Come and rescue Gemma-Lou - ALL HANDS TO TH... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Come and rescue Gemma-Lou - ALL HANDS TO THE PUMP!!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
39 Replies

Everything's going wrong. Whatever can do will.

I'm in a bad mood

I'm sure I won't make the penthouse

This flaming computer is on a go slow

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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39 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gem whats wrong you can do this doesn't having the ecig help you ? xxxxx

It does and it doesn't really.

Basically I use it as much as I used to smoke so what's the point kidding myself?

I'm sure if I do cave it won't last and unless I get banned will still hang around if that's OK :)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

You are not going to cave Gemma, you're going to take it one day at a time and who give a monkeys if you're using an ECig. You've said yourself that it is sooooooooooooo much better than smoking stinky horrible fags.

You've done so flipping well right the way through having a really rubbish time. Please don't throw that away petal. Be PROUD of yourself.

I'm proud of you x

Popo72 profile image
Popo725 Years Smoke Free


Puffing on a plastic e-cig is nowhere close to smoking a cig. You are not kidding. You are not smoking. For your own sake Gemma you need to stop looking at using a tool to keep quit as some sort of failure. Cause you are the only person who sees it like that.

What's the worst that can happen ? At the outside you smoke the ecig for the rest of your days. To me if that even did happen then so what ? Still not smoking.

And I hope you are not looking at it as failure so then you can give yourself permission to smoke cause 'hey I've failed anyway'. That would be a terrible way to throw away you gorgeous quit.

You keep hanging on. Right ?


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank you all so much :)

I don't deserve you guys!!

Am really trying, (trying poor Kat's patience too) but it's so tiring to be fighting all the flaming time.

Kat's right, something somewhere down the line has undone all the reprogramming I had so it's looking like I am denying myself something.

Know it isn't and I'm not but my brain is stupid and really want to change it but haven't a clue how :/

Paul, I do see it as a failure, because i'm the same now as I was 12 months ago but without the fire if that makes sense? Know fags will kill me and this won't but somehow it doesn't sink in.

And i'm fed up of making myself miserable all the time.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

What Molly said.

Gemma you can do this, if I can anyone can. It doesn't matter if you have your e-cig.

I presume you are at work, when you get home go and punch a pillow or yell your head off. Do not smoke!!! You've come too far now Gemma, please try and hang on and just take it an hour or even minute at a time.. How about the rolled up sticky notes. Drink lots of water, breathe deeply......anything to not smoke.

Take care


I have been for weeks though, and it's still the same, know it's not typical and I've kept quiet because I don't want to put people off stopping but don't know how long I can carry on feeling like this.

Gemma Louise

Now pay attention.

There is a HUGE difference between an ECig and a real cancer stick.:mad: A real one is full of ghastly particles of arsenic,lead,cadmium,mercury,insecticide you name it..and the smoke goes in and sticks to the sides of your delicate lung branches,alveoli,leaving a horrid cancerous film very thin but there.REAL FAGS ARE SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY BAD FOR YOU AND YOU RISK DYING IN AGONY IF YOU GO BACK ON THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad:

Now stop being a big girl,recognise what you have achieved and how much love here there is for you,how much goodwill wanting to get you through,and realise that your ECig is a billion times better than real ones,and that you have achieved miracles by keeping away from real ones!!! :D xxx

I know Max and if I fail, I'm sorry for wasting your time

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Hi Gemma, me here.....

I know we have different opinions on them at times but if needed then the ecig is fine as a tool, each to their own as long as it keeps you away from smoking cigarettes.

Let's agree on this collective stance against smoking. A cigarette has an IQ of precisely zero. It cannot think, act, plot, manipulate, or slap you, but the toxins from it can ultimately kill you. You on the other hand are a very intelligent person, and as a result all you need to do today is beat the plant that you've beaten for the past 306 days straight (and that is one hell of a timeframe)!

And what were you saying about paypalling the cost of a pack if you can give anyone one good reason....?

Come on, we're within days of each other, pull this one out of it's tailspin please. It's just another day (and it's friday - great! :)). *Hugs* x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi Gemma, are you sure that the reason you've been feeling down lately is actually "missing" smoking? Are you sure you're not down about other things and not really realising it. You've quit smoking (brilliantly) and it maybe that you just assume its that that has you feeling blue.

I've put missing in "" because after 306 days of not smoking can you actually remember what it feels like to smoke a proper cig?

