How long since you quit...: Lots of people... - No Smoking Day

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How long since you quit...

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Lots of people seem to be a little down at the moment. It helps me to read about how others are doing as it helps to know we are all in this together. So, how about we all write a short message saying how long since we quit and how we are feeling today?

I have just entered month 2 (1 month and 1 day). I'm feeling pretty good today but will start easing off the e-cig in the coming weeks - only on 1-2 cartridges a week at a cost of around £3 a week so not too bad. Have had moments of sadness and cravings, but overall not too bad.

This forum has helped me a lot!!!

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nsd_user663_57259 profile image
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120 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ooh this is a nice idea :)

I last smoked a burny fag on December 10th last year, and last smoked my e-cig 20 days ago.

Am feeling a bit up and down because of the e-cig but otherwise it's great.

I don't stink of fags, I'm not paranoid about breathing cigarette breath over people, I'm richer and i look years younger. :D :D

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Today is exactly two and a half years since I quit.

I'm absolutely ticketyboo, and living proof that this thing is achievable! Still think of smoking now and then, but don't miss it in the slightest.

I well remember the early days, wondering if it would ever get better. Please keep faith, because it WILL.

Helen x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Lots of people seem to be a little down at the moment. It helps me to read about how others are doing as it helps to know we are all in this together. So, how about we all write a short message saying how long since we quit and how we are feeling today?

I have just entered month 2 (1 month and 1 day). I'm feeling pretty good today but will start easing off the e-cig in the coming weeks - only on 1-2 cartridges a week at a cost of around £3 a week so not too bad. Have had moments of sadness and cravings, but overall not too bad.

This forum has helped me a lot!!!

I love this idea :)

Tomorrow will be the end of month three for me and I feel really fab. It's been the hardest journey my 24 year old self has been put thorough, but one of the best decisions I have made to this day.

The odd cravings I now have are met by the thought "are you having a laugh?" and are easy to push away.

I recently started wokring out at a women's only gym and feel stronger and fitter for it. I've also started trying to watch my diet, as I indulged rather at the beginning of my quit! :rolleyes:

I think about lighting up less and less and am happy to be able to enjoy a social night out (with alcohol) without wanting to join the smokers outside.

I'd say that my hardest challenge in the last month has been the sunshine. On those days when it's been warm enough to sit outside (few and far between, I know) I have had stronger cravings than usual, but they haven't been anything like the ones you experience in the first few weeks.

All in all, month three has been a nice one :) xxx

P.S. I definately wouldn't still be a non-smoker if it weren't for this forum!!

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

This is my 50th day of being a non-smoker.

Decided to stop taking Champix last Saturday and so far so good .....

I honestly could never see myself stopping but Champix did give me the kick start I needed.

It's amazing how much better life is, both health and moneywise. It was also starting to become extremely embarrassing being a smoker especially as I always seemed to be in the minority!

Also, this forum has been an absolute Godsend with everyone being so supportive, thank you all :):):) x

nsd_user663_57059 profile image

Day 19 today for me :) stopped taking Champix yesterday.

Feel Fab!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

P.S. I definately wouldn't still be a non-smoker if it weren't for this forum!!

What she said!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I think we are all in agreement that this forum is very helpful!

I wonder how everyone else is doing....

nsd_user663_19503 profile image

87 days since I gave up and although the journey has had it's ups and downs, I feel pretty good overall. Still get the odd urge to smoke but compared to the first few weeks they are only fleeting urges soon pushed away.

nsd_user663_57214 profile image

Quit time

I am half way through my fifth week and the last two days have been pretty grim although I am managing to sleep well at least. I did get a new prescription for patches the other day and instead of the pharmacist giving me the Nicorette ones they gave me Boots own make and it seems that since I changed I have been struggling more. Has anyone else found this?

nsd_user663_57734 profile image

Hiya i'm nearing the end of day 8 👍

Quit cold turkey, for me thats the only way. Have had a few bad craves, but have managed to get through, with a big help from everyone on here.

Feeling strong and confident but do have big doubts sometimes. I still have a lot of hurdles to face but i will have no choice but to face them & get through it.......

I have felt that educating myself on smoking, quitting and addiction has helped me greatly and i have opened my eyes to what smoking really is.......a nasty peice of 💩& i will not be associated with it 😀💪😀

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Hiya, for me it is 197 days. Things are definitely much easier, but I do remember the early days being hell, but like others have said before me, it does get easier = I think of smoking perhaps once a week now (not a crave just a thought) as opposed to every second in the first week!!!

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

It will be five months tomorrow for me:)

How do I feel? FREE:D:D

The best moment in the quitting journey is when your subconscious mind catches up with your conscious mind and realises you really are better off without the cigs;) That's freedom - a truly great feeling - one to treasure and never throw away again for the empty promise of 'just one more cigarette'.

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Five months and 20 days according to my app. It's peculiar, I find myself posting here less and less, not through intent but just through being stupidly busy. Or maybe I'm just thinking about it much less so not as 'front of mind' as it used to be.

On hols from tomorrow, week in france with the family which I'm hoping will be pretty straightforward.

So where am I in the quit? Well not smoking is pretty much ok these days, I really feel like this is it for the long term. I still miss it fairly regularly, I think the consensus is that it takes time for the subconscious mind to catch up with the conscious (thanks Hels for that wisdom!) - I find it's true for me. Still fancy it now and then, wish it didn't kill you, but hey - it's an addiction I'm not willing to go back to now for any reason. I really don't fancy the possible side effects! :(

EGG - another line in the sand drawn...and about to be crossed. Great stuff sir! :)

nsd_user663_23871 profile image

817 days for me (according to my computer) and I've saved over $4000 although I'm not sure where it is. :o Maybe my wife knows.

