Here Goes, Hour 1: Right, I've had my last... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Here Goes, Hour 1

nsd_user663_58273 profile image
31 Replies

Right, I've had my last cig. I've got rid of all smoking related stuff to the bin. ECig all charged and ready to go. And most importantly OH packed off to Scotland for 10 days so no chance of him winding me up.

I've also made sure I don't have enough cash to buy any more and no access to a cash machine or anywhere that will take plastic for cigs, at least for the bulk of the day. I think I'm less likely to actually get in my car and drive somewhere to get some.

I WILL make it to lunch time and treat myself to a big butty and a cake if I want one.

This evening will be tough. I have some mindless knitting all ready to go - keeps your hands busy.

And I've signed up here hoping that gives me the feeling that I have to report to someone, to admit to it if I fail and somewhere to rant if I feel the need for one - I mean when of course!

Just thinking about makes me want one . . . . keep busy . . . focus on work . . .

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nsd_user663_58273 profile image
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31 Replies
nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hi Bridie and welcome!!! This is a fab forum with some really lovely, supportive people. Good luck for day 1 - like you said just keep busy. Drink lots of water too!! Looking forward to getting to know you.


nsd_user663_58073 profile image

Hi there.

Listen i never thought i would get as much from this site as i have. There have been times in the last week where i know i would have caved on my own but being able to get on here has stopped that.

Welcome and you are in good hands. :p

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Thank you very very much, I really appreciate your support.

I think I can tick hour one off and be proud of my tiny achievement.

I have replaced what would normally be my second cig of the day with my ecig and had an early breakfast as I'm feeling peckish. Makes way for the lovely big lunch that I've lined up for my first reward.

Early days but so far so good.

Here goes hour two . . .

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

One hour is a huge achievement so well done you x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Welcome to the forum Bridie, this place really helps!!

Definitely a good idea to get some peace and quiet 'cos sometimes people just *breathe* wrong :eek:

Good luck!!

If you want someone to 'report' to I can help fulfil that role 'cos I am a Police Officer and so if you fail,the local Feds will be round to yours later with a sharp message ;)

Don't think he's joking 'cos he isn't!! Our Max is good cop and bad cop rolled into one!! :p :p

nsd_user663_58243 profile image

How true is that, I thought I was nuts when I think that sometimes people just breath wrong lol....

Good luck with the quit, you can do it, and if you struggle thats what we are here for.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Lol, but in all seriousness huge huge thanks for the support, it's really helping - so for.

So that's hour two over and done with. Despite some minor 'putter won't do as it's told issues.

A coffee and an ecig I think.

Just trying to keep focused on work for the time being, just got to get through today, hour by hour, fag by fag . . . .

Lovely big chicken butty with my name on it.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Hour three, almost done.

I'm getting bit cooped up at my desk, feeling like stretching my legs and getting some oh so not fresh air. But no massive craving though.

I've obviously lost my appetite suppressant, can't wait for lunch or it could just be the first target and reward I've set myself. Does an early lunch mean I've hit my target sooner?!?!

I know, I'm going to "do" elevensies. A little treat now to reward myself for lasting three hours, come on willpower!

The diet will be a problem for another month . .

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Oh yes, diet can definatley wait for another day, month, year.

For this first week I'll let myself get away with anything just so long as I don't light up.

First week starts with first day, first day with first hour and I can pat myself on the back for the first three already.

Just passed my first big test. Took money out of my wallet, just enough for a sausage roll and left the rest at the office. Walked past the newsagent and straight to the bakery. That's usually my first fail . . going near the newsagents with cash.

Ordered lunch too. I so want this day to be over already! I know it's going to get sooo much worse.

Unah profile image

Hi Bridie,

Welcome. You've come to the right place. Visit here often and read lots of posts. We are all here for you.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Hour four, done and dusted.

