Three Months! :D: So today I have officially... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Three Months! :D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image
19 Replies

So today I have officially completed my third month as a non-smoker and I'd say it's been the best month so far.


Total days not smoked: 90

Cigarettes not smoked: 890 (ish)

Money saved: £330.00

It is truly shocking to see, from my app, just how little my lungs and heart have improved, but I know that these are the parts of my body that have been damaged the most. I've heard that it can take years to regain the same function as someone who's never smoked, but the good news is that this will happen!

Month three has brought less cravings (and also much less intense ones), more energy (I've joined a gym and am enjoying losing that excess weight gained from snacking more) and more happiness. I'm now enjoying the fact that I don't have to be tied to the addiction and I'm not always thinking "Can I smoke here? When can I have my next cigarette?".

A sense of freedom is definately creeping up on me now, which is great!

All in all, a great month :)

Thanks again guys for your continued support! xxx

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nsd_user663_56237 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

YAY well done Sarah Lou!!

Know how much you fought for this so it's fab that you're so secure now :D :D

Don't worry about the health bits too much hun, you're young and you didn't smoke that much so I'm sure you'll be fine :)

My heart and lungs ones make pretty grim reading too though :eek::eek:

Here's to the next 3 months :D :D xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Sooooooo fantastic to see you clocking up another milestone hon, it's been such a long time since your wobbles now, you are so solid in this quit, it's wonderful to see!:cool:

I stand, holding open the door of the Months 4 & 5 forum, whilst the Maxwell awaits you at the bar, ready to provide you with whatever beverage you feel is appropriate for this auspicious occasion!

Dead chuffed for you petal!!!:D:D:D

Ooooh, I'd love a Martini and Lemonade please!! :D:rolleyes:

Thanks hun, you guys have been my support network for the last three months and have also provided a distraction when times have been tough.

I was searching through some old posts yesterday actually, and found the one from my first really difficult night of cravings. You guys came to my rescue, I smoked chuppa chupp lolly sticks, and you became my three musketeers!! ;):p

Looking forward to skipping through the door to months four and five!


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

YAY well done Sarah Lou!!

Know how much you fought for this so it's fab that you're so secure now :D :D

Don't worry about the health bits too much hun, you're young and you didn't smoke that much so I'm sure you'll be fine :)

My heart and lungs ones make pretty grim reading too though :eek::eek:

Here's to the next 3 months :D :D xxx

Thank you sweetie. It is scary to see how slow some of the imrpovements can be, but it keeps me on track to be honest. :) I think it makes you realise what smoking really does to your body when you use one of these apps to help you stop.

Thanks for being here every step of the way! I think I'd have found this much harder if I were going it alone.

I'll drink to the next three months! :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thank you sweetie. It is scary to see how slow some of the imrpovements can be, but it keeps me on track to be honest. :) I think it makes you realise what smoking really does to your body when you use one of these apps to help you stop.

Thanks for being here every step of the way! I think I'd have found this much harder if I were going it alone.

I'll drink to the next three months! :D

It is scary!!

Always said my smoking didn't affect me (and genuinely believed it, heh) but seeing the numbers shows it certainly did - and it was going to get worse 'cos I was smoking more :eek:

But, that's all in the past, we're both in our 20's and they said on the radio a while back if we stop before 30 then we're more or less safe so YAY!!

Ooh and you're very welcome hun, am really glad to heve helped you!! You've definitely helped me through some rubbish times too :D :D

Lol, according to Max I can get p*ssed on seawater so mine's a Coke please (with vodka in :p )


nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Get you Sarah Lou!!!! Great stuff, three months! Never doubted it! :):) Excellent milestone, congratulatons and I hope you're damn proud of yourself, you should be.

seawater Gemma - made me laugh :D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Get you Sarah Lou!!!! Great stuff, three months! Never doubted it! :):) Excellent milestone, congratulatons and I hope you're damn proud of yourself, you should be.

seawater Gemma - made me laugh :D

Thank you very much :) I am really proud of myself!