For all those struggling, listen and BELIEVE all the successful quitters when they say it DOES get easier. Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. You just have to stay focused, keep distracted........whatever. Find the method that works for you and it's exceedingly doable.

I was positive I'd never be able to quit and now I am free. And I say free because you really are imprisoned by that addiction/habit.

nsd_user663_57531 profile image

Day 36 for me. Sore throat, full of cold, tight chest. But I DON`T SMOKE. That is all that matters to me!!! I have waited 46 years to get to this point and I am going to enjoy it no matter how ill I (temporarily) feel!

nsd_user663_55542 profile image

Day 101, feeling a lot healthier than i was, struggled on a few days at the start but stuck with it , it has been very worth while and glad i persevered , looking back on those 101 days and it was nt that hard to do for me, hopefully im free after 20-30 a day for 36 years, and deffo this forum has helped in my quit, i have nt needed a lot of support directly but have read other posts/threads which do give hope to any that read them, hang in there people, we are better for it.

nsd_user663_26699 profile image

Just over two and a half years since I quit, and I hardly ever think about smoking any more. Even when I do, it is usually just because I'm reminded by seeing someone smoking. I have no desire whatsoever to smoke ever again, and yet I smoked heavily for over 25 years, and often over 40 a day.

I'm happy to be free from the slavery, the expense, the health issues and all the other negatives smoking brings. Funnily enough though, I still enjoy the smell of second-hand smoke, but even that isn't enough to get me smoking again.

I can truly say that I'm at a point now where I feel great about never smoking ever again.


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

It is really reassuring to hear that there is light at then end of the tunnel! So many success stories!

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

817 days for me (according to my computer) and I've saved over $4000 although I'm not sure where it is. :o Maybe my wife knows.

I've been somewhat under the illusion that I have saved so much I have been spending like crazy (think I'll have to get a second job!!!) :rolleyes::D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

It will be 3 years and 5 months tomorrow at 10 minutes past 9 since I quit the cigs, I was the unintentional quitter and originally had no intention of quitting smoking as it was my main pleasure in life, or so I thought.

No regrets at all, Love being a none smoker and so pleased to see so many younger smokers realizing before its too late that they can live without the dreaded weed, I see now that smokers are the minority compared to even 10 years ago.

Don't give up, one day you will look back at your quit and think, where did I find the time to smoke.

My Mum died of Lung cancer, she always said I was like her and would never quit, sadly I proved her wrong even though she wasn't around to see it :(

I do ask my self like Jess, how come I don't have a stash of money to show for it, maybe I spent it on sweets and boots:eek:

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

It will be 3 years and 5 months tomorrow at 10 minutes past 9 since I quit the cigs, I was the unintentional quitter and originally had no intention of quitting smoking as it was my main pleasure in life, or so I thought.

No regrets at all, Love being a none smoker and so pleased to see so many younger smokers realizing before its too late that they can live without the dreaded weed, I see now that smokers are the minority compared to even 10 years ago.

Don't give up, one day you will look back at your quit and think, where did I find the time to smoke.

My Mum died of Lung cancer, she always said I was like her and would never quit, sadly I proved her wrong even though she wasn't around to see it :(

I do ask my self like Jess, how come I don't have a stash of money to show for it, maybe I spent it on sweets and boots:eek:

Awww, this is my favourite so far :) Just goes to show that we don't "need" or "enjoy" smoking at all!

Well done, glad to see you're still so happy in your quit after three years! x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Awww, this is my favourite so far :) Just goes to show that we don't "need" or "enjoy" smoking at all!

Well done, glad to see you're still so happy in your quit after three years! x

Thanks Sarah, yes still happy even though I was one of the 1 in a million who has now got UC after quitting, would sooner have that though than smoke :rolleyes:x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Thanks Sarah, yes still happy even though I was one of the 1 in a million who has now got UC after quitting, would sooner have that though than smoke :rolleyes:x

UC? Don't know what this is. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

UC? Don't know what this is. :rolleyes:

A small percentage of people who quit smoking seem to get this auto immune problem, I am one of them, its full title is Ulcerative Colitis :(

Have now got it under control I hope.

Its the only known medical condition that can be caused by quitting I think.

nsd_user663_55542 profile image

817 days for me (according to my computer) and I've saved over $4000 although I'm not sure where it is. :o Maybe my wife knows.

I've been somewhat under the illusion that I have saved so much I have been spending like crazy (think I'll have to get a second job!!!) :rolleyes::D

Wether your spending/saving or not the main thing is your not smoking, your health is for more important than your wealth, sure treat yourself but dont worry about spending it, before... you would have been spending it to kill yourself !!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well it's now just over 5 weeks for me and since my last update I've only had one day when I've been really moody and ratty with people. The cravings are fewer and further between and aren't that strong either. I enjoying wine more.... Even in the sun, a nice glass of Pinot Grigio is possible and enjoyable - even the e-cig isn't needed for that. I feel I have made a lot of progress this week and am more and more positive about the future. How is everyone else doing today?

