Help!: First major trigger of this quit... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_27255 profile image
29 Replies

First major trigger of this quit :-(

I have an appointment this afternoon which I'm very nervous about and all I can think is I want a fag, a fag will help my nerves!


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nsd_user663_27255 profile image
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29 Replies
nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Hi Mrs Mash, I'm pretty certain a fag won't help your nerves, you'll be oversensitive as the nicotine puts you further on edge, you'll be worried about smelling bad and you've got this far without a fag so why would you blow this many days for one small appointment :confused:

Chin up, big breaths and loads of distraction - get out for a walk, anything, just don't give in to the demon ;) You can do this xx

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

All hands to the pumps

Come on everyone, The Spudster needs us xx

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thanks Jennings! Aww this is a tough one!! Have the straightners on thinking about going to the shop but your post helped so going to have a lozenger and see how I go!


nsd_user663_61094 profile image

How about a nice relaxing bath this morning? I find they do help me relax no matter what the time. The spray Debbie suggests sounds good :)

I use utube and my iPhone for apps for different things. You get some that help with stress too. Hang on in there :D. We are here with you ;)

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Don't you dare throw this quit away, MrsM. You've been nurturing it for you really want to throw it away after all that hard work? It's precious and special....look after it, protect it. Have some chocolate instead.

Honestly, you'd feel so miserable if you did cave, and that would just add to your anxiety. And you'd smell................:eek: Be fragrant instead! :D

Come on, can conquer this. :)



nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Come on Spuddy hold on tight

feel your soul fill up with fight

Smoking cigs is such a bore

No new death stick any more!

Lots of folk here feel the same

losing quits would be a shame

So hold on tight and shout out loud

Brand new Spuddy!!! Feeling proud!!!!


That is funny! :D:D

nsd_user663_61093 profile image

Come on Spuddy hold on tight

feel your soul fill up with fight

Smoking cigs is such a bore

No new death stick any more!

Lots of folk here feel the same

losing quits would be a shame

So hold on tight and shout out loud

Brand new Spuddy!!! Feeling proud!!!!



Don't give in!!!!!

That rescue remedy is great,

Keep forgetting about it

I used it to keep my nerves

Under control in the build up

To my wedding, and flying! Hate flying!

Your doing so well!! Do not give in, you

Will feel worse!! Xx

Come on Mrs, you're stronger than you think!

Visualise yourself the otherwise of this appt, smoke free, stress over, no guilt, no cough and smelling lovely! Oh and with a great if glass of Saturday wine in your hand!

Rescue remedy is my little helper too - they do pastilles and I always keep a tin in my hand bag . Absolutely brilliant.

Good luck


nsd_user663_27255 profile image

I'm sorry to say I threw it away again!

I didn't even try to put up much of a fight, typical weak me!

I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have supported me, even through all my failures you were all there for me so just wanted to say even though I might have a funny way of showing it I do appreciate it!

I'm going off the radar for a while. Need to get my mine in the right place and take it seriously!

Bye for now xx

P.s love the poem Max, I'll be taking that with me

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

You are far braver than me, there is no way I could come on here and tell everyone I fell, I think I would slink off with my tail between my legs. You are not a weakling, how many times have you put yourself through those incredibly tough early days, and every time you know what you are letting yourself in for. IMHO I honestly do not think you are too weak, I just think the addiction has you firmly in its grip. You are brave and you are strong, you just need to realise this and beat Nic once and for all - don't take too long taking stock, you know Nic will only use the time to reinforce those negative thoughts. Keeping everything crossed for you.

ps, I am not having a go when I say I would slink off, just pointing out how very brave I think you are xx

nsd_user663_29008 profile image

Mrs M - I've done exactly the same as you in the past, started quits then lost them then started again and lost them ....

All I can say is don't let this defeat you .... you will, I promise get your forever quit. You've got to work at it BUT if you have the right frame of mind you CAN do it.