I really didn't believe that I could do it at first, expecially when I tried to think of a future without smoking. But, as your mind adjusts, it stops being so much about depriving yourself and starts becoming a choice you've made. I think that was the "defining moment" for me.

I just hope that I can pass some of my wisdom so far onto new quitters who feel like we all did at the beginning. It really does get easier :p

And I definately believe that Gemma could get p***ed off seawater!! x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And I definately believe that Gemma could get p***ed off seawater!! x

LOL!! *wonders what kind of impression she's given of herself*


seawater Gemma - made me laugh :D

Made me giggle when I saw Max say it!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

LOL!! *wonders what kind of impression she's given of herself*


Made me giggle when I saw Max say it!!

What kind of impression you've given?! Hold on, didn't you call me the "jager queen" yesterday? Ha!! :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

What kind of impression you've given?! Hold on, didn't you call me the "jager queen" yesterday? Ha!! :p


Can't think why I said that :p

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Get in Sarah!!!! :D:D

I did doubt you at times sweetie but you went back,dug deep and found what you needed to quit.I am SO proud of you,fellow musketeer!!!

Keep on a-riding that Hoss,Lovely!!!!


I doubted myself too! I remember making the conscious decision to go back to being a smoker. I didn't kid myself that I could have "just one smoke", I knew that it would be right back to ten a day for me if I gave in. I would smell, I would have less money again, I would have to explain to everyone that I gave in (and I would get that knowing look from other smokers).

But I must have wanted it badly because, even with a fresh pack of ten in my hand and no one around to yell at me about it, I couldn't do it.

I'm inexplicably glad I held onto that thin piece of string for dear life! :D


nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Well done Sarah Lou .

3 months is brilliant news , it just gets better everyday from now on :D

Good Job :cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

But I must have wanted it badly because, even with a fresh pack of ten in my hand and no one around to yell at me about it, I couldn't do it.

Remember getting heart failure when you messaged me saying you'd bought fags!! :eek:

But you came through 'cos you're a hell of a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for!!

Promise this isn't BS, but something told me you'd make it - maybe 'cos your quit experience and attitude are similar to mine?


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Remember getting heart failure when you messaged me saying you'd bought fags!! :eek:

But you came through 'cos you're a hell of a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for!!

Promise this isn't BS, but something told me you'd make it - maybe 'cos your quit experience and attitude are similar to mine?


Yeah, we're like kindred, alcoholic spirits :D Tehehehe :rolleyes:

I think we do have quite similar quits and we are a similar age too. I see a lot of me in your posts sometimes as well. :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yeah, we're like kindred, alcoholic spirits :D Tehehehe :rolleyes:

I think we do have quite similar quits and we are a similar age too. I see a lot of me in your posts sometimes as well. :D

Lol, I like that!! :p

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well done Sarah Lou .

3 months is brilliant news , it just gets better everyday from now on :D

Good Job :cool:

Thank you very much bladeflyer!! :)

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

I am so pleased for you Sarah especially since you have "seen the light" at such a young age! You, as well as Gemma (similar age group) are an inspiration ;).

Just keep doing what you're doing and inspire many more!!! XXX

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I am so pleased for you Sarah especially since you have "seen the light" at such a young age! You, as well as Gemma (similar age group) are an inspiration ;).

Just keep doing what you're doing and inspire many more!!! XXX

Thank you Jess :) I'm really glad that I've made the change before it's too late to reverse the damage! Xxx

nsd_user663_57734 profile image

Well done you! You should be very proud its quite an achievment. I hope to be there soon xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well done you! You should be very proud its quite an achievment. I hope to be there soon xxx

Thank you hun :)

It feels really good and I hope that anyone who's running along behind me can see that it gets easier and it starts to become less about quitting and more about choosing to be a non-smoker.

Not long and you'll be enjoyng the three month mark too! xxx

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