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Thanks Max - I am feeling upbeat actually. I have tailed off the e-cig quite a lot already as I'm down to one cartridge a week. I plan to ease off it completely as I'm treating it like any of the NRT products (I know it's not one of them but for me it is). I will be moving to low strength soon and then by month 3 I will be on nicotine free for the last few weeks before it will get put away for absolute emergencies only!!! I am a very addictive person and therefore I need to know I have something to prevent me from buying the real thing. It's working so far!

Well done to you! That's amazing!!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I have tailed off the e-cig quite a lot already as I'm down to one cartridge a week. I plan to ease off it completely as I'm treating it like any of the NRT products (I know it's not one of them but for me it is).

That's fab Sarah :)

If it works for you that's the only thing that matters!!

Well it's now just over 5 weeks for me and since my last update I've only had one day when I've been really moody and ratty with people. The cravings are fewer and further between and aren't that strong either. I enjoying wine more.... Even in the sun, a nice glass of Pinot Grigio is possible and enjoyable - even the e-cig isn't needed for that. I feel I have made a lot of progress this week and am more and more positive about the future. How is everyone else doing today?

You are doing really well hun :)

It definitely sounds like you're winning the fight and that's fab :D

I'm 24 weeks smoke free tomorrow, am still suffering from quitting the e-cig but heck I'll get there :cool:

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Sorry you are still suffering from the e-cig but well done for nearly half a year!!! I hope I don't struggle as much as you to get rid of it!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Sorry you are still suffering from the e-cig but well done for nearly half a year!!! I hope I don't struggle as much as you to get rid of it!

Thanks hun :)

I'm sure you won't struggle as much as me 'cos you're using it differently!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Time will tell I guess......

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Time will tell I guess......

I'm sure you'll be fine :)

My nan quit years ago (never knew her as a smoker) and she did it by missing out fags - like not having one after a meal or something and I guess that might help you?

She tried to teach me that to help me stop a long time ago :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Your nan is a wise woman. I have also started missing out the normal ones and just use the e-cig as a last resort. Some days it is needed a lot, others not at all.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Your nan is a wise woman. I have also started missing out the normal ones and just use the e-cig as a last resort. Some days it is needed a lot, others not at all.

Ooh yes she was, definitely!! :)

And she didn't nag too which helped - unfortunately stupid teenage me didn't make the quit last.

Huge well done for cutting down already, that's brilliant and it will make dumping the e-cig a lot easier :D

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Talking of the wise woman!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

Hehehe very good :D:D

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well it's 6 weeks for me now and I'm feeling pretty indifferent to smoking today. Yesterday I was very close to having one but managed to come back to my senses before I did something stupid. The past week has been the weirdest mix of very high highs and really low lows and I really hope the next week will be a bit less of a roller coaster!

I have had 2 pieces of low strength gum today and have used the e cig once or twice. Overall I'm happy with that.

How is everyone else doing?

nsd_user663_58050 profile image

Hi folks. I've just joined today as I was googling to find out when I would actually start feeling healthier after stopping. I shall be at 10 weeks tomorrow evening. I started 37 years ago and have generally been on a 20 pack each day, occasionally more, occasionally less.

I'm not exactly unfit - tennis, swimming, weights, yoga, including bikram, and now doing couch to 5km programme; just finished week four. And some of these have been easier than pre-stopping. But I cannot say that I feel great. I have bleeding gums, my chest is tight, sinus/mucus in bucket loads. I am just surprised that I don't feel that much better/healthier.

I'm beginning to wonder if now the smoking has gone, other health issues are manifesting themselves.

By the way, I'm now reducing the champix - champix was definitely the way to go for me; the horrible nausea was well worth tolerating. I'm now on .5mg per day, when I remember to take it. Some desire for a cigarette, but to succumb would be really stupid. I do wonder though when I will feel 'good', healthwise.

Best to everyone. Whatever I have said above it is absolutely worth not smoking. Paul

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hi Paul and welcome to the forum! There are some lovely supportive people on here at various stages in their quits so I'm sure you will get lots of great advice.

Congrats on 10 weeks - that's brilliant! I have had my fair share on illness during my 6 week quit so far including pleurisy (similar to pneumonia, food poisoning and sinus problems). I've been assured its absolutely normal to feel a bit worse at first. It can take several months fr the health benefits to kick in but I have noticed many improvements already - particularly with regard to my cough almost disappearing. Hang in there I'm sure you will start noticing some more benefits soon.

Regarding your exercise program I'm starting mine again tomorrow. I wnt to get back to running 10kms - in fact I really want to run a marathon if I can, but I need to start at the beginning again as I'm so unfit! Any tips are appreciated!


nsd_user663_58050 profile image

Hi Sarah, and thank you for replying. Your upbeat demeanour on the forum certainly is welcome and supportive.

Now you mention about the cough, I had forgotten the really bad cough I woke up to every morning, and sometimes during the night. We are into warmer months which usually helps, but of course stopping smoking almost immediately eradicated the cough.

I don't know if you have seen the C25K running programmes. There's a 5k and a 10k programme. I'm doing the couch to 5km in 9 weeks programme. I have the app on my phone which prompts me to start running/slow down etc. So far it's been a gentle introduction, but my running for a solid five minutes and a total of 16 minutes with intervals was a pleasing challenge. Also, if you haven't seen have a look. I love it. It, and with support from others, has driven me to do physical exercise I never imagined I would do. It has an 'Ex-smoker' group as well. All the best with your non-smoker status! Paul

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hi Sarah, and thank you for replying. Your upbeat demeanour on the forum certainly is welcome and supportive.