I bet you would absolutely hate it if you smoked now and then (and take this from someone who knows) you would be so very gutted that you had. You'll see your 306 days as marred. It won't matter how much you know in your head that it was only one, or how much other people "forgive" you for having the one. In your heart you'll know that you did. You'll really really wish you hadn't (again, my experience).

Please, right here and now Gemma, pledge, vow and promise yourself that today you CHOOSE not to smoke.

Sorry if I sound heavy handed, it really is not normally my style but I care about you and I care about your quit and you are SOOOOO not giving it away chuck.

Molly x

Popo72 profile image
Popo725 Years Smoke Free


You are so not the same as you were 12 months ago. You are being very very harsh to yourself Gemma. Give yourself a break and stop beating yourself up over using a tool that is obviously working for you... You are doing so very very well with your strategy.

You know this. You know how good you are doing and you do not want to throw this away Gemma. You are playing a game with yourself and your gonna get burnt.

The fire is the big difference. Setting something on fire and sticking it in your mouth IS THE BAD side of smoking. The nicotine is just a fringe benefit.

You have not failed unless you set something on fire and stick it in your mouth.

Your quit is looking so pretty, dont kill her because of a silly mind game Gemma. You're better than that.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

on love do it for KAT she has bust a gut supporting you.XX

I told her yesterday I wasn't quitting for me any more, just like my other quits.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma, are you sure that the reason you've been feeling down lately is actually "missing" smoking? Are you sure you're not down about other things and not really realising it. You've quit smoking (brilliantly) and it maybe that you just assume its that that has you feeling blue.

I've put missing in "" because after 306 days of not smoking can you actually remember what it feels like to smoke a proper cig?

I bet you would absolutely hate it if you smoked now and then (and take this from someone who knows) you would be so very gutted that you had. You'll see your 306 days as marred. It won't matter how much you know in your head that it was only one, or how much other people "forgive" you for having the one. In your heart you'll know that you did. You'll really really wish you hadn't (again, my experience).

Please, right here and now Gemma, pledge, vow and promise yourself that today you CHOOSE not to smoke.

Sorry if I sound heavy handed, it really is not normally my style but I care about you and I care about your quit and you are SOOOOO not giving it away chuck.

Molly x

I really dunno Molly, wish I did but it's os b.loody hard and it shouldn't be after all this time.


I wish I had the answer but I imagine the constant battle you are having is wearing you down and you feel like you have no fight left in you.

Maybe start again almost bin the ecig put a patch on and pretend you are back at day one again.

I think you have put a lot of pressure on yourself which doesn't help.

We are always here xxxxxxx

Thanks Debbie, I am really trying but I definitely can't bin the e-fag right now!!

Really don't know what to do!!


Popo72 profile image
Popo725 Years Smoke Free


Right. Back to basics.

Do you want to be quit ? Cause if the answer to that is yes then it's simple what you have to do. The same as what you did yesterday.

If you do not want to be quit anymore I'm not sure anything anybody says will help you.

If you don't know that is good too. There was whole weeks I went wondering. Somebody somewhere once wrote something about losing your quit over weeks. It is not a snap decision usually it is something you plan to do over weeks.. You slowly start doubting and plan how you will give away your quit. If that is the path you are on. Then stop turn around and get yourself back on the road by giving yourself a serious talking to about not giving away this quit without a proper fight.



Popo72 profile image
Popo725 Years Smoke Free

As well right. Who says it shouldn't be this hard. Your setting yourself up to fail Gemma. It is as hard as it is right. Your putting this additional pressure on yourself about how easy it should be now.

That is a load of crock. There is hard times for all if us. Some of us put a brave face on it and pretend its all good and rainbows over the penthouse but for some of us it is hard for a wee while longer. That just the luck of the draw. However even for the few who it is hard for a couple of years. Somehow they get to the same place too Gemma. They get to be happy again too.

I am sorry you are having one of the crappier times with the quit but you have to believe in the bright future.

Sorry for ranting. Hang on tight.


nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I told her yesterday I wasn't quitting for me any more, just like my other quits.

Simple, quit for us all for now then. This is a phase Gemma, it WILL pass.

A few short weeks from now you'll go into the Penthouse with your head held high.

Have a read of Hellesbelles journey. A lot of people say they have it cracked a few months in and that they don't miss it. Helen said that for a LONG time she felt like her quit was a "temporary" thing and that it wasn't a case of if she caved but a case of when she caved. She goes onto say that she just kept making the choice day by day not to smoke and gradually things inside changed for her. You've got to give yourself time Gemma. Come on here every single day and we will keep you going.

Anyway, here's a shortcut, have a read and don't flipping well smoke okay?

