Not sure what title to give th... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Not sure what title to give th...

nsd_user663_27255 profile image
34 Replies

Not sure what title to give this post as I seem to be reposting here's day one again which you must all be sick of reading, I know I'm fed up with in but if I don't keep trying I will not suceed!

Feeling a but rough today due to a hangover along with a sore chest down to all my smoking last night. Rather than waiting on tomorrow to begin my journey (for the billionth time) I stuck a patch on at 11 and have been having a few stern words with myself. If I want this, I have to give it my all.

Time to get back to that feeling of yippee I'm a non smoker! Life isn't going to be easy, it never is but fags are only causing me more stress, pain and aggrevation!

Never mind day at a time, I'm taking this one hour at a time!

The only thing I'm after now is some fried food to ease this hangover lol!

Just thinking back on last night. It wasn't the smoking made me enjoy my night, in fact it hindered it as I had to keep leaving to go out and puff.

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nsd_user663_27255 profile image
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34 Replies
Popo72 profile image
Popo725 Years Smoke Free

Keep quitting MrsMash.

Is drink always your downfall in smoking ? I made a commitment to also not drink until I was confident I would not smoke... Can't remember but I did not have more than a few drinks until I was maybe 8 months or so in and it was no problem at all.

That is not to say I lived the life of a hermit. I just did not drink alcohol until I felt confident in myself :-)

I know lots of others who have made this commitment for the year or more because the most important thing is their quit. Perhaps you can consider this as well if you have the same drink/smoke associations I do.


nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thanks Paul. Yeah I think i need to put my quit first, I've another night out on Friday but I think I'm going to take the car and not drink!

Popo72 profile image
Popo725 Years Smoke Free

J2o became my best friend for most of the year :-)

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

You can dooooo ittttt just keep on trying we will all support you, it dont matter how many times you end up at day

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Glad you posted, keep it up. I drank alcohol on days 3 and 4 and yes it made things harder but I kind of knew that would be the case so I made a game of it. I would not recommend that anyone drink when they are trying to quit, why make things harder?! But, for me I know that the association I had with alcohol and cigs is greatly reduced. Should add, I did not get plastered, only had a couple of glasses.:D

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thanks Toyah x

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

You can dooooo ittttt just keep on trying we will all support you, it dont matter how many times you end up at day

What she said.:)

nsd_user663_58817 profile image

Once your mind is set you can do it !

In my quit beginning it was a case of each minute at a time....

Arm yourself well and wish you a safe journey on your way to a better healthier, wealthier NEW YOU :)x

nsd_user663_49819 profile image

Personally I carry a card in my wallet when I'm out drinking. When I get tempted I pull it out.

It just says: "Don't smoke, you'll regret it!"

Maybe you could try something like that?

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

I like it, thanks!

I read on another site someone carries the smokers vow in their wallet so I'm definitely going to print it out and stick it in my purse :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Let's do it this time Mrs Mash :)

Collect up some fagends, put them in a bag or a pot with a sealed lid then when you fancy a smoke have a good hard sniff.

*That* is what smoking smells like!!

My quit buddy did that and it helped her.

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Great idea!

Good one Gemma, as the hubby is still smoking must get him to put the butts into a tub. Funnily enough I just cleaned out an empty fruit tub so now I've found a use for it :D

nsd_user663_59440 profile image

Respect tho.. if I smoked 1fag id prob go back lol... ur not giving up :) x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Good one Gemma, as the hubby is still smoking must get him to put the butts into a tub. Funnily enough I just cleaned out an empty fruit tub so now I've found a use for it :D

It really does help :)

I had those little ashtray pouches and they smelled so bad they were my lightbulb moment - went from being one of those smokers who loved it and nevr seriously planned to stop to deciding to.

You *can* do it!!

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

First fag butt in the jar!

Aww great timing Gemma, hubby went out for a smoke so I gave him the jar to take with him!

First rule for the morning, if I have a crave I must take a whiff of that jar before anything !!

Thanks x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aww great timing Gemma, hubby went out for a smoke so I gave him the jar to take with him!

First rule for the morning, if I have a crave I must take a whiff of that jar before anything !!

Thanks x

That's fab, they do smell disgusting so that should put you off sparking up!!

Get a couple more, lol and you're sure to be off them for good :D :D

It sounds daft, but if I hadn't been a cheapskate and kept my pouches too long (and overfilled them) I wouldn't be on this board now!!

Good luck hun x

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

I agree with Teflon. You really have to get your mind set in the right place Mrs Mash and not be fighting inside yourself, which is what it seems like you are doing. :o

The mind set is vital when it comes to quitting. I knew it would be hard for me to become a non-smoker, but it would have been impossible if I'd thought along the lines of, for example, "I really must give up the fags", because that would have meant I was sacrificing something. If I'd thought "I've got to stop as it's killing me".......well, I could actually convince myself that I didn't like life very much anyway :eek: :rolleyes:. If I'd thought "I can't afford to smoke any more", I'd convince myself that I could cut back on other things, but in reality, there was nothing left that I could cut back on!:rolleyes:

Really, it's just a collection of excuses to carry on smoking combined with the feeling that you'd be making some terrible sacrifice whereby you would never be happy again, but you know from the forum that ex-smokers are happier than they were when they were smokers.