Now you mention about the cough, I had forgotten the really bad cough I woke up to every morning, and sometimes during the night. We are into warmer months which usually helps, but of course stopping smoking almost immediately eradicated the cough.

I don't know if you have seen the C25K running programmes. There's a 5k and a 10k programme. I'm doing the couch to 5km in 9 weeks programme. I have the app on my phone which prompts me to start running/slow down etc. So far it's been a gentle introduction, but my running for a solid five minutes and a total of 16 minutes with intervals was a pleasing challenge. Also, if you haven't seen have a look. I love it. It, and with support from others, has driven me to do physical exercise I never imagined I would do. It has an 'Ex-smoker' group as well. All the best with your non-smoker status! Paul

Thx Paul, although my demeanour isn't always upbeat!

I will have a look at the app and give it a go.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Day 50!!!!!

Well it's day 50 for me and hubby today. :D I can't believe it! Still going well with only marginal cravings in the last few days. Not eating as much as during the first few weeks.

I'm using around 2 of the low nicotine gums a day and I've moved on to the lower nicotine in my e-cig. Still using around 1 cartridge a week though (equivalent to about 1 box of ciggies). Still a huge improvement from nearly a box a day of the real things!! A few more weeks and then will drop to the nicotine free e-cig so that I can get rid of it completely by week 12 (hopefully).

How's everyone else doing today?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh that's fab, well done Sarah and Mr Sarah :p

Am feeling rubbish, but hey, it'll pass

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Oh that's fab, well done Sarah and Mr Sarah :p

Am feeling rubbish, but hey, it'll pass

Awwww what's up Gemma? :(

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Awwww what's up Gemma? :(

I'm feeling really down and grumpy, it's an attack of the Mondays, with added men and hormones.

Kinda fancy a fag too but NOPE.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I'm feeling really down and grumpy, it's an attack of the Mondays, with added men and hormones.

Kinda fancy a fag too but NOPE.

Sorry to hear that :(

Why don't you go out at lunchtime and get a nice treat for yourself - hope you perk up soon x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Sorry to hear that :(

Why don't you go out at lunchtime and get a nice treat for yourself - hope you perk up soon x

Thannk hun :)

I might just do that!! x

Smoking is the old 'smelly' you,Gemma ;)

Can you even imagine how gross it would be to suck on a stinky cancer stick now.:mad: absolutely revolting thought.

I wouldn't purse my lips around a car exhaust pipe,and the smoke from that is even more diluted than that of a ciggie.So man up Gemma,and tell us some jokes or post some photos :D

I couldn't really smell it though Max :p

Not in the mood for jokes I'm afraid, not telling them anyway. Sorry!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Not in the mood for jokes I'm afraid, not telling them anyway. Sorry!!

Here's one of my daughter's jokes that might put a teeny smile on your face - especially if you picture a cute little girl telling it...

Why was tigger looking in the toilet?

He was looking for Pooh :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Here's one of my daughter's jokes that might put a teeny smile on your face - especially if you picture a cute little girl telling it...

Why was tigger looking in the toilet?

He was looking for Pooh :D

Lol that did give me a giggle, thanks Sarah x

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Lol that did give me a giggle, thanks Sarah x

I aim to please :D

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

Here's one of my daughter's jokes that might put a teeny smile on your face - especially if you picture a cute little girl telling it...

Why was tigger looking in the toilet?

He was looking for Pooh :D

What's behind the log??

Winnie's Pooh :D

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

What's behind the log??

Winnie's Pooh :D

I'm guessing you are another Winnie the Pooh fan? My favourite is Piglet because that was my nickname as a baby - I grunted rather than spoke!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm guessing you are another Winnie the Pooh fan? My favourite is Piglet because that was my nickname as a baby - I grunted rather than spoke!

*Has Winnie the Pooh PJ's*

I always loved Tigger :D :D

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

*Has Winnie the Pooh PJ's*

I always loved Tigger :D :D

I have an eeyore nightie and piglet pjs (am probably a bit old but who cares!!!!!)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

E cig

I have to say these low nicotine e cigs aren't doing anything for me. The gum seems more effective now which is good I guess!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I have an eeyore nightie and piglet pjs (am probably a bit old but who cares!!!!!)

YAY!! Am sure you're not but there's no such thing as too old anyway!!

Says she who wears teens clothes at 29 :p

I have to say these low nicotine e cigs aren't doing anything for me. The gum seems more effective now which is good I guess!

I'm really glad, 'cos I'd hate for you to have the same battle I did :eek:

You're doing fab hun, well done!!

nsd_user663_58194 profile image

17 hours

I stopped smoking 17 hours ago, still holding strong and actually feeling good. I know i will get my off moment, but that does not mean "giving up".

I get so much support from wonderful people in this forum, and it is a life saver.

You guys are great!

Let's do this. Breath, smell, taste, LIVE !!!!!:cool:

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Eeyore pjs......:D:rolleyes:;):D

We all know you have a pair too :D:D;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

We all know you have a pair too :D:D;)

He probably has several :p

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

He probably has several :p

And the piglet slippers to match :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And the piglet slippers to match :p

And I bet he looks so sweet :p:p

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

And I bet he looks so sweet :p:p

Do you think he puts some pink curlers in his hair too???

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I've got Winnie the Pooh and friends PJs and bought myself Eeyore PJs with my first week's baccy money when I quit! (I'm too old as well, but who cares, not me!!!)

