New here. Day 4.: Stumbled across this forum... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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New here. Day 4.

nsd_user663_57260 profile image
13 Replies

Stumbled across this forum whilst googling what to expect...

22 year old, been smoking 7 years, 20 a day. :(

Made the decision to quit last thursday time, last cigarette was sunday bedtime. Used a stage 2 patch mon, tues, wed and took myself off them today. Have been using an e-cig, but more for the feel, rather than the smoking of it! I actually found a deal online for a starter pack for £3.99, so when that has arrived and the filters have run out, I'll be taking myself off that too.

I'm surprised I've made it this far however I can honestly say i'm not finding it TOO difficult. I live with 2 smokers and even them smoking around me isn't bothering me.

I tried quitting once before, but my head wasn't really in it like it is this time, I think I lasted 4 hours :rolleyes:

My only concern at the minute is the fact I cannot imagine NOT smoking again. Its obviously just the 'norm' for me and its strange thinking about a future without fags in it!

Very happy with the weight of my savings pot though ;) I have decided exactly 4 weeks after the date I quit, I'll open it and go and treat myself - certainly looking forward to that.

I'm a little bit narked at the minute about it, Im not sure if its a genuine thing to be pee'd off about or its the coming off the cigarettes but I did expect a lot more support, encouragement and praise. Paticularly off my boyfriend considering he absolutely hated me smoking, asked me to quit a lot of times, but i'm getting nothing at all off him. He's not asked me once how i'm getting on :( We dont live together but I expected something, even him asking how i'm finding it and maybe a well done but NO. Sweet f all. Its actually quite upsetting.

But yes, enough whining! Hi guys! Good luck to you all quitting and well done to you who have kicked the habit, I hope to be joining you for good!

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nsd_user663_57260 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_57259 profile image

I also just stumbled across this site and am also on day 4 - using e-cigs.

It must be hard not to get any encouragement or praise from your boyfriend - I guess he has never smoked and therefore doesn't realise how hard this is! Hang in there and get your encouragement from your fellow ex-smokers on this site.

Well done for making it to day 4!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Fay, welcome to the forum and well done for quitting!!

It sounds like you're doing great :D

This place is fab 'cos there's lots of lovely people who will help you.

My only concern at the minute is the fact I cannot imagine NOT smoking again. Its obviously just the 'norm' for me and its strange thinking about a future without fags in it!

Don't worry about that yet!!

You're 4 days in so don't think too far ahead yet. It will come, and you will get used to it but for now you're much better off thinking a day at a time than worrying about never smoking again.

When I quit, it was scary to think of never having another one - even kept the half pack of fags I had left because I'd "need" them on a night out - didn't smoke any of them and am happy to never do so again, but early on it's a bit overwhelming.

I'm a little bit narked at the minute about it, Im not sure if its a genuine thing to be pee'd off about or its the coming off the cigarettes but I did expect a lot more support, encouragement and praise. Paticularly off my boyfriend considering he absolutely hated me smoking, asked me to quit a lot of times, but i'm getting nothing at all off him. He's not asked me once how i'm getting on :( We dont live together but I expected something, even him asking how i'm finding it and maybe a well done but NO. Sweet f all. Its actually quite upsetting.

Lol, I don't blame you feeling a bit upset about that.

But it's pretty normal!!

My parents, dad especially really hated me smoking (partly why I started) and they didn't say much either.

Think it's because never-smokers are worried about triggering you off or they don't know what to say - and of course smokers are jealous or ashamed.

And of course non-smokers don't understand any of the feelings and so on.

Good luck, whenever you feel a crave or anything post on her first and it really does help


nsd_user663_57260 profile image

I also just stumbled across this site and am also on day 4 - using e-cigs.

It must be hard not to get any encouragement or praise from your boyfriend - I guess he has never smoked and therefore doesn't realise how hard this is! Hang in there and get your encouragement from your fellow ex-smokers on this site.

Well done for making it to day 4!

Hi :)

Well done to you too and good luck for the rest of the journey to freedom!

Can I ask which brand of e-cig you are using? :)

No, he hasn't smoked before which I guess I can understand he doesn't realise :( I feel a bit brattish being annoyed by it, but he's asked me many times to quit, i'd have thought he'd have been my biggest encourager!

