Alcohol and smoking.: And so, I am on day 2... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Alcohol and smoking.

nsd_user663_57395 profile image
6 Replies

And so, I am on day 22. It really is good and I really feel proud.

I am enjoying being a non smoker, but I am still scared of parties.

I was chatting to another friend who has quit over the weekend and we both agreed that the answer is to control your alcohol consumption at a party. You simply can't loose your inhibitions enough to let yourself slip.

How have the rest of you handled this? Do you get stronger and stronger the longer you have quit? or is alcohol always a danger?

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nsd_user663_57395 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hiya Sianie :)

Alcohol can be a problem 'cos I don't know about you but I smoked like a chimney when I was drinking, and of course it makes you less inhibited!!

But it doesn't need to be a problem :)

Personally, I decided to sort of face it down - had kept the remains of my last pack of ciggies (intending to smoke them on nights out, yes stupid I know) but didn't take them. I decided I was giving up smoking so I was b**gered if I was giving up drinking too!!

Have had some hairy moments, but thanks to my friends I didn't cave and now don't think about having a fag, however much I drink which is fab.

Spent Friday night with the girls from work (2 of them smoke but not in her place) and drank more than I usually do but wasn't at all tempted so it can be done!!

You are wise to take it gently at first though :)

nsd_user663_52323 profile image

I stopped drinking for the first 4 months of my quit to make sure I was in a really strong place before starting alcohol again. The reason I did this was because I had a history of relapsing when drinking. I didn't drink or go out at all last Xmas or New Year and my husband went to parties on his own during that period. I didn't view it as a sacrifice because I was prepared to do what ever it took to finally stop smoking for good. I took it as a positive step to help me and actually enjoy the fact now I don't have to drink every time to have fun! Learning that was a real shock to me, someone who loved her wine and fags on a night out.

nsd_user663_49415 profile image

I was drinking more (have cut down in last 2 months as part of attempted weight loss regime) after I quit. Was tending to drink every day at home in the evenings because I saw it as some sort of reward for not smoking. Eventually the resultant weight gain forced me to recognise that and attempt to do something about it.

I've always liked a drink and smoking was also very much a part of the drinking experience. Since quitting drinking per se has never made me want to smoke, either after one drink or several. However all the triggers (seeing people trooping out the pub every 30-30 minutes etc.) are there and so it definitely does bring smoking back into the mind.

I think you have to approach it, as with all aspects of your quit, with - whatever works for you. For me, I've always loved the pub and its a big part of my social life, so in this quit unlike others I was determined to still enjoy the pub, without the feelings of deprivation that I'd always suffered from before during short, unsuccessful quits.

In the early days I used to have a wistful feeling when seeing folks pick their fags up off the bar and head out to the garden, now I could n't give a toss.

nsd_user663_22435 profile image

I was drinking more (have cut down in last 2 months as part of attempted weight loss regime) after I quit. Was tending to drink every day at home in the evenings because I saw it as some sort of reward for not smoking. Eventually the resultant weight gain forced me to recognise that and attempt to do something about it.

I have to agree with you here...I was exactly the same & am now cutting down drastically as I really need to get my cholesterol down. I'm a bit more comfortable with it all now

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

For me - nothing goes better with a beer then a cigarette. Odd thing is - I drink more at home now then I ever have. I think I am drinking more to calm my nerves. But I think it probably makes me think about smoking more then I should. So - probably best to stay away from getting sloshed - or else you might find yourself lighting up.

nsd_user663_57395 profile image

Yip, I realized this week that I am definitely not ready for a party.

I can have a few glasses of wine at home no problem, but there are certain places and people that are definately associated with smoking for me. Its crazy but if I even think of going to certain pubs with certain people I think about smoking. But if I am meeting up with a non smoker its not a problem.

Eventually I will have to break this kind of thinking. But I will give it some time before I try it. I am so glad it is Winter her is South Africa because I can hibernate at home and hopefully be a strong non smoker by the time Summer arrives. :D

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