Sunshine and Showers: 'cos that's how it... - No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
28 Replies

'cos that's how it feels at the mo

I feel lousy at the mo - like I've got flu coming on and the craves are pretty bad, have called in sick 'cos if I did go in I'd probably get fired - or smoke, or both.

Am getting some calm bits, but it really does feel odd - like I'm a stroppy 15 year old all over again, and ready to burst into tears too.

Well let's hope it improves

Sorry for a negative thread!!

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

My Gem your on day 2 thats fab. Try to sleep thru today if u can less time to think. Going out now will speak to u properly later x

Now that is a flipping good idea!!

See you later :) x

nsd_user663_61228 profile image

By the end of this week Gem, you'll have saved enough money to buy a lovely posh perfume. Which one would you buy?

Every time a craving hits today, you can add another thing to your list of luxuries you can afford now. Well done on your pay rise ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

By the end of this week Gem, you'll have saved enough money to buy a lovely posh perfume. Which one would you buy?

Every time a craving hits today, you can add another thing to your list of luxuries you can afford now. Well done on your pay rise ;)

Now that's a fab thought!!

I'll have a good ponder about what to buy - it's going to be a nice chunk of money 'cos I've already saved £16 :D

Good way of thinking about it :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I've not got another 4 hours to live that i wouldn't had I carried on smoking. :eek::eek:

Am already £17 richer, and apparently have not inhaled 371mg of tar :eek::eek:

Hell of a lot, and i smoked lights, just a lot of em. :mad:

I'm switching between determined, wanting to cry and wanting to say f*** it and smoke, not fun.

Don't think today counts as pulling a sickie 'cos I'd have got fired by now

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Congratulations G :)

:) :) :)

Be kind to yourself :)

J x :)

Thanks hun :)

It's definitely not easy, but when I get there it'll be sooo worth it :D


nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hiya, you sound so positive and determined Gemma, even if you're still up and down.

Well done for Day 2, Day 3 is just around the corner :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hiya, you sound so positive and determined Gemma, even if you're still up and down.

Well done for Day 2, Day 3 is just around the corner :)

I'm trying!!

Sort of goes between thinking I'll make it this time and walking to the Co Op.

Thank flip it's raining, and at least I can curl up in the warm today 'cos I called in sick - well it is the first time since goodness knows when and I *am* feeling c**p!!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I'm trying!!

Sort of goes between thinking I'll make it this time and walking to the Co Op.

Don't you flipping well dare young lady!! You know what to expect from this. You know that this will pass. Keep your eye on the prize, that knowledge that this is all going to get unbelievably better soon and then there'll be no looking back for you.

I know you can do this and I know you won't let yourself give in, you're too strong for that Gemma Lou.

Now, find something to distract yourself with, pronto :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Don't you flipping well dare young lady!! You know what to expect from this. You know that this will pass. Keep your eye on the prize, that knowledge that this is all going to get unbelievably better soon and then there'll be no looking back for you.

I know you can do this and I know you won't let yourself give in, you're too strong for that Gemma Lou.

Now, find something to distract yourself with, pronto :D

Oh I don't want to, believe me!!

It is sooooo hard though :mad: last time was a lot easier than this!!

Can't wait for it to get better 'cos this is horrible.

Lol, it's my pride that's stopped me saying screw it and smoking.

Am playing games, which is definitely keeping my mind busy!!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Last time may have been easier but it may not. You just might not be remembering it properly. I know I can't remember how bad I felt in those first few days. It was over a year ago the last time you went through this petal.

Either way, you won't ever have to do yesterday again, just like you won't ever have to do today again. Every cloud has a silver lining (pink tinted silver for you :D)

Get playing :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

bath then nap, make it hard to have to go out ie be in slippers.

You dont want to, you know that there is no benefit to smoking. So distract yourself however that may be.

Time will fly and it gets easier. You are lingering on it so it seems harder than last time, but promise it would have been just the same last time on day 2.

Mum's got my car keys, it's p***ing down out there, and my raincoat's locked in my car - that's covered :)

That's what bugs me though - I really *really* don't like smoking. I hate the taste, the cost, the smell, all of it - it's just very hard to let go of, especially from smoking heavily to none at all.

You're right though, it probably was the same last time!!

Ooh and daft games are keeping my mind busy and I do feel a lot better :)

if anything not being at work may be a bad thing as you are bumbling about, not something you cant overcome tho

Yeah I know what you mean but if I'd gone in this morning I'd have a *lot* more leisure time by now :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Last time may have been easier but it may not. You just might not be remembering it properly. I know I can't remember how bad I felt in those first few days. It was over a year ago the last time you went through this petal.

Either way, you won't ever have to do yesterday again, just like you won't ever have to do today again. Every cloud has a silver lining (pink tinted silver for you :D)

Get playing :D

You're right, I probably have glossed over it :)

Still that's no more Day 1's unless I stuff this up - and Day 2 is well on the way.

Can't wait to see the back of them :D

Have got enough games on my phone and laptop to keep me out of trouble (and the Co Op) for the time being!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

bath then nap, make it hard to have to go out ie be in slippers.

How about I get into my PJ's and dressing gown?

