It Happend: No I haven't started again lol my... - No Smoking Day

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It Happend

nsd_user663_40405 profile image
15 Replies

No I haven't started again lol my quits nearly 2 years old and with the help of this forum i did it, now before I very first signed up here I always siad years in fact if I ever see cigs reach £10 s pack that's it. Now i used to smoke Regal King Size which were not exactly the cheapest and are common in the north west of the U.K. For those that have never seen them they are the blue edition of red embassy, anyway I finally seen it, I know service stations ar a lot dearer but there they were in all their filthy glory stood at £10.00. I'm sooooo glad i took the plunge a while back. Keep going all.

Edit, that was for 20 that when i smoke wouldn't have got me very far, the £10 I would have spent that's still in my wallet will.

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nsd_user663_40405 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_18145 profile image


it is shocking when you see the price of ciggies its very rare that i go into newsagents these days but when i do i always have a peek to see how much they cost and i just cant believe how smokers can afford to buy them these days

i do feel for them though :( i just wish there was a pill smokers could take that would stop them from ever smoking in the first place when i was in town yesterday there were loads around especially youngsters hanging around in a crowd most of them passing around one cause no doubt they can only afford to buy a pack between them these days

think that smoking is cool image is never going to disappear unless they start running schemes in the schools from a young age to educate kids on the dangers if they start at a young age before kids start thinking they know it all they do it with food why not smoking as well?

and its great to see you are coming up to the two year mark :D

Well done hun

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

£10 :eek:

Most of which goes to that greedy git Osborne :/

Mine were £16.50 for 40 yesterday, it's a b.loody stupid price for a b.loody stupid addiction. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

i just wish there was a pill smokers could take that would stop them from ever smoking in the first place

So do I!!

Again for anyone who's thinking of caving in:

Since I did, it's cost me about £310

For just over a month.

I used to be able to hop on eBay and buy a couple of nicies, now I can't.

I do however, smell. :mad: :(

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

£10 :eek:

Most of which goes to that greedy git Osborne :/

Mine were £16.50 for 40 yesterday, it's a b.loody stupid price for a b.loody stupid addiction. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

So do I!!

Again for anyone who's thinking of caving in:

Since I did, it's cost me about £310

For just over a month.

I used to be able to hop on eBay and buy a couple of nicies, now I can't.

I do however, smell. :mad: :(

ahhh bless you hun :( thats a scary amount of money to spend

and the fact you cant treat yourself either is horrific :eek:

but you will find your time soon im sure to finding the path to freedom

on that i have no doubt :) sending hugs your way xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

ahhh bless you hun :( thats a scary amount of money to spend

and the fact you cant treat yourself either is horrific :eek:

but you will find your time soon im sure to finding the path to freedom

on that i have no doubt :) sending hugs your way xx

Can't believe how quickly the cost mounts up :(

When I worked it out it really is shocking :mad::mad:

Can't believe how stupid I am too :(

I will beat the Marlboro Man though :D

((hugs)) xx

nsd_user663_18145 profile image






so dont say things like that

be kind to yourself and if you can start being more aware of how you feel just before you light a ciggie and how you feel while smoking it keeping a diary might help you sweetheart as like any addiction we tend to smoke drink eat snort inject or whatever we are addicted to to help stop how we are feeling

but as we all know it only masks the feeling nothing really helps we just delude ourselfs into that mindset of an addict that we need one more to help us through

you will beat this xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image






so dont say things like that

be kind to yourself and if you can start being more aware of how you feel just before you light a ciggie and how you feel while smoking it keeping a diary might help you sweetheart as like any addiction we tend to smoke drink eat snort inject or whatever we are addicted to to help stop how we are feeling

but as we all know it only masks the feeling nothing really helps we just delude ourselfs into that mindset of an addict that we need one more to help us through

you will beat this xx

Aww thanks hun :)

Funny you say about being aware of how it feels when i smoke 'cos i was doing that yesterday - one of the bits I remember from Allen Carr. :)

I hate the smell it leaves on me, it's scary that I don't taste it any more, it's become automatic again and really hate waking up after an afternoon and night with my friends with a tight chest and manky mouth. Most of all I hate that even though i know all this I still b.loody well smoke. :mad::mad::mad:

Hopefully not for too much longer though!!


Maybe they should send me into schools and stuff to stop kids starting?

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

Yep £10, don't get me wrong this was a motorway service station where everything's dearer as they know people need these type of things, I've been keeping an eye on this and the average shop price although i can't be for sure as I used to be would be around £8.50 for regal obviously cheaper abroad/duty free etc.

£10 a pack of 20 :eek: I remember you used to get a 10 pack of these with a box of matches for 89p. I hope they burn in hell all round.

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

@Genna-Lou, you are far from stupid all of us have paid out money for something that the majority on here don't want.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

@Genna-Lou, you are far from stupid all of us have paid out money for something that the majority on here don't want.

Thanks :)

It just feels stupid 'cos this is the first time in my life I've been an unwilling smoker :/

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Yep £10, don't get me wrong this was a motorway service station where everything's dearer as they know people need these type of things, I've been keeping an eye on this and the average shop price although i can't be for sure as I used to be would be around £8.50 for regal obviously cheaper abroad/duty free etc.

£10 a pack of 20 :eek: I remember you used to get a 10 pack of these with a box of matches for 89p. I hope they burn in hell all round.

10 JPS 37p when I started:o

nsd_user663_40405 profile image

10 JPS 37p when I started:o

lol Pay for them with a £1 note or super large 50 pence pieces that the leccy meters used to take.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

10 JPS 37p when I started:o

20 Berkeley Menthols were about £3 when I started.

20 Marlboro lights are now £8.35

And it's all tax - another reason I want to stop!!

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

20 Berkeley Menthols were about £3 when I started.

20 Marlboro lights are now £8.35

And it's all tax - another reason I want to stop!!

Roughly £6.30 in duty and VAT :mad:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Roughly £6.30 in duty and VAT :mad:

That's a more powerful motivator for me to stop than the gory pic on my packet!!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I'm confused, I used to smoke 2 packets a day, why am I not rolling in money :eek::confused:

Where has it all gone, I think perhaps Tesco and Sainsburys have a fair amount of it, to which my figure attests :D

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