Molly (having every faith in you) :)

AngryBear profile image

Hey Gem, we had a thread like this not long ago where someone was basically setting themselves up to smoke, there were a few replies then came "sorry, I smoked" (in so many words). The person concerned was always going to smoke, it seems almost attention-seeking in its intensity at the time.

I don't get this with yours though, you seem genuinely miserable about it all, and the blo*dy e-cig is the answer to it for me, s*dding things. You've done well so far in terms of your health but you posted ages ago on here that you wanted to ditch it. Having a cigarette just makes the months on the e-cig largely a waste as they won't have lead to anything; you can start on the withdrawal from that anytime, but all a cigarette will do is compound the misery for you.....hope it works out for you ;)

nsd_user663_3784 profile image

As we seem to be hijacking Teffers' thread for annoying things I thought perhaps we should have a specific thread for this extremely important issue. Many of us found Miss G-L here when we arrived and have been glad of her friendship and support whilst finding our own feet, some may have only just met her, but for what I believe must be the majority of those of us currently active on these forums, our Gem is an essential and integral part of this forum and now that she needs help we need to rally round the white flag she's raised and do it ON THE DOUBLE!

So here is a place to do our best to cheer up, chivvy along, sympathise, empathise, adminster the boot and slap round the face with a wet fish our very own Gemma-Lou - alright folks..........COME GET HER!!!:D:D:D

And Mods, if any of you are around and could move the supportive posts that have been put on Teffers' thread across then that would be fab!

As requested all posts moved, the only problem is that they run in chronological order so Kat73's post is halfway through.

nsd_user663_60349 profile image

I wasn't going to comment since I'm new and you don't know me but... Gemma what a waste!!!! I can't believ u have managed 306 days and are gonna throw it all away!!! I am at day 3 and would give anything to know I will make it to 306!!! I don't care about the e-cig to me it's just like the nrt inhalor thingy! I won't tell you what to do because u already know but my goodness imagine how you will feel if you do smoke!!! What a waste!

Wishing u the best:)

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Stay strong, Gemma. I assure you that if you go back to fags, if you throw away 306 days, you will be devastated. You will hate yourself. The fags won't even taste nice. They won't bring any "relief"....they'll just plunge you even further into misery. This is the voice of experience talking.

Find something else, be it chocolate or planning something brilliant for this weekend. Do both.......have something nice immediately and make plans for as nice a weekend as you can. In fact, try to get as much nice stuff into your life as possible. The e-cig replaced the fags; now you have to find something to replace the e-cig, let that be "nice things".

Gemma, I actually have a lump in my throat worrying about are such a kind and lovely supportive person and you deserve to succeed in your quit. Please stay strong for yourself and for all of us......


Feel the love and support that is coming at you from so many people, Gemma............



nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Gemma, please please please listen to everyone. You are such a funny, kind, inspirational member it would just be wrong for you to falter at the last hurdle. You are one of the reasons so many of us took the plunge and stuck at it. Read the posts of everyone who slipped, temporarily or permanently, back into the disgusting smoking mantle, not one of them ever felt any better for smoking, just self loathing and mortified of what they had just thrown away. I so hope you can work through this, I just wish there was a way we could bottle your positivity from previous posts and make you take a whiff of it, you can do this - you already have.

nsd_user663_60288 profile image

Hi Gemma

Just wanted to say that I hope you have come through the feeling of wanting to start smoking again. You really have done so well and have lots to be proud of.

If you haven't had a ciggie by now then I'm hoping the feeling has passed. You are inspirational to the newbies amongst us plus you have a cool name ;)

Please please please don't give up the quit now! You deserve to stay smoke free.



nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Cyber hugs (and big ones at that)

Just getting online now, aww Gemma I really hope your feeling better!

You are an inspiration to us all and have helped us all, me included many times, this forum would be lost without you!

Your lungs are soo much more better off than they were only you going back down that slippery slope will dirty them again!

So what if your using the ecig, there going to regulate it as a stop smoking medicine because it does exactly that stops you smoking the real BAD thing!

Gemma you've come a long way, it's easy told with your attitude, your always there to pull people out of a hole when needed so now it's our time to rescue u!

We love you Gemma, we do (sung in a attending a footy match kinda way and your the winning team) :D

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Hi Gemma please dont smoke you are doing so

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Lovely lady

Some times in life we just need a cuddle and a cry, and I know there is not one person on this forum, who does not feel better after a good cry, have a cry and a cuddle from me , and to morrow is a new day, so please if you can hang in there, you make a massive difference to us all,

You don,t always need to be strong, just believe in your self, and please read all those lovely posts .

