Day 5 tired: Day 5 today and feel so tired... - No Smoking Day

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Day 5 tired

nsd_user663_57918 profile image
15 Replies

Day 5 today and feel so tired like I just want to crawl back into bed. Not sad just tired x

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nsd_user663_57918 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_56712 profile image

once again Max is quite right, the nicotine is really clearing fast out of your system and not providing any stimulation, I too felt that I couldn't be bothered to do anything the first week, in fact I didn't, I sat on my bum and just kept on this forum. That had a positive and a negative side...loads of support=great, lazy me=weight gain. Getting up and doing anything, exercise or chores is a great motivator and uses up all the spare time gained through not smoking.

You will feel like you have tons of energy soon along with all the other benefits from being a non smoker:D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I was really lazy to begin with and ate a lot more too. But the exercise really does help to perk you up and keeps away the snack cravings as well :)

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Thanks for all your encouragement, your all superstars. gonna do next to nothing for the rest of today as have been out and done 2 supermarkets shops so far this morning. The past 4 days I have been up on a little high as quitting is so important to me and I am feeling so good about not smoking. Today I am tired so have got the weeks food shopping done for the family and will now chill down. I have hated being a smoker for many many years and have given up countless times. Each time I relapsed it was down to either depressive feelings or highly stressful events and 10 years ago I started to realise I was like an addict. Have read lots on addiction and masses on 'mindfulness' and wellbeing but there was always something missing in the information, as if I WAS DIFFERENT' which sounds ridiculas but thats how I felt. This year feels different somehow and I feel not only positive but also sort of relaxed. Dont get me wrong I am still getting cravings/longings but I am confident. Obviously the patches (21mg) are really taken the edge off but I hope this new determined me gets there this time. Probably my 10th serious quit xx

nsd_user663_57889 profile image

Day 5 for me too

I feel tired as well and I'm waiting for my energy to come back. I had a chest infection when I gave up but it's getting better. I feel very positive and happy that I've decided to give up though and it can only get better. I have joined the gym, signed up for a new course and have booked an appointment with the hygienist this Friday, so things are looking good :)

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Well done for joining the gym ect, it will all help with the all important mood and feel good factor. 2 more days and it will be 1 whole week xx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thanks for all your encouragement, your all superstars. gonna do next to nothing for the rest of today as have been out and done 2 supermarkets shops so far this morning. The past 4 days I have been up on a little high as quitting is so important to me and I am feeling so good about not smoking. Today I am tired so have got the weeks food shopping done for the family and will now chill down. I have hated being a smoker for many many years and have given up countless times. Each time I relapsed it was down to either depressive feelings or highly stressful events and 10 years ago I started to realise I was like an addict. Have read lots on addiction and masses on 'mindfulness' and wellbeing but there was always something missing in the information, as if I WAS DIFFERENT' which sounds ridiculas but thats how I felt. This year feels different somehow and I feel not only positive but also sort of relaxed. Dont get me wrong I am still getting cravings/longings but I am confident. Obviously the patches (21mg) are really taken the edge off but I hope this new determined me gets there this time. Probably my 10th serious quit xx

Awww, I'm really glad that you're feeling good about this quit. At least the previous attempts have given you something to work with and you now know what to expect. Also, this forum is great for those surprise visits from the nicotine monster. It means that you're not alone when you crave. You know that the people answering your posts are/have been in exactly the same position and really do know how you're feeling :) xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It's one of the rubbish things you get when you quit - but it doesn't last!!

I got into the habit of falling asleep on the sofa, did that a lot and felt zombie-tastic but am fine now!!

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Thank you xx

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Had a up and down day. decided to go for a walk but had a dizzy spell and had to come home (i get vertigo) and this evening i am feeling a bit irritated with a very close friend of mine which is unlike me but she is grating on my nerves. also my dog is irritating me and usually i cuddle her for endland !! just feel iritable and like everything is a bit too much today. 2moro will be 1 whole week

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Thank you Kat

I have felt so flat today, next to useless. I know I have lots of jobs to be done indoors and have only mnaged a few which is niggling me. just want to sit and do nothing :mad:

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Hi Gert. I felt the same at the start, I couldn't be bothered doing anything. I remember reading posts on here from people who had managed to clean the whole house with a toothbrush and do all the washing and ironing whereas I sat down and only just found the motivation to breathe :eek: and as for being narky, the poor dog knew to keep out of my way...until I discovered OH's punchbag which became a well used release for me. But, if you can find some way to get through each day Gerti it will be worth it...a new you awaits :D

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Thank you so much for the support. I am now getting the waking up in the middle of the night thingymebob and a horrible nightmare but I can cope with that. I remove my nicotine patch before I go to bed but still getting the wake ups. I know this will pass but hard to believe it when you have a day like yesterday. I've changed my screensaver to one of my most frightening fear of smoking and am off out for supplies today xxxxx thank u x

nsd_user663_56896 profile image

Be strong Gerti. What helps me is to think of the reasons why I am quitting. How wonderful my life is not being a slave to nicotine. Maybe wright down the reason for your quit on a piece of paper and keep it with you, then the next time you feel like smoking, pull out that page and read through your reasons.

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

I did that very same thing today whilst walking back to my car. My head has been in limbo so I started telling myself all the reasons and why the fags trick us like they do. I didnt feel like telling myself infact my emotional side was feeling really sad but i kept banging home the common sense and I think its helped xx

nsd_user663_57918 profile image

Thanks Kat

I sort of read allen carr years back and I also attended his clinic in raynes park probably around 12 years ago and it didnt work. I think in those early days I was rather hoping for magic and to have no horrid feelings so was really looking for an easy way. I've just read neils caseys nicotine trick and I got it big time and will now read it again as someone once said to read a book 3 times and that way it remains in your long term memory. Being a woman I do feel PMT has played a part in some of my previous faliures and I also feel I learnt valuable lessons each time i quit in the past. This forum has been a godsend this time so thanks to everyone x

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