am on day 1 and it's reading about fantastic achievements like your that makes it seem possible to get to the penthousexxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Can't wait :) Thanks guys! x

You've sooo earned this hun, and you're under a month now :D:D xx

Not what you're looking for?