Day Four and Feeling Good (Honest!) - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day Four and Feeling Good (Honest!)

nsd_user663_58273 profile image
15 Replies

Lol, I'm proud of myself for getting this far and it is getting easier.

It's not so much the constant cravings any more as the "it's ok, just have one" thoughts that are starting to creep into my head.

Dangerous time I know, it's too easy to think it's over and I need to stay focused.

My OH is away for 10 days and I keep texting him every day - "no fags" / "still no fags" etc. I'm focusing on getting to the end of the 10 days with absolutely no fags.

It's not that I'm giving myself permission to have one when he gets back, I'm just not thinking beyond the first 10 days.

This forum is really helping, it's kind of like a ladder I'm climbing, I'm on day four, if I have even one cig I have to fall all the way back to day one. It's a very effective way of visualizing a the damage that one puff could do.

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nsd_user663_58273 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_58273 profile image

I was just thinking how blooming fantastic us ex smokers are (whoop whoop that's me!!!).

Nicotine is more addictive than heroine right? The treatment for heroine addiction is (as I understand it) to lock the addict in a room and physically prevent them from getting the drug. Even after the physical drug is out of their system they are completely isolated from it or anything associated with it for some time. Will power only comes into play after they leave re-hab.

Smokers are expected to continue with their normal daily lives whilst quitting. We are expected to continue working, caring for our families, paying taxes, renewing the car insurance (moan), renewing our driving licence (grrr, such bad timing!) etc etc We may even be expected to continue to associate with smokers right from day one, friends, family, colleagues etc.

There isn't as much physical support for smokers quitting because it's still deemed to be socially acceptable to some extent.

I'd like to see residential re-hab centers for quitting smokers, surely it would be cheaper for the NHS in the long run?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I was just thinking how blooming fantastic us ex smokers are (whoop whoop that's me!!!).

Nicotine is more addictive than heroine right? The treatment for heroine addiction is (as I understand it) to lock the addict in a room and physically prevent them from getting the drug. Even after the physical drug is out of their system they are completely isolated from it or anything associated with it for some time. Will power only comes into play after they leave re-hab.

Smokers are expected to continue with their normal daily lives whilst quitting. We are expected to continue working, caring for our families, paying taxes, renewing the car insurance (moan), renewing our driving licence (grrr, such bad timing!) etc etc We may even be expected to continue to associate with smokers right from day one, friends, family, colleagues etc.

There isn't as much physical support for smokers quitting because it's still deemed to be socially acceptable to some extent.

I'd like to see residential re-hab centers for quitting smokers, surely it would be cheaper for the NHS in the long run?

You're right there hun :)

And (moany time) it's a powerful drug addiction but like you say we have to just get on with it, and be our normal selves into the bargain. not fun, not easy and it makes us all the more fantastic for doing it.

What bugged me early on was knowing that the answer to feeling like c**p was a 5 minute walk away, but that would make me feel like c**p because I'd have failed.

You're doing fab, especially with all the stress you've got at the mo :)

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Yup, we all deserve a massive pat on the back for doing this.

Thank you for reminding me that what my brain thinks is the "solution" will actually make me feel so much worse. I think I really need to keep that in mind right now.


My flipping printer is playing up! It reckons there's nothing wrong with it but it's taking an age to print anything, so long that any document is timing out and not printing at all. I have a customer waiting for an order that I need a postage label for and Royal Mail won't take the day's parcels without a printed bar code receipt. Grrrrrr!!!! Waaaaaaa!!!!! Moan!!!!!!!!!!!! Winge!!!!!!!!!!! Stressssss!!!!!!

Hum, non nicotine solutions . . . butty for lunch? the last one I had really wasn't good, used to be a great bakery but i think the new owner is cutting his ingredient costs too far and letting the quality slip too far. I shouldn't leave my office, my assistant will be coming in any minute and she doesn't have a key. grrrr, bowl of cereal then - humph the thought doesn't make me feel any better. ill give it a go, ecig too.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image



(*%$^"£%^ )(^%$"£$ printer!!!!!!

I've got a horrible itch like being pricked with a teeny tiny pin. First one place then somewhere else, I'm doing the itchy everywhere dancey thingy. I must look like a right ding bat. It's driving me CRAZY!!!! My cat went walk about for a few days and he's just come back last night, I'm wondering if he's brought some tiny friends with him. The dogs itching too . . . or maybe it's just the plaster dust that the air is crammed full off. I'm vacing up loads so fleas shouldn't have a chance of sticking around. I think I'm mostly just on edge and stressed over this flippin printer!!!! It's making me sensitive to every little annoyance.




The flippin plumber still hasn't shown up!! He's holding the job up and frankly, I'm desperate for a bath! It's sooo close to going in.



And no sign of my assistant, hum, not like her to be late . . . She asked for the morning off to go into school for an exam. I did tell her it was fine to get here whenever.

Oh come on printer!!!! Just get this one document printed!!!


nsd_user663_58273 profile image







But no fag!!! Wa Hey!!!

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Any suggestions on how to get out of that cycle where every tiny little thing is driving you absolutely crazy!!!??

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Any suggestions on how to get out of that cycle where every tiny little thing is driving you absolutely crazy!!!??

Loud music, ranting your head off and going for a walk/run :)

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Ah yes music! Thanks Gemma!

I think I've got the ranting down to a T!!!

I can't leave the office until I finish work but I guess I could begger off for a walk when my shop assistant eventually arrives (teenagers eh?). I wouldn't normally leave her alone but then the builders are about but it's not their responsibility to supervise her. Nah better wait until everyone else has finished for the day too.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ah yes music! Thanks Gemma!

