Just give me an excuse: to thump something, I... - No Smoking Day

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Just give me an excuse

nsd_user663_59305 profile image
11 Replies

to thump something, I am having the first real whopper of a sustained craving since starting this quit, all my colleagues are going to be lucky to survive the day the way I'm feeling right now - even the boss said it looks like I need a fag, how very dare he. I'm just having one of those days where I can't do my work as I'm waiting for them to finish theirs, and it looks like I'm going to have to stay late because they can't get their act together Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pic4ever.com/images/97.gif I have that horrible pressure behind the eyes, I can't concentrate and I am really, really argumentative. I have put an elastic band on my wrist to "ping" as I have to distract myself somehow :mad:

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nsd_user663_59305 profile image
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11 Replies
Rex1000 profile image

Hit the boss

Yes go on do it it's better to lose your job than your life but try deep breathing first it could be a better alternative lol the nickodemon is having a pop at you and the amazing thing he is using your boss to do his dirty work don't fall for it deep breath you are a non-smoker so you can.

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Jenninegs....you can get through this; you really don't want to go back to being a smelly smoker. As Rex said, it's the monster having a go at you through your colleagues. It's probably his last ditch attempt at getting you back.......well, he's just a bit of old plant and you are a brilliant no-smoking woman, so he doesn't stand a chance of winning, does he! :D

It will pass, Jenn. xxx



PS Buy yourself a nice box of Maltesers on your way home.....it'll give you something yummy to look forward to!

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

At the moment I am drinking double strong coffee, pinging my band and generally being a really moody cow. Good Idea about the Teasers Val, I did a family size galaxy bar the other night, I am also contemplating the possibility of a very large, cheesy pizza with garlic bread then scaring myself silly watching whitechapel - ow, that ping really hurt :(

AngryBear profile image

Having a smoke will change nothing as well you know, apart from making yourself feel worse.....you'll still be in the same situation.......cheesy pizza sounds good though!!! :D

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Nothing wrong with being a moody cow, Jenn! :D

Go on, get yourself whatever you need on the way home and have a real slobby evening in front of the telly; it'll do you the world of good! In fact, I think I might join you, as I'm miserable about having to go back to work tomorrow after 2 days off. :( It doesn't take much to make me miserable though; I'm a miserable old cow most of the time! :D

Has the craving passed yet?



nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Having a smoke will change nothing as well you know, apart from making yourself feel worse.....you'll still be in the same situation.......cheesy pizza sounds good though!!! :D

I will not give in to the demon but by god, this is the first three hour craving I have had in my life!!! If this had happened at the beginning of my quit I don't know if I'd be here now. :o

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Nothing wrong with being a moody cow, Jenn! :D

Go on, get yourself whatever you need on the way home and have a real slobby evening in front of the telly; it'll do you the world of good! In fact, I think I might join you, as I'm miserable about having to go back to work tomorrow after 2 days off. :( It doesn't take much to make me miserable though; I'm a miserable old cow most of the time! :D

Has the craving passed yet?



Grrrrrr - No. This is a new one on me and I can honestly say I am mega stressed right now. :(

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Any improvement petal? It's vile when one of those sneaks up on you - the evil stinky monster is the master of the ambush, lurks hidden out of sight for days, weeks, months on end and then, when he can sense the smallest chink in your armour or that your guard has dropped infinitesimally then WHAM!

He's a nasty, cunning, deceitful, vile, noisome, destructive, determined beast and he will try ANYTHING to get you back under his stinking yellow thumb. Just remember, the situation will NOT change if you smoke, the stress will STILL be there, all you will add to the mix is guilt and shame at failing - hardly a bargain, huh?! Stay strong sweetpea and kick his smelly butt!

Defo calmer, thanks Kat, I've posted back in the three month room, where I'm supposed to be. Wow that was intense :) I had no intention of smoking but the fact that some people were on the same planet as me had me breathing fire. :o

nsd_user663_60104 profile image

Oh jenninegs, hoping you are ok and that **** of a craving is tapering off now (feel free to use whatever word is appropriate right now in the starred area), tbh im a bit woaaahh after reading that as you are way ahead of me on the ol champix, refuse to be beaten matey, find an addictive game on the computer, stroke a cat (if you haven't got one, i will lend you one ive quite a few lol) and a better use for elastic band whilst at work ping it at boss if he is going to make stupid comment like he did!!! hugs!!

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Oh jenninegs, hoping you are ok and that **** of a craving is tapering off now (feel free to use whatever word is appropriate right now in the starred area), tbh im a bit woaaahh after reading that as you are way ahead of me on the ol champix, refuse to be beaten matey, find an addictive game on the computer, stroke a cat (if you haven't got one, i will lend you one ive quite a few lol) and a better use for elastic band whilst at work ping it at boss if he is going to make stupid comment like he did!!! hugs!!

Hi Spooks, I was having a pretty awful day full stop, certain colleagues were being extremely difficult and then when the boss said it looked like I needed a fag I saw red, instead of taking some deep breaths and telling myself they were a bunch of muppets, I took it to heart and brooded on it, by then the red mist had turned into a fog and I just went a bit nuts. I have to admit it was my one and only time where I have felt overwhelmed (so far) but if it happens again I will know how to deal with it. Everyone is different and hopefully you don't have an insensitive t-w-a-t for a boss to wind you up ;)

nsd_user663_60196 profile image

Hi Spooks, I was having a pretty awful day full stop, certain colleagues were being extremely difficult and then when the boss said it looked like I needed a fag I saw red, instead of taking some deep breaths and telling myself they were a bunch of muppets, I took it to heart and brooded on it, by then the red mist had turned into a fog and I just went a bit nuts. I have to admit it was my one and only time where I have felt overwhelmed (so far) but if it happens again I will know how to deal with it. Everyone is different and hopefully you don't have an insensitive t-w-a-t for a boss to wind you up ;)

I think I would see red too! Some people just don't get it, or the importance of it. Last night the other half left his smokes on the table, not unusual or intentional but I commented that he might have left them in his pocket to save me looking at them. He said 'at least I won't have to dig them out when you ask me for one later'. I just gave him the stare.

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