I made it: WOOOOHOOOOO.....I have actually... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I made it

nsd_user663_22435 profile image
7 Replies

WOOOOHOOOOO.....I have actually reached the 6 months mark for quitting smoking! No craves, no feelings that I'm missing it...get in there. I would like to say


I may be going through hell with my health issues but I now am on a waiting list to see the specialist who will decided whether I have either M.E or Fibromyalgia or both overlapping as is often the case. I am already getting help & advice from my Dr so I know how much I am able to do...& I am down to see a muscular/skeletal specialist for my arthritis. The workmen have knocked down part of the shed & now they've have found it all needs to be demolished & rebuilt, the house needs extensive work done, so we'll have workmen rewiring, replastering for some time & I'm supposed to be avoiding stress as it make my condition worse.....HAAAAAAAA...like that's ever gonna happen....but...I still haven't had the urge for a fag. In fact, it was only today that I actually thought about the length of time that I have bee Nick O'teen free!

Go, me! :D :D :D :D :D

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nsd_user663_22435 profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Thanks, Kat,

It's amazing how many people suffer from it but I've also noticed that people won't admit they've got it until someone else says they have it up here...it's almost like it's a shameful disease...something to be embarrassed about. I'll definitely look that book up as I expect to have quite a wait before I reach the specialist...right now, I have to sleep...you know what that's like ;)

nsd_user663_4025 profile image

Well done, 6 months, that is great!!! Sorry about the health issues and I hope they improve and I am sure the house will look wonderful and you will soon forget about the work done;)

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

I salute you Sophie, so good to hear another one of us is now in the penthouse waiting room. Congratulations and I hope those quacks get you sorted asap. :D:D

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


So well done my love.

Fi x

nsd_user663_60418 profile image

Congratulations Sophie :)

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

Thanks, everyone...Karri, stay strong, even though it's hard. I won't lie to you...The quit will aggravate your M.E symptoms & you'll wonder why the feck you're doing this to yourself. I quit without realising it was M.E I was suffering from & thought I was going raving mad. If you read back to my posts from around the 2nd month, I was in a world of pain, depression & anger with a lot of other awful things that were happening at the time BUT I did it...I came through & won. You can do it...look on it as a way that you're managing to win a little victory against this debilitating disease. Take every day as it comes...I still say the E cigs damn well saved my quit...& neither myself nor my husband use them at all any more (in fact, I don't even know where mine is!) If you feel it's getting too much, just shout, message me or whatever, I'll try to help xxx

nsd_user663_58817 profile image

Oh well done Sophie....You are made of the strong stuff !!! You got through it to tell the tale...We all can appreciate what you went through. Amazing sheer grit got you through and a lot of courage :)


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