Must be something about ex smokers and pooh bear merchandise!!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Do you think he puts some pink curlers in his hair too???

He would but.... well you know


We are so dead when he logs on next!!

Must be something about ex smokers and pooh bear merchandise!!!

Ooh yes!!

Have got a load of Disney tops too :D

If it's got cartoon characters, hearts or animal print (or a combination of them) then chances are I like it :p

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I have dreams about things which reside inside Eeyore pjs :D

And I have a Tigger tail which I fasten with velcro to my boxers at night :D

Hmmmmmm lucky Mrs Max!!!!!!:eek:

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I stopped smoking 17 hours ago, still holding strong and actually feeling good. I know i will get my off moment, but that does not mean "giving up".

I get so much support from wonderful people in this forum, and it is a life saver.

You guys are great!

Let's do this. Breath, smell, taste, LIVE !!!!!:cool:

Great but quite odd ... See the last couple of posts!!! :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

As to why it has proven necessary for you to attach articles to yourself when retiring to the boudoir, all I can say is that you have all my sympathy in the circumstances and must surely get full marks for effort!:p:D

Maybe it's a new kink? :eek::eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I would assume that it is to distract from other....shortcomings shall we say?:o


I nearly choked on my gum!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Oh pooh, that comment was entirely wasted, he'd already logged off!:mad:

Oh I'm sure he will be back.......when he's back on, drop subtle hints to refer to the contents of your comment in any post you can.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well I'm at 11 weeks now and apart from the on/off depression that I'm still not sure about, I'm feeling pretty good about not smoking. I'm really looking forward to getting past the 3 month mark. I very rarely think about smoking except to think that I'm glad I don't smoke.

A week today I pack in the e cig (although I might take a nicotine free version with me when I go away next week just in case) and I will put the gum away. I only use one piece a day (sometimes only every 2 days) so I think my nicotine levels are pretty low already.

How is everyone else doing?

clarey33 profile image

I am 19 weeks

3 days

11 hours

11 mins

And. 43 seconds into a quit!

Go me, go me and my hubby is sat in the garden next to me having a fag and god it stinks!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Clarey that is sensational!!! :cool:

And yes,when you are near a smoker-how much does it STINK!!!! How did we ever think it was ok to smell like that :mad:

It's minging but you don't notice - or like me spray on the Impulse and think you don't stink!!

One of my friends yesterday was doing a proper human chimney act (would have joined her 7 months and nearly a week ago) but it's vile!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I am seriously proud of you Gemma Louise :D:D x

Think back to the winter when we quit.Seemed a long time till summer then didn't it.Now,sat in the sun,taste and smell recovered,smelling sweet and spending much much less on perfume to cover up the smell-aftershave in my case-than you used to, and vastly wealthier than you were,does it feel nice or what :cool:

I think at over 6 months successfully quit,we are da kiddies Gem :D

Aww thanks Max!!

Am loving being able to smell properly, it never crossed my mind that I couldn't before :eek: and I've saved loads on perfume, lol.

we're doing fab :D :D x

AngryBear profile image

One year, two weeks, nearly six days I make it.

The beauty of it is that once I knew exactly how many days it had been (I remember quoting 130-odd at someone!) but this time, I had to work it out. I knew it was gone a year, but that was it :cool:

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

One year, two weeks, nearly six days I make it.

The beauty of it is that once I knew exactly how many days it had been (I remember quoting 130-odd at someone!) but this time, I had to work it out. I knew it was gone a year, but that was it :cool:

That's brilliant! I can't wait for the day when I don't think about smoking at all.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I think perhaps it will come to pass that we don't think abut smoking much,but it will always be there.The trick is to push the importance of smoking way,way down the pecking order of life's daily things so that it can barely get a look in.I see myself quitting smoking forever as a long term,slightly uneasy deal with Nic-watching each other warily from time to time.:cool:

Think that's right.

One of my friends is a lot brighter than me and she stopped 5 years ago - she says she still fancies one from time to time but she knows she won't have one!!

Borrowed this from someone else but I'll always be a smoker - have been since i got hooked back in 2000 and will be for the rest of my life. However, I will be a smoker who doesn't smoke today. :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Borrowed this from someone else but I'll always be a smoker - have been since i got hooked back in 2000 and will be for the rest of my life. However, I will be a smoker who doesn't smoke today. :)

Bittersweet but very true. We are CHOOSING to be non smokers. The b*****d drug WILL NOT get the better of us!

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

i promise you all that you will come to a time when you too will not think about smoking for days weeks and months

plus your perception of smoking is nothing like the reality of actually smoking

just remember those thoughts are what your nic demon friend wants you to remember i only get tempted with the oh i fancy one of those is when i see someone smoking on tv but i know the reality is far different as when i was in town the other day someone walked past me who exhauled as inhaled and it was disgusting the taste and the smell :eek::eek::eek:

yuk yuk yuk my tummy heaved too

i wasnt paying attention as normally when i am out and about i look out for smoking people as it always makes me feel sick when i smell it

i hardly wear any perfume these days before i used to always have a bottle in my bag to top up whenever i was going out especially if i was seeing anyone who didnt smoke

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Finally I'm nicotine free!!!!

Well it's taken me a while but I can finally say I've been nicotine free for over 3 days!! It has been quite hard to motivate myself to give up nicotine (either gum or e cig) as its not as much of a baddie as cigarettes themselves but I have viewed it differently. I do not want nicotine controlling me and telling me when I want a gum/e cig. So far it's working!!!

