day 3 :-D: Oh my gosh, last night was a hard... - No Smoking Day

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day 3 :-D

nsd_user663_57645 profile image
20 Replies

Oh my gosh, last night was a hard test.

I went for a meal with a group of friends. Only one of them smoked. I felt abit sorry for her going out smoking by herself but then I decided its her choice.

After the meal I craved really badly. But then we did a picture posing round for the cameras and my mind was soon taken off the cravings.

I had a few drinks and I survived.

Im proud I didnt give into the demon

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nsd_user663_57645 profile image
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20 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yay for getting through it Sammi!!

A night out early on in your quit is a tough test - did it this time and it wasn't too bad - but a meal as well really will test you 'cos what did we do after eating? Yep, smoke.

So you've beaten one big test, well done you!! xx

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Ive got major cravings this morning. Ive put on a patch and started nomming my chocolate mice.

I kept the patch on all last night and had a really nice dream. It was very detailed. So Im going to keep wearing my patches at night until I might get nasty dreams.

Ive still got some cola cubes to help me today too :D

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

kat you say the most amazing things

thank you so much :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ive got major cravings this morning. Ive put on a patch and started nomming my chocolate mice.

I kept the patch on all last night and had a really nice dream. It was very detailed. So Im going to keep wearing my patches at night until I might get nasty dreams.

Ive still got some cola cubes to help me today too :D

Lol, well if they give you nice dreams that's fab!!

They only say "vivid" on the packet so maybe you're lucky and you get the good ones :D :D

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

ughh going to have to find a savory alternative to these cola cubes... I feel so sick and anxious. Im sooo sleepy too

Is that a side affect? The sleepiness?


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

ughh going to have to find a savory alternative to these cola cubes... I feel so sick and anxious. Im sooo sleepy too

Is that a side affect? The sleepiness?


Yep it definitely is :)

How many were you smoking Sammi? I was on 20-25 a day and felt like a zombie :eek:

Basically nicotine is a stimulant and even NRT doesn't provide the same amount as smoking did - and not in quick blasts!!

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

Yep it definitely is :)

How many were you smoking Sammi? I was on 20-25 a day and felt like a zombie :eek:

I was on about 15 but if i was out with smoking friends i could easily do 20-30

Bread sticks sound so good right now! I got lady pains aswell today which arent helping!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I was on about 15 but if i was out with smoking friends i could easily do 20-30

Sounds familiar, lol.

Lucky for me my mouth and throat wouldn't put up with more than 30 'cos on a night out I did a very good impression of a chimney :eek:

Bread sticks sound so good right now! I got lady pains aswell today which arent helping!

Aww that's not good :(

Be nice to yourself, lots of treats but no fags!! x

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

just needed to write this






ah that feels better


nsd_user663_57546 profile image

Good on you Sammi!! You can do this...falling off the wagon is not an option for you because I would miss your posts. They have made me chuckle over the last 3 days!!

Kat mentioned it in a post to Sophie last night but if you want some motivation go onto You Tube and search for "Thanks Tobacco - you killed my Mom". I watched it last night and as usual Kat's advice is spot on!!!

Keep going Sammi. It will get easier although I can't comment on the "Lady Pains" :eek:

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

thanks Ritchie

Stopping smoking and PMS ohh my boyfriend is going to love my attitude lol


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

thanks Ritchie

Stopping smoking and PMS ohh my boyfriend is going to love my attitude lol


Take the bottles to the bottle bank, huge stress reliever :D :D

Half the fun is emptying them of course, lol

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

i have no bottles :(

I could see if my parents have any

I just rode my NEW bike to work back from lunch. Im feeling sooo good for doing it

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

i have no bottles :(

I could see if my parents have any

Now that is easily sorted :p :p :p

I just rode my NEW bike to work back from lunch. Im feeling sooo good for doing it

YAY well done Sammi!!

Better than your smokey car isn't it?

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

ah yesh.. Its good to be able to breathe and cycle too

before I struggled up the hill, it could be because i had an old naff bike but Im going to say its because I havent smoked :D

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Well done Sammi :)

I know a few people who've decided to quit but have ended up not being able to have a good drink because, understandably, they avoided going out for the first few months and the alcohol=smoking trigger didn't go away.

I would be very cross right now if I wasn't able to go out and have alcohol without thinking about fags, so I just forced myself to get through those nights early on. It was a bit rubbish to begin with, but now it's so normal to be part of the "no smoking crew" and watch the smokers go out for their ciggies! :D

If you can nail it now you will find boozey nights out much more pleasant without those dirt cancer sticks! x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

If you can nail it now you will find boozey nights out much more pleasant without those dirt cancer sticks! x

You feel heaps better in the morning too!!

No headache - and i usually only get tipsy, not full on drunk!!

No dry mouth.

No horrible cough from smoking like a chimney and no croaky throat either.

And I thought I enjoyed *that*?

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

I used to get the worsed hangovers and smoking made me feel sick. Its a shame that they dont make you feel sick every time you smoke

Nearly at the end of the working day. Cinema tonight! Going to see the new star trek with Dad, so another non smoking place yay

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I used to get the worsed hangovers and smoking made me feel sick. Its a shame that they dont make you feel sick every time you smoke

Drink water before you go to bed hun :)

But now you're a non-smoker you won't get as many!!

And making you feel sick? Like I said I smoked like a chimney when I'd had a few, and the "last one" (usually 2 if I'm honest) before I went indoors has made me be sick more than once - but it always seems like such a good idea when you're lighting it :S

Nearly at the end of the working day. Cinema tonight! Going to see the new star trek with Dad, so another non smoking place yay

YAY hope you have a fab time!! :D :D

nsd_user663_57645 profile image

thanks G-L

Ill be back tomorrow :D

have a good evening yourself


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