If you don't try you won't quit .... look forward to seeing you back soon

nsd_user663_61136 profile image

It's not a failure!

Don't compare it with smoking nothing, compare it with smoking full-on like before. Every fag you haven't smoked is weaning you off it. My partner isn't ready to go CT just yet, so she's cut down to 4 a day - that's her level, she plans them out, and she is sticking to it, from 30+ a day. A 90% cut is not something to be ashamed of, really.

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

I'm sorry to say I threw it away again!

I didn't even try to put up much of a fight, typical weak me!

I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have supported me, even through all my failures you were all there for me so just wanted to say even though I might have a funny way of showing it I do appreciate it!

I'm going off the radar for a while. Need to get my mine in the right place and take it seriously!

Bye for now xx

P.s love the poem Max, I'll be taking that with me

Oh, well.

'Bye, then.

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

Frankly I am dismayed :(:(

I do a poem for you and the same day you jack it in!!!!:mad:

Quitting demands a FIGHTING SPIRIT.

There is no pill anywhere that will just allow you to go pain-free from smoker to non smoker with no suffering sacrifice or discomfort..

Spuddy,if you are honest,you have not yet-not ONCE-made a really serious determined effort.:rolleyes:

That is crap!:mad: Until you get beyond a few weeks you will not begin to reap the benefits that start to arrive from 2/3 weeks on.

Nicdemon has you tied up like a kipper.

And he barely has to blink to keep you there.:confused:

Good post Max.

It's basically just about deciding you're actually quitting and then just getting on with it!

I was totally the opposite when I quit. Once I'd put myself through even the first 4 or 5 days, there was absolutely no turning back!!

I honestly can't understand the mentality of some people on here. Either you REALLY want to quit or you're just messing about.


Just get back on it straight away!!!! Please!

I know it's hard, really hard, really really difficult, but it can be done! Trust me, if I can do it anyone can - I reached a new milestone today, 2 full months and I'm soooooo pleased. But I know you can do it too - you just need to wake up to how utterly, totally and completely ridiculous smoking really is!

Come on, you are an adult - you know it's ;

*killing you

*anti social


*guilt inducing


*time wasting

*freedom limiting

*sleep stealing

*life limiting

*skin wrecking

*confidence zapping

*pro ageing

*utterly ugly

See it for what it is - and stop today.

Have a good luck hug


__steve__ profile image

Frankly I am dismayed :(:(

I do a poem for you and the same day you jack it in!!!!:mad:

Quitting demands a FIGHTING SPIRIT.

There is no pill anywhere that will just allow you to go pain-free from smoker to non smoker with no suffering sacrifice or discomfort..

Spuddy,if you are honest,you have not yet-not ONCE-made a really serious determined effort.:rolleyes:

That is crap!:mad: Until you get beyond a few weeks you will not begin to reap the benefits that start to arrive from 2/3 weeks on.

Nicdemon has you tied up like a kipper.

And he barely has to blink to keep you there.:confused:

Don't ever join the Samaritans, Max.



nsd_user663_27255 profile image

All I have to say is.....

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try one more time!

Good girl


nsd_user663_51052 profile image

Don't you find it more exhausting keep quitting for a week, only to then start again?

You'd done 7 days, and now you have to start again, instead of tomorrow being day 8!

Either quit, or don't bother. I really don't think it's good to keep on messing about all the time.

I'm not having a go here, I'm just saying mentally, I don't think it's good to keep messing about. Either smoke, and just smoke and get on with it. Or decide you don't want to smoke, and then deal with a couple of weeks of discomfort, followed by every day getting easier and easier.

Isn't smoking, not just giving up, exhausting?

The effort to go and buy, the planning, the interruptions to normal routines, the sleepless nights , the worry??

Smoking is exhausting and draining.

Giving up (by comparison) is liberating!

