Val and (hopefully) Wayne's Day 2. - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Val and (hopefully) Wayne's Day 2.

nsd_user663_59642 profile image
23 Replies

I have decided again to wait up until the wee small hours so that I and (hopefully) Wayne can begin Day 2 as quickly as possible. :o

A thought popped into my brain just now, and that is that about 4 years ago I managed to quit for 6 months. I can still vivdly recall how vile that first fag made me feel and yet I carried on, just so that I could get "used to it" again. How stupid was that? My monster craved the nicotine, I felt so very, very sick and as if my head was going to explode. Looking back, it was so unbelievably stupid, and I am not going to do that again. EVER.:mad:

I'll adopt the N.O.P.E. phrase....Not One Puff. Ever. I feel sick just thinking about it. :eek::D

Ah, the joy of Day 2. As others before me have said....."If I can do it, anybody can". 15-20 fags a day for 41 years.:mad:

I will never, ever smoke a cigarette again.

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nsd_user663_59642 profile image
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23 Replies
nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Let me be the first to congratulate you both - I hope Wayne comes back tomorrow after ignoring whatever horrible messages he has been getting. Most of the people on here are lovely and supportive.

May Day 2 pass quickly for you and then day 3 etc until you have that first week under your belt!!!

All the best


nsd_user663_18145 profile image

yeah way to go Val

Well done Val for getting through to day 2


Your certainly not the first and def wont be the last to think

that Why question :confused:

i still wonder it myself especially when i pass someone who is smoking as that smell is disgusting :eek:

just remember you can do this and when you feel like your going to struggle come and post on here

i hope that Wayne comes back and joins you soon


onwards and upwards is the only way to go

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

exactly what Carol said!

Congratulations Val (and Wayne) and yes WHY?????


nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Sarah, lostie, carol and Trea......thank you all so much for your lovely posts.xxxxxx

Wayne hasn't been around since yesterday afternoon and that is such a shame.:(

But I am continuing with my smoke free journey. This afternoon I am visiting a friend who smokes so that will be a test:eek:. But quite honestly, just the very thought of smoking a fag makes me feel sick!

I stuffed my face with so much chocolate and nuts yesterday to "reward" myself for not smoking:rolleyes:. Well, that's my excuse anyway.:D I shall have to make sure that the chocolate and nut monsters don't move in once the nicotine monster has finally slung his hook.:eek::D

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

so pleased you are still with us, lets hope that curiousity will get Wayne to log on and he will see all the posts wishing him well and the messages on his wall. I do hope the mods have looked into the PMs that have so upset him as we are here to support not bully.:(

I hope you have a fantastic day with your friend, you may even help her to cut down even if just for today as you wont be smoking.;)

I too smoked all my adult life, it's not easy to quit but it is SO worth it


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Sarah, lostie, carol and Trea......thank you all so much for your lovely posts.xxxxxx

Wayne hasn't been around since yesterday afternoon and that is such a shame.:(

But I am continuing with my smoke free journey. This afternoon I am visiting a friend who smokes so that will be a test:eek:. But quite honestly, just the very thought of smoking a fag makes me feel sick!

I stuffed my face with so much chocolate and nuts yesterday to "reward" myself for not smoking:rolleyes:. Well, that's my excuse anyway.:D I shall have to make sure that the chocolate and nut monsters don't move in once the nicotine monster has finally slung his hook.:eek::D

Glad you're doing well Val :)

Hope Wayne's still on the wagon too.

You might find when you visit your friend that you find smoking even more minging than you do already - some of my friends smoke, and it doesn't half stink - so do they :eek: and that was us when we smoked, no matter how sure we were that *we* never smelled like fags.

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

Popping in Val! So - lunchtime there means you are 1/2 way through day 2! Good job! I also adopted the NOPE philosphy. It is a good reminder that it would only take one puff for me to fall right into the evil clutches of smoking.

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks Trea and

It is a shame about Wayne, but if he wasn't ready, then he wasn't ready I suppose. Maybe he'll come back some time soon!

Welcome Melzee, and thank you!xxx Yes, half way through today now.....Day 3 beckons.

I am aware that traps will be laid and I'm on the alert. I understand that Day 3 can be a bit be on my guard for sneaky and stealthy attacks from the nicotine monster! :eek: :D How is your own quitting going?

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

Thanks Trea and

:D How is your own quitting going?

I will hit 4 months in a few days. This has not been an easy road and at times still struggle. But I do feel so much better! I breathe better, I smell better and I swear I look a bit younger. The reasons to not smoke far out weigh the reasons to smoke - so I just keep fighting the fight and know that I am winning! You are winning too Val! All of us are kicking some nicotine ****! Keep it up!!!

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

**** is a bad word??? ooops:o

nsd_user663_59645 profile image

Well done Val,

One day will just roll into another now and before you now it your be at a week, you sound really strong and determined.