Oh well, he can say goodbye to any treats at the end of the first 4 weeks! I'll be a selfish mare and spend every penny on me! That'll show him! :D xx

nsd_user663_57260 profile image

Hi Fay, welcome to the forum and well done for quitting!!

It sounds like you're doing great :D

This place is fab 'cos there's lots of lovely people who will help you.

Don't worry about that yet!!

You're 4 days in so don't think too far ahead yet. It will come, and you will get used to it but for now you're much better off thinking a day at a time than worrying about never smoking again.

When I quit, it was scary to think of never having another one - even kept the half pack of fags I had left because I'd "need" them on a night out - didn't smoke any of them and am happy to never do so again, but early on it's a bit overwhelming.

Lol, I don't blame you feeling a bit upset about that.

But it's pretty normal!!

My parents, dad especially really hated me smoking (partly why I started) and they didn't say much either.

Think it's because never-smokers are worried about triggering you off or they don't know what to say - and of course smokers are jealous or ashamed.

And of course non-smokers don't understand any of the feelings and so on.

Good luck, whenever you feel a crave or anything post on her first and it really does help


Hi :) and thank you! Well done quitting :)

haha! I do actually have a pack of cigarettes in my handbag from a night out last weekend. I'm going to ask my step-dad if he wants them when he gets home from work, but he has to put a donation in my money jar for them!

I think i'm confident enough to let them go now.

I've been told by a so called friend that im being 'too' confident 'but its only been a few days, it's not hard to start again' Jeeez! what is it with some people?! Your post has encouraged me to let go of that pack of fags! I don't want nor need them!!

I'm sure i'll pop up a few times here :) It's nice to read other peoples experience who are going through exactly what you are! xx

nsd_user663_57260 profile image



This is a great place to help you.I found it on Google too-thanks Google :D

I know EXACTLY what you mean about finding it hard to imagine a future without smoking,I felt that way too;it seemed completely unthinkable :eek:.Let me tell you,keep the quit going and that foolish delusion fades away...and disappears.:p

I look on my 30 years of smoking and I am sad and disgusted for being so weak for so long.

Hi :) and thank you!

Yes, its a very weird thought! It's definitely my only concern at the minute, but im going to take the above advice and take it one day at a time!

Hey, at least you HAVE quit! A 30 year addiction is a massive thing to let go of and it is amazing that you have! It was one of my main reasons to quit. If I didn't do it now, when would I?! I'm feeling better already, I like this forum!! xx

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hi :)

Well done to you too and good luck for the rest of the journey to freedom!

Can I ask which brand of e-cig you are using? :)

No, he hasn't smoked before which I guess I can understand he doesn't realise :( I feel a bit brattish being annoyed by it, but he's asked me many times to quit, i'd have thought he'd have been my biggest encourager!

Oh well, he can say goodbye to any treats at the end of the first 4 weeks! I'll be a selfish mare and spend every penny on me! That'll show him! :D xx

Hi again

I'm using Mirage Goldstar - only because this was recommended by a woman I met on a train recently and she said they were good. Around £20 for a starter pack including 5 cartridges. They seem to last forever though as I'm still on the first cartridge!

I think you are completely entitled to be feeling annoyed by his lack of support and hopefully this will just make you even more determined to succeed!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi :) and thank you! Well done quitting :)

haha! I do actually have a pack of cigarettes in my handbag from a night out last weekend. I'm going to ask my step-dad if he wants them when he gets home from work, but he has to put a donation in my money jar for them!

I think i'm confident enough to let them go now.

Yay, that's fab!!

You really don't need them, actually I chucked mine out without realising

Hope you're going to treat yourself to something really nice - £8 odd a day is a hell of a lot of free money.

I've been told by a so called friend that im being 'too' confident 'but its only been a few days, it's not hard to start again' Jeeez! what is it with some people?! Your post has encouraged me to let go of that pack of fags! I don't want nor need them!!