I reckon I've got another two before I'm biting chunks out of the table.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

I'm MISERABLE . . . . nothing to break up the day, no "i'll just do that then ill have a fag" to make the jobs go by quicker.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Ah important work just arrived - just in time to distract me. I don't need a fag, my nose is stuck to the grind stone

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm MISERABLE . . . . nothing to break up the day, no "i'll just do that then ill have a fag" to make the jobs go by quicker.

Can you substitute a cuppa instead maybe? Or sugar free sweets?

The going for a fag bit is the part I missed the most - that and having a chat in Leper's Corner.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Thanks for the suggestions and support Gemma.

I think I've already O-Ded on the caffeine. I don't keep sweets around, I could get some, only that would mean stepping inside the newsagents and I don't think my willpower's quite up to that challenge just yet!

I can do this, I CAN do this, I WILL do this!!!!

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Hour five passed without me noticing and now I'm coming up on six hours with no fags!!!!!!! Wooooooo Hooooooooooo

Time for my well earned reward.

I stuck some overly loud music on, that helped my mood then distractions at work took over.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Seven hours and still counting.

Getting close to the magic eight - I figure that's gotta be a milestone, 1/3rd of the day / a full work day. I think that one get's to be a choccy bar milestone. That does mean walking into a shop that also sells fags and walking out with a chocolate bar and only a chocolate bar or crisps or cake . . . .

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Seven hours and still counting.

Getting close to the magic eight - I figure that's gotta be a milestone, 1/3rd of the day / a full work day. I think that one get's to be a choccy bar milestone. That does mean walking into a shop that also sells fags and walking out with a chocolate bar and only a chocolate bar or crisps or cake . . . .

Max is right Bridie, you will be amazed how easy it is!!

For the first week or so I deliberately ignored the fag display, then after like 3 weeks had a look and saw the price had gone up *again* Heck did I feel smug :p

Anyway, you're doing great without those nasty sticks aren't you? And your cake or choccie will taste so much better soon :D :D

nsd_user663_58183 profile image

Well Done Bridie

Oh wow - what a massive achievement today has been for you Bridie. Keep the faith, you're doing brilliantly. I'm a few weeks in now and not guzzling on "all" the chocolate I see, just some of it......the diet can begin in earnest when the killer addiction is under control.

Keep going - we're all behind you :)

Pam xxx

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Thank you all soo much for all your help and support. I really appreciate it.

Gemma, you're right, could just be that I treated myself to my very favorite choccy but it tasted soooo good! Could also be that I feel like I've earned it.

I guess the government is actually helping me out a little by forcing the newsagents to hide to ciggy displays now.

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Nine hours and still counting.

Starting to feel guilty about all the food I've had and all the money I've spent on it - more than a pack of fags would have cost - ouch. But still if it helps me get through this day / week then it'll be so much cheaper in the long run.

Of course if I cheat now I'll have wasted all those calories and the day I've spent focusing entirely on not smoking. I can't let all this effort go to waste.

Oh but I want a fag!!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank you all soo much for all your help and support. I really appreciate it.

Gemma, you're right, could just be that I treated myself to my very favorite choccy but it tasted soooo good! Could also be that I feel like I've earned it.

I guess the government is actually helping me out a little by forcing the newsagents to hide to ciggy displays now.

You definitely earned it!!

What really helped me early on was "promising" myself a smoke in 20 mins - didn't have one but the thought that I could killed the craving off :D

Ooh and lollipops are fab 'cos they give you something to suck on!!

Our big Co-op hides the fags, they started doing it just after I quit and it was handy not having all those Marlboros giving me the eye :p

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Thank you soooo sooo much for your support, I really can't tell you how much it's helping!

I was so tempted so I came on here and you've talked me out of it straight away.

I gonna blow off the work I should be finishing, walk the dog then get some proper food and more chocolate - got myself a cake to celebrate day 1! Then I'm gonna curl up in front of the telly and pretend the world doesn't exist.

nsd_user663_58183 profile image

That's the Spirit!