Its a shame about Wayne, don't know what went on but hopefully he will be fine and maybe he will be ready to join you soon.


nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks, Jules! xxx

I'm amazed that I have actually made it to Day 2! I was so terrified during my week long preparation, but I had to do it! Such lovely support on here has been such a huge help, as has reading other quitters' experiences.

Less than 6 hours to go until Day 3.....:D

I am going to succeed and will never, ever have another stinky horrible expensive fag....yuk. :eek::D

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Just testing....I'm trying to get a signature.....:confused:

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Testing again.....:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Well, I have just found out that yesterday, in the "off topic" thread, my quit buddy, Wayne, announced that he is leaving WeQuit for another forum. I know about the pm's which he apparently received, but I am so upset that he couldn't even be bothered to send me a pm to say he was leaving.

I am in tears about this. How could he do this to his quit buddy?

nsd_user663_18145 profile image


Oh its so good to see you determined to beat and win this battle Val :)

Keeping a positive mindset is one of the best weapons and keep repeating


Each day I used to have that on my phone going of every hour to begin with when I started my final quit

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well, I have just found out that yesterday, in the "off topic" thread, my quit buddy, Wayne, announced that he is leaving WeQuit for another forum. I know about the pm's which he apparently received, but I am so upset that he couldn't even be bothered to send me a pm to say he was leaving.

I am in tears about this. How could he do this to his quit buddy?

Have a ((( HUG ))) 'cos it must be hard for you.

You are doing really well hun, it's a huge shame about Wayne and *if* someone was sending abusive PMs to him that's b.loody horrible.

We are still here for you, and we want you to do this!!

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Thanks, Carol and Gemma.xxxxx

I don't mind admitting that this has given me my biggest challenge over the two days. I know that worse things happen at sea, but I am so hurt after all the support that I gave Wayne via pm over the previous few days, and he couldn't even bother to tell me he was going.:mad:

I threw the laptop across the sofa about 30 minutes ago, grabbed the car keys and went out for a drive to calm down. I was so tempted to take my purse too and go to the shop.........:(

But I didn't. I shall move forward, onward, upwards,.......anything except backwards. This forum is the best support network anyone could possibly want and I am blowed if I'm going to let anyone down after the amazing amount of support that I've had.

So, less than 3 hours to go until Day 3,although I won't be staying up until just gone midnight to start my Day 3 thread..........I'm worn out and have to be up early for work.......yawn:rolleyes:.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Remember how much you hated smoking hun, your last one made you feel sick so you don't want to go back there!!

Whatever happened with Wayne, don't let the nicotine demon use it as an excuse to smoke.

Had some news this afternoon that really upset me, *and* my e-fag went flat but I got through and hell it would still be the same no matter how many Marlboros I stuck in my gob - which was none thank goodness. The same can't be said for booze :p didn't change anything either but it made me feel better.

We'll get you through xxx

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Awww, bless you Gemma! I'm sorry you had upsetting news and that your e-cig was flat too!

Oh, gosh, I just laughed out loud.....not because you had upsetting news and a flat e-cig, but at how we immediately think we need sodding nicotine as soon as anything goes wrong.:rolleyes:. It won't make the problems go away, it'll just make us smell, which doesn't help at all!

I have eaten far too much chocolate over the past 2 days.:o

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Awww, bless you Gemma! I'm sorry you had upsetting news and that your e-cig was flat too!

Oh, gosh, I just laughed out loud.....not because you had upsetting news and a flat e-cig, but at how we immediately think we need sodding nicotine as soon as anything goes wrong.:rolleyes:. It won't make the problems go away, it'll just make us smell, which doesn't help at all!

I have eaten far too much chocolate over the past 2 days.:o

It wasn't great, but hey I'll cope!!

Ooh I know what you mean, even though I don't smoke now and haven't for the best part of 9 months it still comes like "upset = have a fag"

But the plus for me is that even though I was with smoker friends, I didn't think about asking for a real stink stick.

Nothing wrong with choccie, at least it won't give you a headache in the morning, unlike me.

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Val the Nog :),

I take no pleasure in saying this, but I've said more than once 'beware the quit buddy'. Quit buddies are great to a point but if they fall by the wayside, for whatever reason, it is all to easy to use this as an excuse to fail yourself.

You have to get your mind absolutely clear on this point - at the end of the day, you are quitting for yourself, and not your quit buddy. This is your quit, it's all about you, and no-one else. Be clear on this and stay strong - the collective arms of the forum are here to carry you through this. We are all here for you to help you succeed - whatever anyone else has or hasn't done really doesn't matter now, all that matters is that you stay strong and resolute in your quit - remember, as long as you never take another puff, you cannot fail. It's as easy, and as hard, as that.

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Eggs and Max, thank you both so much for your encouraging and supportive posts.xxxx I knew I'd need tons of support, on tap, 24 hours a day (:o) but this wonderful, wonderful place has surpassed my wildest dreams in that regard.

I know that I couldn't even have made it this far without such lovely, lovely people. XXXX

....and now, if you'll kindly excuse me, I have to be moving along to Day 3.:D

Goodbye, Day 2.......:D


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