Help me!!!!: Hello everyone, So today is... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Help me!!!!

nsd_user663_56788 profile image
14 Replies

Hello everyone,

So today is day 7! And I need u to all send me messages and keep me going because I don't want to smoke, but I know the cravings are going to be prominent today.

Last week my grandma died who I was very close to, it was sudden and really sad. She always told me off for smoking, so was actually the kick I needed to stick on a patch.

Today is her funeral.

So- I have got a few buddy's, my dad and my cousin who are on the 'Laura can't smoke today', train. They have promised to keep me under lock and key- I will not be venturing outside at all during the wake.

But, if u can support to that would be amazing- I will log in when I can, or when I'm feeling like I may sneak outside, to read and hopefully I can stay strong!!

I will respond later- but thank u in advance!!

Laura x

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nsd_user663_56788 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hello everyone,

So today is day 7! And I need u to all send me messages and keep me going because I don't want to smoke, but I know the cravings are going to be prominent today.

Last week my grandma died who I was very close to, it was sudden and really sad. She always told me off for smoking, so was actually the kick I needed to stick on a patch.

Today is her funeral.

So- I have got a few buddy's, my dad and my cousin who are on the 'Laura can't smoke today', train. They have promised to keep me under lock and key- I will not be venturing outside at all during the wake.

But, if u can support to that would be amazing- I will log in when I can, or when I'm feeling like I may sneak outside, to read and hopefully I can stay strong!!

I will respond later- but thank u in advance!!

Laura x

That's great that you have people around you for support. I'm sure they will keep you on the straight and narrow for the day. Just try to remember that, stressful as today is going to be, smoking WILL NOT help.

Also, WELL DONE FOR REACHING DAY 7!! That's an amazing achievement and one that I'm sure your grandma would be so so proud of! :D

Please, post on here whenever you need us. There's always someone around. Good luck for today and I hope the funeral goes as well as can be expected. xxx

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Sweetie, BIG hugs coming your way! Such a hard thing to get through but it would have been just as hard with cigarettes too. the cigarettes would not take away your pain or bring back your Grandma. In fact they are pretty bl**dy useless arent they!!

You will have a lot of support from the sound of your lovely family Laura, just let us know if you have 5 minutes at the end of today that you got through it smoke free.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Aww hun, it's horrible to go through :(

((( HUGS )))

It's good you've got support, and I'm sure you can do it xxx

nsd_user663_56972 profile image

Sorry to hear about you GM Laura, but at least ya know if you can get through today you can beat it for good. Big test but I know you will pass :)

nsd_user663_56934 profile image

Sending my well-wishes and non-smoking vibes through to you :(

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Its a few hours since your first post, thinkng of you and hoping that you are staying strong for yourself as well as for the memory of your Grandma. You are there to celebrate her life more than mourn her passing. Your journey with nicotine is similar, celebrate the life you are getting back rather than mourning the lack of smoking. You can carry on and your Grandma will be watching proudly, keep strong xxx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi Laura,

I am so sorry to hear your news. It is good that you have people to support you today anyway, but that they are going to keep you from smoking is brilliant.

I hope you are still with us and have managed to stay strong. Your grandma sounds like she was a very special person who loved you an awful lot. She would be so very proud of you for getting through today sweetie.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and please post and let us all know how you have been.

Sending hugs

Molly x

nsd_user663_56788 profile image

Hi everyone.


I'm back home now- what a hugely stressful emotional day.

I am still smoke free.

Luckily- I didn't even have a slip! I didn't even try to pinch a cigarette! And I have had a couple of drinks.

Someone on here said (sorry cant recall who) how annoyed grandma would be if I smoked, and I kept thinking that! She would have been so mad.

So- day 7 almost over, I'm having a coffee, treating myself to some chocolate and a movie!

Everyone on here is so so amazing, I can't thank u enough- I will absolutly return the favour should anyone ever need some support!

If I managed today, the rest should be a breeze!!

Thanks again xxx

nsd_user663_56788 profile image

If I knew were u guys where, I would hunt you down and hug you all!

Thank you, I'm feeling very positive- which is ironic given the day!

So- into my second week I go. How exciting! :-) big happy face! Xx

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Hello Laurajayne .

First of all I'm so sorry for your loss. Our Grans are very special people in our lives and it's very hard when we have to say goodbye to them.

Secondly, your Gran would be so proud of you today, with or without smoking, but the without smoking is just the icing on the cake , so hold on to that thought. It will keep you strong. Think of her if ever you have a crave and I know that crave will melt away.

I know this because I got the same motivation in my first and very long quit by thinking of my mum in the early stages. You've already got a week under your belt and that is just brilliant so very, very well done, lass. xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Massive well done Laura :)

You had a really tough day and you did absolutely brilliantly!!

You've definitely got exactly the right attitude to make this quit stick and it's lovely to see you helping other people too!!


nsd_user663_56712 profile image

How absolutely fantastic to read your post which is so positive!.:) I am sure your family and your Grandma are so proud of you for having passed this really difficult time so early in a quit. as you say, if you can kick this one, you can kick any trial.

As Max says, you can support from day one, and I am sure that people wondering if they are strong enough to quit will read your thread and it will encourage them. Keep posting, keep sharing and keep leaning. There will be a day when we will need your support , don't you doubt it for a minute .

Sleep well, sleep proudly and as you say, the rest will be a breeze! xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

If I knew were u guys where, I would hunt you down and hug you all!

Thank you, I'm feeling very positive- which is ironic given the day!

So- into my second week I go. How exciting! :-) big happy face! Xx

Love this. *virtual hugs coming your way* :D

Well done for proving to yourself just how much strength and determination you have! Bring on week 2, I'm sure you'll be great! X

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Hey Sarah;

I don't know about you, but I am really looking forward to following Laura's journey, I think it is going to be a real positive one :):)

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