But still takes guts!


nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Hey Hun, as I said to you earlier you can only do it when your ready, nobody knows what goes on in other peoples lives outside of this forum, we all have our crosses to bear, everybody copes with the trials and tribulations of life in different ways, you need to get your head back in the right place, saddle up and get back on that horse, but only when you are in the positive frame of mind to do it xx

nsd_user663_61136 profile image

At least if you stick with it you know you only have to do it once...

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thanks Una

Thanks Una!

I know it's all half hearted attempts. I do try to get myself in the right mindset, anyone that knows me will tell you that. I've read numerous books, bought apps and had both parents die of smoking related illnesses and I still don't get it!

I'm deeply ashamed it of and I hate it! Makes me feel pathetic!

I know there's no magic button but I just don't know what else to try to get me in the right mindset. That's why I post here for help but to be honest I'm really disappointed, it seem you only get support when your doing well and when your finding it tough people come down on you like a ton of bricks!!

I'm pleased for the people that got it and are doing well but I wish they'd offer constructive critism like sharing their experience rather than tough love this is supposed to be a SUPPORT forum after all.

I've had a number of successfully quits, one for a year, one during my pregnancy and then a 4 month quit which failed the day my mother died! So anyone says I haven't tried and put effort in is wrong! Ok I haven't had a good quit since my mum died and that's why I'm here!

I know you have to be in the right mindset, it doesn't seem like it to people but I trying! People also say you should wait before trying again but I keep jumping on the wagon cos I don't want to give up trying!

Sorry for the rant just had to get that out!

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try one more time!

Absolutely :)

Mrs Mash, I'm a newbie here and I have no right to attempt to teach anyone how to suck eggs I know, but as Una, Tangled, Max & others have said in their various ways it all seems such a waste of energy and effort. When I read your original post yesterday I felt that you were looking for a reason to smoke rather than looking for a reason not to. What you've said is perfectly true, but it seems to me that something is stopping you from allowing yourself to try to succeed (if that makes sense).

If you really, really want this thing you'll make it happen but you do need to want it or it will never happen. I doubt there's anyone on this forum who hasn't been there at some point (whether in relation to quitting smoking or something else) and I do understand how hard it can be to get into the right mind-set but unfortunately it's essential.

I really hope that you will try again and succeed this time. :)

nsd_user663_29008 profile image

Mrs M, I'm sure everyone on this forum is willing you to have a forever quit. What you have to remember is that everybody has different support techniques that work for them.

You've posted that you have had a long quit in the past so why not evaluate and write down how you got over the hurdles with that quit? Everyone has triggers and the dreaded craves but you have to work through them. Remember how you did it on your last long quit.

I'll map out my first week for you if it helps. I had a packet of 10 cigs with 2 left at lunchtime, I smoked the last one at 4 then got rid of my smoking pot outside. I spent the rest of that day/night constantly thinking of what I could spend the money on for Christmas ( my goal). Day 2 and I put on a patch - had a day off and went to see my parents. My Mum took a bad fall and had to take her to A&E - wanted to smoke of course but I didn't, that was a Friday and driving home I thought sod it I'll start tomorrow and get a pack of 10 but my mind kept going back to what will I spend this smoking money on ( my goal) so drove past the shop and didn't have a glass of wine that night as it would have been another trigger and I had completed a full day! Saturday and Sunday again thought of smoking for most of these days but kept my mind on that reward ( my goal). Back to work and too busy to ponder, drive back was a big trigger but that reward (my goal) was with me all the time, and so on ....... had the same triggers most days that first week and my goal go me through and still does.

What I'm trying to share is everyone has triggers, even the people who post that everything is going so well - they are still having craves and are working through them. I can't tell you how to quit as no two people are the same - but remember all people suffer from withdrawal and its how you put a possitive spin on them that spurs you on.

I hope this helps as I have been in your shoes and know what its like when you really want to do something, BUT only YOU can say NO to smoking.

__steve__ profile image

Come back Mrs M :)

We give up in our own way

Some people's quits are different :) some are the same

Back the wagon me thinks :) :) what have you got to lose :)

Take good care:)

J x :)

^^ Smiliest post ever!