You take care my lovely x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank you so much to everyone who's posted and PM-ed I'm overwhelmed, you're all lovely people!!

It really does mean a lot, and I really will fight hard for this quit!!

((hugs and thanks))


nsd_user663_56712 profile image

I hope you and everyone else will fight hard for threir quit. I along with many others have seen cancer take our nearest and dearest.

I watched my darling dad die over the last two week of his life...They were actually the most treasured weeks of MY life I could ever wish for...doesn't bring him back that what u want? No I thought not, you will succeed and don't let any of the other bugg*rs get you down and let you crack xxxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I hope you and everyone else will fight hard for threir quit. I along with many others have seen cancer take our nearest and dearest.

I watched my darling dad die over the last two week of his life...They were actually the most treasured weeks of MY life I could ever wish for...doesn't bring him back that what u want? No I thought not, you will succeed and don't let any of the other bugg*rs get you down and let you crack xxxx

Oh I'm really sorry about your dad Trea, it must have been so hard for you to see that.

I am trying but it's so b.loody hard, and I'm both stupid and young enough not to consider the health problems, but I really should.


nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Oh I'm really sorry about your dad Trea, it must have been so hard for you to see that.

I am trying but it's so b.loody hard, and I'm both stupid and young enough not to consider the health problems, but I really should.


It's not that easy though, hindsight is a wonderful thing, if my 21 year old self could see my 41 year old self, not only would I probably throw a fit over the dress size I now wear, I think I would also be shocked at the medication I now have to take. You are not stupid, you are young, and even though people close to you have suffered, personally you haven't, and until you do you still think you are immune - this is not ignorance or arrogance, but human nature. If anyone of us had seen tomorrow, would we have done what we did yesterday? Gemma, you have to come to terms with your quit in your own mind, I think on the whole your motivation and drive are wonderful but every now and again you dip, you question the validity of your quit because you use an e-cig - SO WHAT?, you have managed to stay off the stink sticks for over 300 days! You are streets ahead of many other's who are still dithering, you will move on from the e-cig one day, but at the moment it works, don't knock it. I hope this is a minor glitch and that you are now comfortable enough to gather the reins and trot on, Kat and Max deserve nothing less, after all, it's one for all and all for one.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hi Gemma Lou

So sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time but we all know you can get through this. You along with a few others have been the ones to keep me going when I was struggling - you have been truly inspirational with a maturity well beyond your years. Please hang in there. If you aren't ready to get rid of the e cig, how about changing to a different one (particularly one that doesn't look like a ciggie - I'm happy to send you a link if you want me to to show what I mean). Also you could then start again and reduce the nicotine content from week to week and try get down to nicotine free in a few weeks?

It won't hurt so why not try something different? If you feel you need the e cig then use it until you are strong enough to let it go - don't risk your quit now!!!

Sending lots and lots of hugs

Sarah x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks again to everyone :)

Really don't know why it al blew up yesterday but I've been feeling lousy - really all I can think of is wanting a fag - for the last 3 weeks ish.

Anyway, am feeling a lot better today, so here's hoping!!

Hi Gemma Lou

So sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time but we all know you can get through this. You along with a few others have been the ones to keep me going when I was struggling - you have been truly inspirational with a maturity well beyond your years. Please hang in there. If you aren't ready to get rid of the e cig, how about changing to a different one (particularly one that doesn't look like a ciggie - I'm happy to send you a link if you want me to to show what I mean). Also you could then start again and reduce the nicotine content from week to week and try get down to nicotine free in a few weeks?

It won't hurt so why not try something different? If you feel you need the e cig then use it until you are strong enough to let it go - don't risk your quit now!!!

Sending lots and lots of hugs

Sarah x

Thanks Sarah :)

I think the e-fag is a blessing and a curse, about the same of each really.

Yes, I'd definitely be smoking real fags without it, there's no doubt about that at all, but I can't break the feeling (stupid though it is) that by using it, I'm still a smoker.

I tested it the other day, I'm "smoking" the equivalent of 25-30 a day on it going by the amount of use it gets :eek: so slightly more than I was smoking real ones. I feel like a smoker, look like one and act like one, except now I can "smoke" in the house and my car which I never did before.

OK I know (if not quite understand) that I'm not smoking, this thingy isn't going to kill me, and it doesn't cost me about £10 a day (think that's what 30 Marlboro Lights would be now) but I can't help how it makes me feel.