Or maybe my Onesie?


nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi Gemma

Im on 7 days today and it feels good, but day 2 was awful:(

But thats as bad as it got, trust me:D

Hang on in there.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gem according to my book I am reading concerning Nrt if you aren't on the right amount you can really can struggle. Could it be that maybe you should be on 24mg patches not 21mg. also if you are having gum aswell your nicotine level is going up and down confusing your body. I just use the patch and have had no cravings at all just thoughts. xxx

Oooh that's a good thought about the gum, but (oh wow this sounds totally pathetic) I feel so totally c**p without it :mad:

Am hoping it's just going from being someone who would often chain 2 fags to not having any it is one hell of a shock to my system.

I am starting to feel better now :)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma

Im on 7 days today and it feels good, but day 2 was awful:(

But thats as bad as it got, trust me:D

Hang on in there.

That is really good to know, thank you :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just looked at myself in the mirror, and despite not having any makeup on my skin is starting to look better, and I've got nice pink cheeks :D :D

The bad news is that I've never felt so flipping ill in my life before :(

Feels like I've got flu coming on, my brain has packed up and gone on its holidays, and have a mouth full of ulcers - oh the joys!!

*Chants to herself* It's a healing process, It's a healing process

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thats how I felt last time but it did get better. Can I pinch your little pink cheeks ? X

That's really good to know!! Thanks hun :)

Lol as you asked nicely :p x

nsd_user663_61184 profile image

Hi !!

I agree with all of the above nice to yourself .....if you need sleep then sleep ......plan your next treat to yourself for all your hard work :D......the cold/flu thing generally passes but if worried after a week or so go see the doc put your mind at rest if nothing else !! xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I agree with all of the above nice to yourself .....if you need sleep then sleep ......plan your next treat to yourself for all your hard work :D......the cold/flu thing generally passes but if worried after a week or so go see the doc put your mind at rest if nothing else !! xx

Thanks hun :)

I'll have a good lot of extra money soon, pack and a half of fags a day is *not* cheap!! Soooo yes i'll buy myself something lovely :D

Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow xx

nsd_user663_54852 profile image

Hi Gemma, Ive not been on the forum much but I'm so glad to see you have made the decision to press on with a new quit.

Sorry you are not feeling too well, would pink wafers help? or have you moved on to new favourites ? :)

wishing you well with this quit, you know what to expect and I'm certain you wil succeed.

Best of Brizzle to you , Donna x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma, Ive not been on the forum much but I'm so glad to see you have made the decision to press on with a new quit.

Sorry you are not feeling too well, would pink wafers help? or have you moved on to new favourites ? :)

wishing you well with this quit, you know what to expect and I'm certain you wil succeed.

Best of Brizzle to you , Donna x

Thanks hun, lovely to see you again!!

Ooooh I haven't had pink wafers in ages, must get some ASAP *craves*

This has to be it now, don't want to go back to smoking, far too much money to spend on things i don't like, and don't want to feel like this *again* on another quit!!

How's you? x

nsd_user663_54852 profile image

Here's a packet of pink wafers to get you started.... catch !! Sorry there may be a couple missing, I couldn't resist :D

All well here, I'm a little chunkier than a year ago but that's probably just as much down to a considerably slowed down middle aged metabolism as it is to do with not smoking.

I have missed out huge chunks of the forum, but did notice that you had started a new quit. You did so well in 2013 and as I said before you at least know what to expect and be on guard at all times. You have so many friends on here and I look forward to keeping an eye out for this quit which will be your successful one.

dig deep and take one day at time etc

Donna x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Here's a packet of pink wafers to get you started.... catch !! Sorry there may be a couple missing, I couldn't resist :D

All well here, I'm a little chunkier than a year ago but that's probably just as much down to a considerably slowed down middle aged metabolism as it is to do with not smoking.

I have missed out huge chunks of the forum, but did notice that you had started a new quit. You did so well in 2013 and as I said before you at least know what to expect and be on guard at all times. You have so many friends on here and I look forward to keeping an eye out for this quit which will be your successful one.

dig deep and take one day at time etc

Donna x

Wooo thanks :D :D

Glad you're OK, and still off the nasty fags too!!

Aww and yes I've been very lucky on here, it's nice that there's so many people who really care!!

One day at a time, one hour at a time, just so long as I don't put a fag in my gob!! x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Miss G-L, I am taken aback! Shocked! Flabbergasted! Gobsmacked! You actually commenced your quit without ensuring a good supply of pink wafers?????:confused::eek::eek: That's beyond brave hon, it verges on foolhardy!:p:D:D Great to see you still trucking petal, nearly two days done - how amazing is that?!


Well I'm trying, tis the best I can say at the mo

nsd_user663_61094 profile image

You are doing great, tomorrow will feel so much better :D

__steve__ profile image


Well I'm trying, tis the best I can say at the mo

Nice one Gems :)

You're not just're actually DOING.

Hey, I understand that you feel under pressure to succeed 'this time'.

B.o.l.l.*****s to that! You're quitting for you, not relax and ENJOY IT.

We'll be here all the way, all the time, every step, kk?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You are doing great, tomorrow will feel so much better :D

YAY thanks Lindy!!

Nice one Gems :)

You're not just're actually DOING.

Hey, I understand that you feel under pressure to succeed 'this time'.

B.o.l.l.*****s to that! You're quitting for you, not relax and ENJOY IT.

We'll be here all the way, all the time, every step, kk?

Aww thanks :)

Lol, not sure how much enjoying there's going to be (except for an unexpected holiday) but I know what the cause is and it's giving me something to be angry about if nothing else - when I've got the energy at least!!

Wll Day 3 is here, and I won't smoke!! Cry, rant and feel like poo yes, but smoke no

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