I think I've got the ranting down to a T!!!

I can't leave the office until I finish work but I guess I could begger off for a walk when my shop assistant eventually arrives (teenagers eh?). I wouldn't normally leave her alone but then the builders are about but it's not their responsibility to supervise her. Nah better wait until everyone else has finished for the day too.

That definitely worked for me!!

Can you nip out the back and like jog on the spot? I did that a bit and it helped. You look a bit barmy but heck if it helps :p

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

This one might be a bit weird and it may only apply to me right now, but I've just washed my face in ice cold water and it really helped to perk me up and drag me out of this horrible rut I've got myself into.

I'm guessing it's because half of what's wrong with me is that all the plaster dust is getting into my skin and quite literally up my nose lol! I remembered a shower helped last time I quit smoking and felt like this. So I guess giving at least my face a good scrub is the next best thing.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Lol, that's an idea Gemma, got to put the old smoking area to some use!

I've been known to have a boxing match with thin air when I've been angry at someone I can't shout at.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Heck, whatever works to perk you up and keep you smoke free has to be good!!

Did find it was handy to go let off some pent up energy, and I'd have been wasting that much having a smoke anyway!!

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Oh yeah, I reckon aggression / anger / frustration is fight or flight instinct. Our bodies are loaded like a spring ready to bounce into action. Of course in the modern world there no bounce and the action needed is often slow not energetic so that energy has to go somewhere. Might as well go towards shifting some of the pounds I'm piling on with all the munching!

I'm not sure why it's occurred to me recently, probably subconscious common sense! But lately I've been doing silly little leg lifts under my desk. like right now. Then the odd butt clench. Flexing my angles. Just tiny little bits over and over. I didn't expect it to help with anything other than muscle tone, but it does seem to reduce the cravings and all the other rubbish that comes with.

I wasn't planning on my OH coming home to a slimmer girlfriend just a non smoking one, but wouldn't that be awesome. Yeah, right with the munchies I've got I'll be very lucky not to gain a load. But hey, that's a problem for another day.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Neither the plumber nor my shop assistant have shown up for work today and neither have called to explain or apologize.

I'm not overly surprised that a fifteen year old has shown a lack of responsibility and maturity but the plumber is a grown man who expects to be paid a skilled labor rate.

I asked him last week when he would need the shower, he was very vague - "ah whenever". Turns out he would have needed it today if he had bothered to show up for ****** work. I didn't realize that he would need the actual shower to secure the electric cable in place and put the water supply in the right place. I still don't quite get why because showers can be replaced without replacing the pipework or electrics?

The plumber's proper winding me up. I'm terrible at complaining when people do a bad job. I'm OK with big companies but when I'm dealing with the actual person who made the mistake and has to pay out of their own wages to fix it, I always feel terrible. I'm far too sympathetic and understanding.

This guy has spent however much of my money (which he expects to be reimbursed for) on a product which is not what I asked for and he fitted it without asking if it was OK.

My dad says it's badly fitted, mostly thoughtlessly, messy with no care taken to leave access to servicing. If the thermostat fails as they often do I will have to demolish the boiler cupboard to get to it.

He's also plonked it in place without giving the builders chance to plaster the wall behind it. The inside of the cupboard in which I intended to store priceless hand made quilts is covered in soot and brick dust with exposed crumbling bricks.

He told the builders to fit a chipboard floor in my bathroom. If there is even the slightest damage to the vinyl the chipboard becomes saturated and has to be ripped out. I had this problem in a previous house, it cost me over £2,000 to fix. Thank goodness the builders had the sense to ignore him!

What can I do? Tell him to remove the over sized boiler (which will cost twice as much as my old one to run!?!!?) and re-build the stud walls that have been built round it. Remove the new stud wall and replace it. The bathroom has been built around his size specifications for the boiler that I said was too big. I can't manage much longer without a bathroom. So it's not an option even if he was prepared to put it right, not that I'd trust him to do a good job! Grrr! What a blooming prat. I think this guy wins the award for the worst tradesman I've ever dealt with - I've been through quite a few in the last 5 years.

I'm just stuck living with someone else's shoddy work which I'm expected to pay for. I'd have words with him now if I got the chance to talk to him but he's not flipping here!

The builders are very considerately accessing the rooms they are working on via a scaffold so that they are minimizing the mess in my office. So when the plumber comes round he's straight up the scaffold and does what ever he's doing then goes. Because I'm busy in the office I generally don't even notice him arriving or leaving.

Well, frankly when he expects to be paid he's going to get asked what happened to the prices he was supposed to be getting me on slim line boilers. That was the last time he had a conversation with me about what I want from my bathroom. And I told him at the time that a big boiler was not suitable. I can see me refusing to pay his bill in full. But I should speak to him sooner rather than later. It's not fair to wait until the job is complete to say I'm not happy.

I'm honestly at a loss as to how to deal with this guy. Any ideas anyone?

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Ha, 15 year old girl has more respect and responsibility than the plumber. She actually texted me on my personal phone, school has rescheduled her exams and she's extremely sorry to have let me down. She actually says sorry twice, bless her. She has left me in the poo a bit but I know what schools can be like at that age, they expect students and parents too to be available 24 / 7 at a moment's notice. Grrrr, but so not her fault.

I'm off to walk the dog and take my aggression out on the pavement then it looks like I'll be working all night to do the teenager's job - humph!

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