I'm sure i'll pop up a few times here :) It's nice to read other peoples experience who are going through exactly what you are! xx

Ooh wow, lol that wasn't very helpful of them!! As long as you're careful, you'll be fine, and it's good to be positive :)

Glad I've encouraged you!!


nsd_user663_57260 profile image

Hi again

I'm using Mirage Goldstar - only because this was recommended by a woman I met on a train recently and she said they were good. Around £20 for a starter pack including 5 cartridges. They seem to last forever though as I'm still on the first cartridge!

I think you are completely entitled to be feeling annoyed by his lack of support and hopefully this will just make you even more determined to succeed!

I've not heard of that brand, I may look into it as I have used a 10 motives, which I had from a few months back, and didn't last long! Currently using a 'matchless' which was the only one I could get my hands on yesterday. Not sure which brand I bought in the deal yesterday, I'll have to have a look. But if your cartridges are lasting quite a while, it seems good value for money :)


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hi Fay, welcome to the forum :) Well done for reaching day 4!

First of all, don't let anyone try to tell you how confident you should or shouldn't be. In my experience, you need plenty of confidence and positive energy to get you through those first few weeks. What would these people rather you do, mope around all day and complain about how hard it is? It's our job to make it look easy for those who think they couldn't live without cigarettes! :D

If you can, try not to think too far ahead, as this can be daunting. At times, I would literally take each hour as it came, in order to get through the day.

I understand that it can be a bit frustrating when you don't have the support of someone who really wants you to give up the habit in the first place. But just try to think of it from their point of view. We're only choosing to stop doing something that was killing us and making us stink. They don't understand the addiction. I know that I would treat an ex heroin addict the same way. I just don't get why you would want to put yourself through that for a high :confused:

Anyway, a big well done and keep up the hard work hun! Post on here anytime! X

nsd_user663_57260 profile image

Yay, that's fab!!

You really don't need them, actually I chucked mine out without realising

Hope you're going to treat yourself to something really nice - £8 odd a day is a hell of a lot of free money.

Ooh wow, lol that wasn't very helpful of them!! As long as you're careful, you'll be fine, and it's good to be positive :)

Glad I've encouraged you!!


I want new summer clothes that will be free from the smell of stale smoke! And new make-up! I'm really surprised how good my skin looks already! I usually have really dry skin but i've definitely noticed a difference.

Yeah, she's a smoker herself with a few failed attempts behind her so I think she may be a little jealous. I've told her i'll help her if she wants to give it a go again but she said its no use. What more can I do?! Glad i'm not super close to this person! (My boyfriends, neighbours, daughter!) xx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I've not heard of that brand, I may look into it as I have used a 10 motives, which I had from a few months back, and didn't last long! Currently using a 'matchless' which was the only one I could get my hands on yesterday. Not sure which brand I bought in the deal yesterday, I'll have to have a look. But if your cartridges are lasting quite a while, it seems good value for money :)


I use sky cig which is pretty good. Also VIP are supposed to be good and you can buy them nicotine free for when you want to cut the nicotine out altogether x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I use sky cig which is pretty good. Also VIP are supposed to be good and you can buy them nicotine free for when you want to cut the nicotine out altogether x

I've got a VIP one and it's not bad :)

The cartridges don't seem to last as long as they're meant to though!!

They do a menthol one that's 0% nicotine and a low one too which is good :)

I've been refilling the cartridges 'cos I'm tight :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I want new summer clothes that will be free from the smell of stale smoke! And new make-up! I'm really surprised how good my skin looks already! I usually have really dry skin but i've definitely noticed a difference.

Oh that's fab!!

Lol, I've never had so many new clothes since i quit :D

It really does make a difference to your skin, I got my colour back really fast and lost the dark circles under my eyes. It's great to see a real change, it shows you're doing yourself good!!

Yeah, she's a smoker herself with a few failed attempts behind her so I think she may be a little jealous. I've told her i'll help her if she wants to give it a go again but she said its no use. What more can I do?! Glad i'm not super close to this person! (My boyfriends, neighbours, daughter!) xx

Ooh that does sound like jealousy then, it's a shame but a lot of smokers are like that.

Know it always made me feel bad when someone quit 'cos you wort of know *you* should be stopping as well. Never said anything like that though :eek:

Not what you're looking for?