Get your mind set right, try thinking along the lines of "I won't have any more fags" rather than "I've got to give up smoking".....there's a world of difference between the two; the first is something that you will do voluntarily, but the second is putting pressure on yourself and will lead to you struggling against it.

Also, would it help to imagine your craves as a scrawny-assed little nicotine monster who just wants you to stay with him? Every time you resist a crave, he will become weaker and weedier and eventually he will leave you alone. He is not your friend, you know..........he will do his best to give you some terrible, possibly fatal diseases and make you pay an absolute fortune for it.:mad:

I sincerely hope that you can beat this, Mrs Mash. Well, the thing CAN beat it, you just have to approach it in a positive mind set, and have a plan of action for when the craves come.



nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Bit harsh I think but true.

At the end of the day this forum is meant to be supportive. I totally agree with what you have said but I think there are nicer ways to say it to be honest.

I think chat like that instills fear and people may be afraid to post dreading the kind of response they will get. I know now that's how I will feel.

I'm not saying I expect banners and balloon go on girl. A simple "you can do it this time, give it your all" would have been a bit more supportive.

After reading these posts I feel more disappointed in myself whereas previously I was feeling proud for keeping trying so thanks!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Bit harsh I think but true.

At the end of the day this forum is meant to be supportive. I totally agree with what you have said but I think there are nicer ways to say it to be honest.

I think chat like that instills fear and people may be afraid to post dreading the kind of response they will get. I know now that's how I will feel.

I'm not saying I expect banners and balloon go on girl. A simple "you can do it this time, give it your all" would have been a bit more supportive.

After reading these posts I feel more disappointed in myself whereas previously I was feeling proud for keeping trying so thanks!

Can definitely see your point Mrs M.

Think different things work for different people, know personally a verbal slapping doesn't work for me (it actually has totally the opposite effect) while for others it does, and the usual problem of internet communication - you can't tell the tone it was "said" in.

For what it's worth I do think you can do it and as a serial quitter myself know exactly how tough it can be.

But you're here, you're on Day 1 - your last day 1 if you hold tight - and don't let anything give you an excuse to crack because that's what the "demon" wants you to do.

You should be proud for keeping on going, most smokers have a failure and it takes ages to get back on the wagon again, but you're back on *now* and I can tell you're not playing around you do want to stop!!

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thanks Gemma!

I know this isn't going to be an easy journey and it won't work unless you try which is why u have given myself a kick up the a** and admitted I had been trying half heartedly which isn't working so going to work on my focus and my mindset.

I know I've said it many times before but hey don't think everyone gets it right all the time!

Was actually looking forward to posting in day 2 but now I just think why bother, all I hear in my head is your useless this one is set to fail too!

Sorry for sounding negative but I mat admit I'm feeling quite angry

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

I'm sitting on both sides of the fence here, I too have been the serial quitter, and was for 10 months telling everyone I wanted to quit and even pretending at times I had when I was too embarrassed to admit I couldn't do it, 80% of my colleagues are ex-smokers, the other 20% have never smoked, so I was the smelly odd one out. When I first went on the Champix I was convinced it wasn't going to work for me and as I said before my first post on here, 8 days smoke free, I think I was still looking for someone to tell me it was ok to smoke really. Max was one of the first responders and quite plainly told me (Thank you by the Max) anything I did was better than puffing on a cancer stick again. I think that was my lightbulb moment, I'd spent a week reading other peoples posts, taking note how strong they were and that hundreds had done the dreaded three days. I am now 71 days free, and whilst it hasn't all been a picnic, mostly it's been absolutely fine. Honestly, if you can keep strong for the five minutes the craving lasts for (I know it feels like five hours) for the first three days it does get easier. And although you feel we should all be uber supportive, you're forgetting most of us have been exactly where you are now and we know off by heart every excuse you tell yourself as to why you just have to have that one and how you'll start the new quit tomorrow. Old saying but so true - Tomorrow never comes. And the header to the forum rooms is "Quitting Experiences" not "Quitting attempts" We know this isn't easy but it is doable, if you really want it. I'm sorry if I come across as sanctimonious but sometimes it's hard to sugar coat the pill when you know just swallowing it whole is the only way to go.

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Hey Mrs Mash, how are things going? Please do not to let anything get in the way of you quitting. I know you desperately want to stop and I believe you will. I think I told you, there was a time I use to flush my cigs every night only to buy a new box in the morning.:rolleyes: I was so desperate to stop but was in a rut for a while. I did end up stopping and staying clean for 7 years but not before months of failing. When I finally got a couple of days under my belt the memory of the anguish I experienced just trying to get started was enough for me to know I was done, I just did not want to go through that again. What caused my relapse after 7 years is another story.:rolleyes: Let us know how you are doing!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Gemma!

I know this isn't going to be an easy journey and it won't work unless you try which is why u have given myself a kick up the a** and admitted I had been trying half heartedly which isn't working so going to work on my focus and my mindset.