I have been a non smoker for 3 months, 8 days, 10 hours and 35 minutes and I feel quite good. Still struggling on and off with a little depression - will still see a doctor when I can. I have also had sinus problems since I quit - need to see the doctor about that too! BUT I DON'T SMELL AND I DON'T HAVE A SMOKERS COUGH ANYMORE!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

I hope everyone else is doing well. I would particularly like to hear from others who have struggled to give up their NRT.


nsd_user663_59100 profile image

I'm still on my early stages... Day 12 as a non smoker! :)

Help from Champix.

I am not going to smoke again and I am not going to put on weight!! In fact, I am determined to lose weight.

Going to a big birthday party on the weekend and I am actually fearing it. Wish me luck! :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well done for making it so far and good luck for the party. I'm sure you will be fine - you seem very determined!!!

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

My quit was Oct 24th 2010 and i am now 2 Years and 9 months free. I dont think about them now but i dont arf know when someone has just had one or if they come from a house of smokers cos they wreak. But i must remember i used to smell like that "YUK"

This forum and my Oct 2010 quit buddies helped me heaps as did many others when i first started out. I dont know who from that group are still smoke free but i def wont be going back to them, i have had some situations where in the old days the first thing i would do is reach for a cancer stick but that was then and this is now.

I too am proof it can be done but i also understand that every quit is different as is everyone and that does not mean what worked for me will work for the next person. I do know that having a place like this is essential and i want to thank everyone who helped and wish everyone all the best.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image


That is fantastic and we all aspire to be like you!! Well done!!!


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well it is 4 months and 11 days since I had that last cigarette. I'm still using the e cig a bit now and then so I'm not completely nicotine free but I'm ok with that for now. One thing I know for sure is that I don't want to smoke again! I was surrounded by smokers today and it was awful!!! It didn't make me want one at all - I just felt almost sorry for the smokers as they are still caught in the trap!!

I love being a non smoker and I don't see that changing. This is my longest quit ever and I feel really proud of myself. This forum has really helped me especially when I went through a really down period a while ago.

The money side is fab too. So far I've saved over £1,000 and hubby around £1,400. We joined our local gym today so as soon as the kids are back at school I will be working my butt off to get back into my jeans (without needing to hold my breath all day).

The only downside I have discovered so far is that I now don't have an excuse to sit and play Candy Crush!!! I used to play whenever I smoked. Now I just play occasionally and have been stuck on level 347 for ages!!!!!

But seriously now.... To anyone considering quitting JUST DO IT - YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!

Hope everyone else is doing well too.


nsd_user663_59440 profile image

Hey! Im on my 23rd day.. using the ecig... kinda on-off it right now... my plan was to totally come off it last week but I dont think im ready yet.. atleast im not smoking the cancer stick so not too bothered :)

nsd_user663_59815 profile image

A small percentage of people who quit smoking seem to get this auto immune problem, I am one of them, its full title is Ulcerative Colitis :(

Have now got it under control I hope.

Its the only known medical condition that can be caused by quitting I think.

Just to add to this... Ulcerative Colitis (UC) exists in these people regardless of smoking or not.... it is an autoimmune condition which means that the immune cells responsible for it are there to begin with. It is only after they quit smoking that the condition flares up because smoking appears to have a protective effect for UC and keeps those immune cells under control for some reason.

Ulcerative Colitis is therefore not caused by quitting smoking.... it already exists but becomes more apparent because that protective effect is removed.

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Four weeks to day

Hi all I always read this forum and its so lovely to see consistent people encouraging us all, I don't know how to put new post on, but can say you have all helped me in my stopping smokng, to morrow hubby and I are having a day in, been to shops bought loads of nibbles and wine so having a lazy day, but am finding it hard, my mouth feels worse than ever? Is this normal , but thanks for you all you have really helped me get this far, I do hope can continue my quit, on the patch, so envious of all those that have managed to keep stopped how do you do that every day all I think a out is having a smoke that's not good .

nsd_user663_58817 profile image

134 days for me not long after you :)

At that stage now where I don't religiously count my quit days.

Cravings still there but I just dismiss them quickly and painlessly.

My goal now has switched from not smoking to stop and cutout my newly developed habit of sugar cravings

On the whole feeling ok. :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well done to us all!!! What a sweet smelling bunch we are!

nsd_user663_57605 profile image

Just past my 4 month mark.....and all is well! Of course I still have some ups and downs - but I am not smoking and that is all that really matters! I have gone from 120lbs to 135 in 4 months so I need to get that under control. It is kind of hard because I can now actually taste my food and have discovered I love it! :p I have free access to a gym at my job - so I plan on taking advantage of that within a couple of weeks. It will be nice getting on a crosstrainer and not feeling like I am going to collapse! Good job to all - whether you are on DAY 1 or DAY 2000! You are a winner everyday you stay smoke free! :D

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well I'm well on my way towards the magical 6 month mark and I cannot wait. I really did not think I could do it!!! Thanks to everyone who helped with words of encouragement at difficult times - I really appreciate it! Hope everyone else is doing well!!

Good luck to all the newbies - if I can do it so can you!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Just passed the 7 month mark and I'm over the moon:D Still think about the e cig sometimes but certainly less frequently nowadays.

How is everyone else doing?


nsd_user663_53649 profile image

I am only a newbie, day ten here, :D. Still though I intend to be here this time next year too, with a happy me post. I seem to feel better this time about my quit, as in It seems that I am more positive about it, not mourning the loss of a habit, more delighted to be rid of it.