I spent a number of weeks welded onto my sofa, occasionally with my fingers in my ears yelling "la la la" so that the crazy voices in my head yelling at me to go smoke would get lost. It worked! Whatever it takes darling! Just carrying on beating it.

Pam xxx

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Hi Bridie, just wanted to say well done on deciding to quit and for getting this far. I ate everything in sight for the first few weeks and developed a sweet tooth I'd never had before but as the need for fags has trailed off, so has the need for extra food and sugar hits. Just do whatever you need to do to get through each hour 'cos it's so worth it :D

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

yay, 12 hours no smoking

i feel like poop, ive got knack all done today, eaten far too much, spent far too much on junk food, i feel terrible, tired, unmotivated, cranky, miserable . . . . im going to bed at least if i can get to sleep i can stop putting up with these flipping cravings . . . . . id forgotten just how horrible this is!

People who say oh just quit really DO NOT get how incredibly hard it is.

Thank you so much to you all for being so understanding and supportive. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks stuff everything and everyone else, I just have to get through xyz timescale without smoking, whatever it takes.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

yay, 12 hours no smoking

i feel like poop, ive got knack all done today, eaten far too much, spent far too much on junk food, i feel terrible, tired, unmotivated, cranky, miserable . . . . im going to bed at least if i can get to sleep i can stop putting up with these flipping cravings . . . . . id forgotten just how horrible this is!

People who say oh just quit really DO NOT get how incredibly hard it is.

Thank you so much to you all for being so understanding and supportive. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks stuff everything and everyone else, I just have to get through xyz timescale without smoking, whatever it takes.

I know you're feeling c**p Bridie - loads of people do on day 1 but you're doing brilliantly!!

Honestly hun, there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying "stuff it" and going to bed - did that a fair bit when I was feeling rubbish, and it always helps :)

We've all been through it, and while you might not believe it now, it really does get loads better!!

Ooh and the people who say "don't buy any more" or whatever need a slap :p

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Thank you so much Gemma, it really helps to be encouraged by someone who knows exactly what I'm going through.

I do hope you're right, last time I quit I was desperately looking for the plus points - improved circulation and better skin but I just seemed to come out in spots and chill blaines and I got a blooming cold almost as soon as I quit - talk about irony!

My dad has that attitude, I guess as a non smoker he could never understand the hell that quitting turns you're life into. But he'll be helping me out without knowing it, he'll be coming round on Sunday aka day 3 and just the thought of disappointing him will keep me on the straight and narrow that day.

Good night everyone, thank you so much for your helpful and supportive comments. I'm so glad I took some time to find this forum before the rough times got underway.

nsd_user663_54305 profile image


I see you're taking it in small chunks to start with, which is fine. Here's something I posted a few months back on this very issue. It's something I found elsewhere so I take no credit for it, but I know it hit a chord with some of us!

nsd_user663_58273 profile image

Thanks for sharing that Egg.

But I don't think it would work for me at all. As soon as I decide I can smoke, justify it or give myself any form of permission to have even a single cig I'll be at the newsagents money in hand for the end of the minute. Once I give myself permission to decide to smoke that will be the decision made for me.

But I definitely think baby steps is the right approach, just get through this minute, hour, day . .

nsd_user663_58249 profile image

You can do it!!


You can do this..We will ALL be here for your support! I quit 47 day ago and I can tell you that without the help of the AWESOME people on this forum, it definitely would have been hard to do.

When I quit, I was afraid to gain weight. I said, no way. I knew I would have cravings, so when I did I would eat LOTS of fruit and veggies. I have lost around 14 lbs since my quit. I did not want to have to fight a "Bigger" fight when the cravings were over. Yes, there will come a time when the cravings will end and you will not think about cigarettes. I am at that point now..After 30 days, they were just about gone, if not gone all together.

Again, good luck. We ARE here to support you. You can win this fight!

Kyle Wright

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