Feeling Frickin' Awesome: I guess this post... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Feeling Frickin' Awesome

nsd_user663_56237 profile image
4 Replies

I guess this post is aimed more towards new quitters or those who are thinking of quitting in the near future.

If you have already quit recently, great! If you're thinking of quitting, do it!

Please feel free to search back at old posts of mine from a few weeks back and at the very beginning of my quit. I want you to see how hard I made this on myself and I hope you can compare it to how you see me now.

POSITIVE THINKING WORKS. Fact. I made my own life hell for a while, convinced myself that this wasn't for me, was picked up off the floor on numerous occasions by the amazing people on here, and finally I just became happy.

I don't want you to think that your quit will be the same. That you'll make yourself miserable for a few weeks, then reach a place where you just feel better one day. Your quit can be easy from day one. You just need to have pride in your achievement and know that this is your choice. Remember why you are choosing to escape from prison and remind yourself of the good you are doing to your mind and body :)

Just over two months in, I feel great. Maybe I'll still have some tough times ahead (my first summer as a non-smoker, my first meal out as a non-smoker), but, on the other hand, maybe I'll just soar through it and wonder how I ever found it so difficult to free myself!

My breath smells great, I tackle situations every day that I couldn't have managed without a smoke, I have more money, I feel a sense of pride and I am genuinly happy. Just as happy as every other non-smoker and probably a whole lot happier than most (if not all) smokers.

This is how I'm feeling after a measly 8 weeks. Why did I make this so hard on myself??? :confused::rolleyes:

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nsd_user663_56237 profile image
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4 Replies
nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Can't wait get to where you are. Massive ((((( cuddles!!! )))) coming your way X

Awwww, thanks for the cuddles. Not far behind me! :) Just wish I hadn't been so hard on myself in the beginning. This could have been much easier! X

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That's fab and really encouraging!!

It's great that you're happy with your quit and that you're so confident with it :D


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

That's fab and really encouraging!!

It's great that you're happy with your quit and that you're so confident with it :D


Thanks hun :)

I wouldn't be here without the help of everyone on this forum!

Every day just seems to be getting easier at the moment *hoping that I'm not jinxing the positive feeling*, which is great. I still have those fleeting moments when I really feel like I could spark up (usually when I'm having a stressful day), but the cravings aren't difficult to bat away and I feel really happy with myself for hanging on through those tough patches.

I'm really enjoying going to the gym as well and would definately recommend exercise to anyone who maybe feels a bit down about gaining those few extra pounds after stopping smoking. It gives you the pick-me-up that you need and also makes you realise just how good you're being to your body :D

Hope you've all had a great smokefree day! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks hun :)

I wouldn't be here without the help of everyone on this forum!

Every day just seems to be getting easier at the moment *hoping that I'm not jinxing the positive feeling*, which is great. I still have those fleeting moments when I really feel like I could spark up (usually when I'm having a stressful day), but the cravings aren't difficult to bat away and I feel really happy with myself for hanging on through those tough patches.

I'm really enjoying going to the gym as well and would definately recommend exercise to anyone who maybe feels a bit down about gaining those few extra pounds after stopping smoking. It gives you the pick-me-up that you need and also makes you realise just how good you're being to your body :D

Hope you've all had a great smokefree day! xxx

That's just fab!!

Am sure you're not jinxing it at all hun, you're a good way into your quit now and you seem to have got your head in exactly the right place :D

Glad you're enjoying the gym too, not sure if I'm going to get into that, but will definitely get back into doing some exercise, it's like a free gym round here anyway lol. :p xxx

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