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

I'm now one day off the four month mark, or 121 days - feeling really positive and thinking less and less of the cigs, I have two "semi-cravings" a day at the mo, one after lunch hour when I should be getting on with some work and one about 9pm at night, they only last a minute or two and are more "hmmm, I quite fancy a ......" rather than "GOTTA HAVE ONE" - looking forward to more "thoughtless" moments :D

ps. I just had to count my quit days as I have totally lost count - doh

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I am only a newbie, day ten here, :D. Still though I intend to be here this time next year too, with a happy me post. I seem to feel better this time about my quit, as in It seems that I am more positive about it, not mourning the loss of a habit, more delighted to be rid of it.

In that case I think you have cracked it! This time it's like that for me too and I personally think that is the key. We aren't losing anything, we aren't depriving ourselves of anything, but we are FREE!!! Freedom is a wonderful thing! Well done for getting there so quickly!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I'm now one day off the four month mark, or 121 days - feeling really positive and thinking less and less of the cigs, I have two "semi-cravings" a day at the mo, one after lunch hour when I should be getting on with some work and one about 9pm at night, they only last a minute or two and are more "hmmm, I quite fancy a ......" rather than "GOTTA HAVE ONE" - looking forward to more "thoughtless" moments :D

ps. I just had to count my quit days as I have totally lost count - doh

That's really good!! I tend to have about 3 days around each monthly milestone where I have some craves for my e cig (not the real thing) but the rest of the time it's quite easy. The more you ignore those semi craves the sooner they will disappear. Congrats for tomorrow on an amazing milestone!!!

nsd_user663_53649 profile image

SJ, I have had so many failed quits. I had one good one last year , I got to six months, and was so delighted at having beaten it. Then I was in a bad place, and thought I could be like some people and just have a smoke once in a blue moon,. It started with one, then one every few hours, then a few every now and then, then back to square one.....

I know for definite that one smoke will cause another, and no I will never be one of those people who can smoke when out and not think about it again until next night out, or when in a bad place and then go back to not being a smoker.

I actually now believe that the people that tell me they do that are either telling porkies, or are freaks of nature.;)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

I will have been quit 2 years in Feb. The second year has flown by:)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

SJ, I have had so many failed quits. I had one good one last year , I got to six months, and was so delighted at having beaten it. Then I was in a bad place, and thought I could be like some people and just have a smoke once in a blue moon,. It started with one, then one every few hours, then a few every now and then, then back to square one.....

I know for definite that one smoke will cause another, and no I will never be one of those people who can smoke when out and not think about it again until next night out, or when in a bad place and then go back to not being a smoker.

I actually now believe that the people that tell me they do that are either telling porkies, or are freaks of nature.;)

I agree completely!!!! If I had one puff that would be me back to 20 a day in no time!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

As there are lots of newbies I thought I might send an update. I have been smoke free now for 8 and a half months and nicotine free (gave up the e cig) over 3 months ago. I have really struggled since New Year's Eve with major craves. Someone suggested it might be because of being 3 months nicotine free. It has almost passed but my craves are still worse than they were before! I don't want to cave and I won't but I really hope this phase passes soon!!

To all those new quitters - hang in there!! It is so worth it in the end. I feel sorry for smokers now - watching them rushing around, always distracted and thinking about when they can have their next smoke. Particularly over Christmas when we all had a few drinks and it was fab not going outside. But the smokers had to and it was quite scary counting the times they got up to go outside!!!

I love being free of the drug and this phase for me is just a little test from nasty Nic -YOU WILL NOT GET ME NIC!!!!!

Good luck everyone!


Doofus_Overload profile image

I went cold turkey 190 days ago, which means 1901 cigarettes not smoked and £180 saved :D Oh, and I feel magnificent and the fittest i've EVER felt! In fact, the only downside to the whole thing is regretting not stopping earlier. I also rather bizarely get a thrill when I get a crave now (which really hasn't happened very often) as I can laugh at it and revell in the fact it's a pathetic attempt at the demon to get me to come back HAHAHAHAHAHA I laugh at you Nicodemon!!

Yes, I am aware that sounds slightly demented :o

nsd_user663_61196 profile image

As there are lots of newbies I thought I might send an update. I have been smoke free now for 8 and a half months and nicotine free (gave up the e cig) over 3 months ago. I have really struggled since New Year's Eve with major craves. Someone suggested it might be because of being 3 months nicotine free. It has almost passed but my craves are still worse than they were before! I don't want to cave and I won't but I really hope this phase passes soon!!

To all those new quitters - hang in there!! It is so worth it in the end. I feel sorry for smokers now - watching them rushing around, always distracted and thinking about when they can have their next smoke. Particularly over Christmas when we all had a few drinks and it was fab not going outside. But the smokers had to and it was quite scary counting the times they got up to go outside!!!

I love being free of the drug and this phase for me is just a little test from nasty Nic -YOU WILL NOT GET ME NIC!!!!!

Good luck everyone!


Hi Sarah,

Just found this thread, 'cos I'm new here tho I've posted a couple of times.

I am full of admiration for you, and everyone else who has struggled through, and I do find it encouraging to read the posts.

I'm only on my 8th day, a newbie = wish it were easier. I've smoked for 30 or more years, excessively since becoming a widow 8 years ago. Getting through the days, and have periods today when I felt FREE ! How weird, cos I know I'm not yet.