So, I have to quit it - or I can keep hanging on to it and probably end up sticking a fag in my gob.

Will have a good think about how to get off it, and read all I can to do it :)

Again, thank you all so much!!

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks again to everyone :)

Really don't know why it al blew up yesterday but I've been feeling lousy -

I reckon it's the nature of the beast, Gemma. I'd had a pretty bad 48 hours before I slipped and yet prior to that, my quit had been going really well. :confused:

What I did learn from it, though, is to........

1) recognise the first signs of any situation which, if ignored, could result in a crave


2) do everything you can to rectify the situation, so that the crave can dissipate.

All easier said than done I know, but it seems that some of us (if not all) cannot afford to let our guards down for one moment.

I am so glad that you are feeling better today. Be gentle with yourself, you've just come through a hard-fought battle and may be feeling bruised and wounded by it. Do some nice things this deserve it! :)



nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I reckon it's the nature of the beast, Gemma. I'd had a pretty bad 48 hours before I slipped and yet prior to that, my quit had been going really well. :confused:

What I did learn from it, though, is to........

1) recognise the first signs of any situation which, if ignored, could result in a crave


2) do everything you can to rectify the situation, so that the crave can dissipate.

All easier said than done I know, but it seems that some of us (if not all) cannot afford to let our guards down for one moment.

I am so glad that you are feeling better today. Be gentle with yourself, you've just come through a hard-fought battle and may be feeling bruised and wounded by it. Do some nice things this deserve it! :)



And that is why in a way, your slip will help you :)

Sounds odd but you learnt that fags don't make anything better, and you learnt how to deal with heading them off at the pass!!

Thanks hun, I'll have an easy day today 'cos I definitely feel bruised by the whole thing :eek:

Am going to treat myself though, probably to somethiing pink and fluffy, or maybe pink and sparkly?


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Having been through all kinds of hell, I feel so relieved now not to have given in and smoked.

It's so great, and I owe you all for it!!

And I'm not out in the thunder smoking and cursing :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma I think you CAN do this and pull through :D

So much support from so many lovely people.

I think so too!!

Really do owe it all to you lovely lot - else I'd be on 30 a day or something by now :eek:

Maybe the Ecig does feel like a normal fag gone crazy sometimes,but don't confuse the 2 they are VERY different beasts.The Ecig is intended to look like a fag,it could equally well be shaped like a champagne glass-but it is a very benign creature compared to a real ciggie-a fag is a fag it is smelly it is evil it is deadly and it will strangle you :eek::mad:

That's true, although after using it heavily for too long, I do get breathless easier and so it's time with me has to be limited, very limited.

And it gives me fagbreath :eek:

I suggest pink and sparkly :D xx

That's a good choice!!

Am being boring and lazy this weekend 'cos stupid though it sounds, I'm so b.loody drained after the last couple of days!!

Ahh well, better that than smoky me


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gem still with us good girl. Blimey it was like an episode out of a soap yesterday will she

Wont she. Im so glad you made the right decision enjoy the rest you have earnt it. X


She almost did, it was very close :eek:

Thanks hun :) x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image


She almost did, it was very close :eek:

Thanks hun :) x

Close, but no smokes ;)

Very proud of you lady :) How are you feeling today? Xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Close, but no smokes ;)

Very proud of you lady :) How are you feeling today? Xxx

Yeah very close but no cigarettes!!

Thanks hun, I'm a lot better thanks :)

I've had some times when I fancy a smoke but nothing like yesterday, it was all I could think about :eek:

How's you? xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well that's certainly progress :)

I'm good thanks. Not happy with this weather though!! Xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well that's certainly progress :)

I'm good thanks. Not happy with this weather though!! Xxx


It's cleared up here, almost wish I'd gone out, know it sounds stupid but am worn out after my fight with the Marlboro Man!!

Bit scared of him showing up again and me begging a fag too :eek:

Glad you're OK :) xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image


It's cleared up here, almost wish I'd gone out, know it sounds stupid but am worn out after my fight with the Marlboro Man!!

Bit scared of him showing up again and me begging a fag too :eek:

Glad you're OK :) xxx

It's quite emotionally draining when you fight like that, so I'm not surprised! I think, considering how well the lovely forum did for you last night, you will be just fine if Nasty Nic tried it on again ;)

You know where we are hun xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It's quite emotionally draining when you fight like that, so I'm not surprised! I think, considering how well the lovely forum did for you last night, you will be just fine if Nasty Nic tried it on again ;)

You know where we are hun xxx

Thanks hun, I really appreciate you all!!


Not what you're looking for?