Taking Charge: I've always said by 29 I would... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Taking Charge

nsd_user663_59979 profile image
4 Replies

I've always said by 29 I would quit... funny how relaxed I seemed about that long time ago. I've been smoking since 18 and 10 years is more than enough and I find myself saying... why did I start in the first place?

I grew up around smokers.. it appealed to me what the fuss was about. I can recall trying my first cigarette when I was 12... 12!!!

I didn't start getting a bit 'scared' till my father had major heart attack (from smoking) but it didn't even stop me. I started thinking... so many in my family have heart heart problems - all smokers. My grandmother died at 41, my aunty had her first heart attack at 32, my dad at 49, my uncles had 2 with quadriple bypass. When I sit here and think about this seriously rather than say to myself 'few more wont hurt' I am pretty angry at myself. I witnessed the pain they went through why would I let myself get to that stage.

I have attempted several times but this time I am 100% determined to give it up and I know the first couple of weeks will be the worst.. but I have to say, I am feeling fantastic about it now.

Sometimes smokers say things like "well you're going to die of something anyway" and now I am sitting here thinking REALLY? I actually justified smoking like that?

I do not want to be a heart attack patient and cop the lectures about smoking and what a fool I've been. I dont want to feel trapped and held hostage to nicotine, I dont want to smell of it anymore, I don't want to rely on getting through the days with it. Enough is enough!

So good luck everyone :D

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nsd_user663_59979 profile image
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4 Replies
nsd_user663_18145 profile image

Very inspiring post and i was nodding away with you and agreeing with everything you said


it is very scary how you think when you smoke and when you have grown up in a family of smokers i think it makes it worse as its just a normal part of growing up i had older sisters who used to let me have a drag of theres when mum wasnt around and i never had to buy ciggies either as when my sisters had kids they used to pay me in ciggies im not actually sure what age i was when i first had a drag but i must have been around 8 or 9

im lucky in the sense that i had quite along break from smoking on a regular basis due to having my girls over 12 i was able to be a social smoker normally when i was out with smoking family and friends i would have the odd one but then one night i was upset and smoked more so bought a pack to replace the ones i smoked and the next day went and bought some for myself and that was it i was hooked

as long as you remember that even smoking one may well send you back into being a slave to smoking again and to always be on your guard to those thoughts that pop up in your head sometimes they seem very plausible

join the Not One Puff Group and you will keep your freedom

onwards and upwards is the only way to go


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Welcome Adria :)

We're the same age - I always said I'd stop by 30 (after 25 came and went *ahem*) - but it's good to get a grip of it now while we're young not let it get too late.

You sound like you've got the right mindset to make this *the* quit - most of us here have tried several times in the past but it didn't work out.

Carol's right about not trying to social smoke - I had an 18 month quit, then after a row bought a packet of fags (basically to stick 2 fingers up) smoked a couple but didn't chuck the packet, thought I could social smoke, that didn't last long before I was smoking more than ever. So NOPE has to be the way :)

Posting here will really help when you're feeling rubbish, because everyone has either gone through or is going through the same as you!!

Good luck :D

nsd_user663_59979 profile image

Yeah, I have tried the social smoking only thing I think it lasted once and I was hooked again. I know I cannot do it...I just don't think you can go from full time smoker to social only....you'd only be able to maybe start off just socially smoking. Some people have the willpower but I definitely dont!:p

So day 6 now and feel great! I was talking to someone about it this morning and realised I didnt even have NRT today or felt the need for it! Just completely forgot about it :)

When I have attempted to quit before... I'd sneak in a drag here and there off someone's or just take one... I clearly wasn't that serious as I am now! I cannot stand the smell of it anywhere

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yeah, I have tried the social smoking only thing I think it lasted once and I was hooked again. I know I cannot do it...I just don't think you can go from full time smoker to social only....you'd only be able to maybe start off just socially smoking. Some people have the willpower but I definitely dont!:p

So day 6 now and feel great! I was talking to someone about it this morning and realised I didnt even have NRT today or felt the need for it! Just completely forgot about it :)

When I have attempted to quit before... I'd sneak in a drag here and there off someone's or just take one... I clearly wasn't that serious as I am now! I cannot stand the smell of it anywhere

You're right there!!

Was a social smoker for around 3 years befre I started smoking regularly and managed fine because I wasn't hooked - tried to do it afterwards and it never works.

Do think a lot of social smokers are in denial about how much they smoke, or how regularly they do it!!

It really does sound like you've got the mental side of it sorted, not denying yourself something, not missing out or anything and that's fab - it's a brilliant step forward :D

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