Please keep the posts and info coming, all of us should be proud. x

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

10 months

Only 2 months to go until I get into the penthouse!!! I am soooo excited. I hardly think about smoking these days, except when I walk near someone smoking which is really gross!!

To all those just starting out - it really does get better, but it is a struggle!! However it is a struggle worth fighting for.

How is everyone else doing?


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Only 2 months to go until I get into the penthouse!!! I am soooo excited. I hardly think about smoking these days, except when I walk near someone smoking which is really gross!!

To all those just starting out - it really does get better, but it is a struggle!! However it is a struggle worth fighting for.

How is everyone else doing?


Extremely proud to say that I'll be opening the door to the Penthouse tomorrow!! :D

Looking forward to seeing you there soon Sarah xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Both the Sarahs are doing so well, it's fab!!

Have you got all the booze in Sarah Lou?

You're so much happier and loads more confident than you were a year ago - it's a heck of a transformation, you totally deserve to be proud!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Extremely proud to say that I'll be opening the door to the Penthouse tomorrow!! :D

Looking forward to seeing you there soon Sarah xxx

Yay!!! Well done you!!! See you in a few months!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well in 2 weeks I will be in the penthouse!! Can't actually believe it!! How is everyone else doing?

nsd_user663_61571 profile image

Brilliant. Well done you. Hope the next two weeks go very quickly for you.

Only at my 5th week. Dumped the last of the NRT last sunday so now technically CT. Feel fine but still get the odd time when I feel ive forgotten to do something. I can live with that though. Main thing is I don't smoke anymore. Very pleased with myself.:)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

That is fab!! Well done - even better that you have ditched the NRT! Onwards and upwards!

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Nearly at the Big P, SJT- flipping fantastic :D! I shall be cheering you down the final straight.

aa410c, good for you for coming off the NRT. I did the same at the same stage of my quit and it went fine. I really felt better for knowing I was flying solo. :)

I'm nearly at the end of month 4 and so far all is well. Not getting complacent but really can't imagine any circumstances under which I would ever smoke again. The feeling of freedom is indescribable. :)

Incidentally- Sjt13, aa410c, it feels like talking to engine parts! :D

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Doing ok, no scratch marks on the all walls, so getting by, struggling now and again, but generally not to bad,only 3 weeks for me after a blip, but hay hoe getting there,

Must add its taking all my focuss to quit, but that's ok with me:)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Nearly at the Big P, SJT- flipping fantastic :D! I shall be cheering you down the final straight.

aa410c, good for you for coming off the NRT. I did the same at the same stage of my quit and it went fine. I really felt better for knowing I was flying solo. :)

I'm nearly at the end of month 4 and so far all is well. Not getting complacent but really can't imagine any circumstances under which I would ever smoke again. The feeling of freedom is indescribable. :)

Incidentally- Sjt13, aa410c, it feels like talking to engine parts! :D

The freedom feeling is the best thing about quitting for me!!!! Hehe I've never been described as an engine part before!!!

Sarah aka the carburetor :D

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Doing ok, no scratch marks on the all walls, so getting by, struggling now and again, but generally not to bad,only 3 weeks for me after a blip, but hay hoe getting there,

Must add its taking all my focuss to quit, but that's ok with me:)

It really does take all your focus in those first few months but it does get better!!!

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well I am now 1 year 1 month and just over 2 weeks into my quit. I still think about smoking at least once a day but it is merely a passing thought not a real crave. My weight has stabilised and my health has improved. Quitting was the best thing I've ever done.

I really encourage all those in the early stages to hang on in there as it is so worth it. I thought life would be hell dealing with constant cravings, but they gradually disappear and change from cravings to thoughts which are easily batted away.

How is everyone else doing?


nsd_user663_60964 profile image
nsd_user663_60964 marks my entry to the 6 Month room so I'm feeling pretty damn pleased with myself :D

So glad things are going so well with you Sarah. :)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image
nsd_user663_57259 marks my entry to the 6 Month room so I'm feeling pretty damn pleased with myself :D

So glad things are going so well with you Sarah. :)


You are doing amazingly well and halfway to the penthouse!!!!!

nsd_user663_61250 profile image

Just a week into my 7th month - feeling 500% better than before.

No more smokers cough in the morning (or all day :)), far more energy.

I've been out a few times cycling - my what a difference 7 months has made.

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Just a week into my 7th month - feeling 500% better than before.

No more smokers cough in the morning (or all day :)), far more energy.

I've been out a few times cycling - my what a difference 7 months has made.

That is brilliant! I too love that the cough is gone for good!

nsd_user663_61729 profile image

135 days....still going strong.

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Nice one Carl! :D

lefoy123 profile image

how long since you/we quit

Today is exactly two and a half years since I quit.

I'm absolutely ticketyboo, and living proof that this thing is achievable! Still think of smoking now and then, but don't miss it in the slightest.

I well remember the early days, wondering if it would ever get better. Please keep faith, because it WILL.

Just to reinforce what Hellesbelles says i.e:- "keep the faith". I'm also roughly two and a half years quit(22/1/2012) and experienced those early day feelings of when will it get better/easier. I'm at the stage where I consider myself a non-smoker rather than an ex-smoker something I never thought possible 2.5 years ago after 41/42 years of heavy addiction.

Just keep the faith and when things get easier you'll wonder what all the fuss was about

Michael a.k.a:- lefoy123

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