I know I've said it many times before but hey don't think everyone gets it right all the time!

You're right, if we did get it right first time there'd be no need of this place - we'd all just have stopped buying fags one day, been grumpy and that's it.

Do think everyone's quit is different, just as we all start smoking for different reasons, we all carried on, and stopped for different reasons - there is no one way to stop and there's nothing wrong with having a couple of false starts along the way provided you do try as hard as possible to quit and stay quit.

Was actually looking forward to posting in day 2 but now I just think why bother, your useless this one is set to fail too!

Sorry for sounding negative but I mat admit I'm feeling quite angry

Oh no!!

You post in Day 2 and hold your head (or your fingers) up high, you are going to do this, and don't let anything take away from that.

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Thanks Gemma!

I know this isn't going to be an easy journey and it won't work unless you try which is why u have given myself a kick up the a** and admitted I had been trying half heartedly which isn't working so going to work on my focus and my mindset.

I know I've said it many times before but hey don't think everyone gets it right all the time!

Was actually looking forward to posting in day 2 but now I just think why bother, your useless this one is set to fail too!

Sorry for sounding negative but I mat admit I'm feeling quite angry

Looking out for your post. Do not let this get to you. Go punch a pillow then come back and post!

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Anger subsided a little

Last rant and then I'm moving on and getting over it.

As I have said previously ok I can understand the points made I just think the way in which things are said is very important especially if your a sensitive (maybe too sensitive) girl like me.

This forum is called "quitting experiences" but you have to make an attempt to have an experience therefore I am sharing my 'quit experience' even if there has been many of them as this is a support forum. As Gemma said if we all found it so easy there would be no use for this forum!!!

I think you are all amazing and have done brilliantly, I'm trying to get to the place where you all are which is why I come here although I'm struggling a bit to get there :(

At the same time part of me wants to say thanks because at the same time the anger has made me more determine, so watch this space.... I WiLL DO THIS :D

Moving onwards and upwards !

nsd_user663_27255 profile image


Lol aww it definitely got my back up but now in more of a "I'm going to prove to you all I can do this" kinda way! As well as "I can't believe I've let myself get so worked up in attempting to get out of this addiction, shouldn't give it and I won't be back here trying to defend myself!!"

Truth hurts eh :D

nsd_user663_4025 profile image

I have just been reading this thread, and being on Day 1 as well, I agree, it is a bit harsh! You are scared and stressed enough on this first day to get some negative comments. I understand the psychology of a negative to spur you on, but I don't think that would work with me either!!

See you on Day 2!!

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thanks Marta!

I'm forgetting about it now, each to their own as they say!

Anyways well done to us for giving it another go! We'll support each other through the way!

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Last rant and then I'm moving on and getting over it.

As I have said previously ok I can understand the points made I just think the way in which things are said is very important especially if your a sensitive (maybe too sensitive) girl like me.

This forum is called "quitting experiences" but you have to make an attempt to have an experience therefore I am sharing my 'quit experience' even if there has been many of them as this is a support forum. As Gemma said if we all found it so easy there would be no use for this forum!!!

I think you are all amazing and have done brilliantly, I'm trying to get to the place where you all are which is why I come here although I'm struggling a bit to get there :(

At the same time part of me wants to say thanks because at the same time the anger has made me more determine, so watch this space.... I WiLL DO THIS :D

Moving onwards and upwards !

Exactly what I hoped you'd say. You can do this :D

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thank you xxx

Sorry if I came across ungrateful today in my posts. The truth hurts!

I really value all your support otherwise I wouldn't come back so many times :p

nsd_user663_35711 profile image

Mrs mash

I really feel for you. Ive been where you are. I gave up for about 12 weeks and then had one. Stppped again, the had another, stopped again and then went full blown back into smoking. Before I finally stopped again.

I know how sickening it is to want something so badly and to keep losing it.

You will stop, you want this so you will do it.

Stay away from the drink, its a known downfall for us addicts. Whether its a diet or a quit drink will make you stray.

I wish you all the best and send good thoughts your way.

Stay strong


nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thanks Lillie x

AngryBear profile image

I'm glad you're determined MrsM, but be aware through all this that people want you to do well, they're rooting for you, but in fighting an addiction you have to be honest with yourself and, if you're going to try and assist others (something which is like creeping through an emotional minefield at the best of times let alone when it's the early stages for the person you want to help), with them too.

Personally speaking, I don't see this as "negative", I see it as "tough love" for want of a better phrase. I had some given to me in my first month, resented it it a bit then got on with it. If everyone went "you can do this" every time someone went back to day one, this forum would be paper-thin in terms of actual realistic support. Just don't start me on "blips"!!!!

You seem to be turning into one of the new regulars on here, I love your posts and am looking forward to seeing your quit grow until you lose count of the days, one day at a time of course, just don't lose sight of the fact that people are behind you, they just don't post in the same way :)

nsd_user663_27255 profile image

Thanks Angry Bear, yeah today looking back I think it took it too sensitively when really people are only trying to help even if that means telling it how it is.

So sorry for yesterday folks, as i've said, the truth hurts and I appreciate you all so very much for supporting me through it all good and bad!

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