And yes! Come back Mrs M.

You're battling an addiction here, and that ain't easy.

It takes as long as it takes, but you WILL do it, k?

The best time to try again is now, but if that's too scary to contemplate at the moment then give yourself some time to chill out. Just promise yourself you'll get back on the horse and hold the reins tighter next time.

All your fellow JFF-ers are right behind you :)


nsd_user663_61153 profile image

Keep trying MrsMash

Thanks Una!

I know it's all half hearted attempts. I do try to get myself in the right mindset, anyone that knows me will tell you that. I've read numerous books, bought apps and had both parents die of smoking related illnesses and I still don't get it!

I'm deeply ashamed it of and I hate it! Makes me feel pathetic!

I know there's no magic button but I just don't know what else to try to get me in the right mindset. That's why I post here for help but to be honest I'm really disappointed, it seem you only get support when your doing well and when your finding it tough people come down on you like a ton of bricks!!

I'm pleased for the people that got it and are doing well but I wish they'd offer constructive critism like sharing their experience rather than tough love this is supposed to be a SUPPORT forum after all.

I've had a number of successfully quits, one for a year, one during my pregnancy and then a 4 month quit which failed the day my mother died! So anyone says I haven't tried and put effort in is wrong! Ok I haven't had a good quit since my mum died and that's why I'm here!

I know you have to be in the right mindset, it doesn't seem like it to people but I trying! People also say you should wait before trying again but I keep jumping on the wagon cos I don't want to give up trying!

Sorry for the rant just had to get that out!

Well done for trying, and if at first you don't succeed then try and try again. Isn't better to have tried and failed rather than never try at all? :). So please don't be ashamed about it.

We are all different, some people have to do things hundreds of times before they get there, others may only have to do it once, there is no right or wrong, we are all different so don't worry about it. Just keep trying x. :):)

nsd_user663_51052 profile image

Thanks Una!

I know it's all half hearted attempts. I do try to get myself in the right mindset, anyone that knows me will tell you that. I've read numerous books, bought apps and had both parents die of smoking related illnesses and I still don't get it!

I'm deeply ashamed it of and I hate it! Makes me feel pathetic!

I know there's no magic button but I just don't know what else to try to get me in the right mindset. That's why I post here for help but to be honest I'm really disappointed, it seem you only get support when your doing well and when your finding it tough people come down on you like a ton of bricks!!

I'm pleased for the people that got it and are doing well but I wish they'd offer constructive critism like sharing their experience rather than tough love this is supposed to be a SUPPORT forum after all.

I've had a number of successfully quits, one for a year, one during my pregnancy and then a 4 month quit which failed the day my mother died! So anyone says I haven't tried and put effort in is wrong! Ok I haven't had a good quit since my mum died and that's why I'm here!

I know you have to be in the right mindset, it doesn't seem like it to people but I trying! People also say you should wait before trying again but I keep jumping on the wagon cos I don't want to give up trying!

Sorry for the rant just had to get that out!

I think it's just because in the end, you have to stop being a victim, bite down hard, and get on with it.

I don't want to be nasty, and I absolutely want you to succeed. But in my opinion, the way to succeed, is to accept what lies ahead.

It's gonna be rubbish. It's gonna be hard. You'll want to smoke. You'll want it to all be over. You'll want it to be easy.

At the end of the day, accept all of the above, grit your teeth and get on with it, the more days that you do, they're all days you won't have to do again.

It's actually easy to quit smoking. Don't smoke any cigarettes.

nsd_user663_61164 profile image

Oh, well.

'Bye, then.

Helpful comment!!! Mrs Mash, you have done so well getting this far, and I am sure you will get here again. Please don't feel pressure, you will do it properly when you are ready and this is just a blip (whether that be a day blip, a month blip or a year blip, still just a blip!!) See you back here when you are ready xxx

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