Riding off into the sunset...: In my country... - No Smoking Day

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Riding off into the sunset...

20 Replies

In my country, in the old Western movies, there's a tradition of riding off into the sunset when the film comes to a conclusion. My turn has come.

It's been a great experience, sharing my quit journey with all of you and learning so much from what you've shared.

But now, the time has come for me to move along. (Wait! Don't start applauding so quickly!)

I'll visit every so often for old time's sake and to keep a few of you honest (you know who you are!), but for the most part, I'll be on my way. I'm yesterday's news.

Best of luck to those of you just starting out - if you take it a day at a time, you'll do just fine.

To any I've annoyed over the past year, my apologies. To any I've been able to help along the way, you've made me so proud.

Be well, my friends - and know that the world is SO much better when it doesn't revolve around tobacco. :)

::::Wide shot of DGee mounting his horse and trotting off into the desert, as the sun slowly sets:::::

::::Roll Credits::::

20 Replies
nsd_user663_45204 profile image

My eyes are welling up :(

Please let there be a Sequel dude but without the smoking part :)

I know what you are saying as i feel the same way. I sort of feel to old now for this forum as i hardly post anymore and it's hard to keep up with all the new quitters.

I have to keep an eye out for my old buddie Vike though. It's only fair as he was always there for when i needed his support. Otherwise i to would have flown the nest.

Thank you, Rogue

I could have written exactly what you wrote about trying to keep up with the young 'uns. It's great that this site continues to attract new quitters but it's awfully hard to keep up with who's who!

You gotta know that Vike will succeed. Sometimes you can just tell that about a person, and that's how I feel about the Vikester.

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

The movie had a great plot and brilliant script DGee, and the great thing is... there was no twist at the end, everything went to plan :)

Really enjoyed your posts, you've been inspirational, congratulations and best wishes for the future!

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

As Vinnie said - "it's been emotional". Good luck for the future. :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

I hope you will change your mind DGee and post your words of wisdom on occasion,you have over the months I have been here written the most insightful stuff of almost anyone.I probably count myself as the 'new' breed of quitter,the 'blind leading the blind' as Karri ("where there is discord,let me bring more discord") so eloquently puts it ,just as well these blind people are doing so well... :rolleyes: but it is inevitable that each of us reaches a time where we don't know most of the people who post every day,same will happen to me,its then a subjective judgement as to whether you think others will benefit from your advice.

All the very very best of luck to you whatever you decide to do.;)

What he said :)

Good luck DGee. I've read a few of your posts and they've really kept me going over the last six weeks. Well done for getting to where you are now! x

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

::::Wide shot of DGee mounting his horse and trotting off into the desert, as the sun slowly sets:::::

::::Roll Credits::::


Sounds great:)

I have loved reading your posts, very inspirational, and well written.

Thanks for sharing.

Fi xx

And, for all those newly started on their quit smoking journey, I would recommend reading DGees story, he is a Writer, has a way with words, and his posts are worth a look. He's even managed to romanticise things! I can't wait till I get to where he is today, though I think I'd prefer to be sailing into the sunset:). Ooooooo, 30th Wedding anniversary next year, feel a cruise coming on:)

Yikes in case anyone thinks DGee is my favourite (although he is up there with some others)

I think we are best collectively rather than individually. It is about a diverse group of people who spark off each other. Sometimes the results can be truly educational, sometimes very funny, at times very sad, occassionally tense, and sometimes simply surreal... Either way, it is our differences that keep this whole thing alive, and I wouldn't be without anyone on here.

Fi xx

hellerscatch profile image

Good luck to you DGee :D:

Karri, can you please explain what you mean by the blind are leading the blind? I find your comments very offensive and reading back on previous threads I can clearly see that you would would rather make a negative post than help someone with a positive, helpful comment.

With the help of this forum, I have managed to stay off cigarettes for more than 3 months, I have never done this in previous quits and am attributing a lot of my success to the help I have received from my fellow, visually impaired friends!

hellerscatch profile image

You make it sound like a them and us situation!

I thought that this was a forum to support people with one common goal, to quit smoking and to stay quit!

There are some lovely people on here who have been quit over a year and are only too happy to help us "newbies" and that's great, has been really helpful to me and countless others.

I would still like you to clarify "the blind leading the blind ! comment though, as without praise and support us new ones may never walk far enough down the road and we seem to being doing ok up to now!

hellerscatch profile image

Thanks Max, am not using patches either now :D:D

nsd_user663_56910 profile image

Well done dude

nsd_user663_44157 profile image

I was going to say we all like a happy ending but this is not the end. This is just the start of your new life and hope all goes well for you from now on DGee. Next time your are in town drop by the saloon and we'll have a tot together. Look after yourself my friend


Sad to see you go DGEE, it been emotional!

Now as the voice of reason here let me say this.

These type of situations seem to run in cycles, Karri you may remember a couple of years ago when we were relative newbies (excuse the phrase) and we, along with Divingdale, Alex76 and others had our own little "clique" and thought we owned the place.

The thing I have learned is in reality the forum belongs to the people who need it most, when members want advice from us old hats they ask for it, if they don't want advice then they don't ask for it.

Now, I know that when we quit nerves can frey, but we need to remember we are all here for one reason, we don't all have to be friends, but we do all have to be civil and if we can't then that is why the ignore feature is available.

One final point if I may before I get back in my box...

It is not big, clever or funny to score points of others to try and increase your own popularity it never works in the long run.

AngryBear profile image

Guys, while not wanting to detract too much from the original post, and also without wanting to hurl water on a fat fire, so to speak, I have to say I think Karri's comment has been taken well out of context on this occasion.

I read "the blind leading the blind" to mean new quitters helping new quitters with a lessening influence from the old guard, if you like, not a slur on anyone's ability to help anyone else. I don't see what's offensive about it.

I wish DGee all the best of course but without the "Penthouse members" there would be less inspiration for the newcomers, less reassurance of how it gets easier. One of the first posts I read was of someone who was four years clear of fags, which showed me how it could be done. I got loads of encouragement from people who quit around the same time as I did, we shared the same cr*p in many ways but the older quitters, for want of a better term, showed the proof.

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Guys, while not wanting to detract too much from the original post, and also without wanting to hurl water on a fat fire, so to speak, I have to say I think Karri's comment has been taken well out of context on this occasion.

I read "the blind leading the blind" to mean new quitters helping new quitters with a lessening influence from the old guard, if you like, not a slur on anyone's ability to help anyone else. I don't see what's offensive about it.

I wish DGee all the best of course but without the "Penthouse members" there would be less inspiration for the newcomers, less reassurance of how it gets easier. One of the first posts I read was of someone who was four years clear of fags, which showed me how it could be done. I got loads of encouragement from people who quit around the same time as I did, we shared the same cr*p in many ways but the older quitters, for want of a better term, showed the proof.

And again, someone who has put into words exactly what I wanted to say!

I think that all Karri was trying to say is that it is quite sad that we are losing long term quitters, I don't know why, maybe it's a natural thing.

Please don't fall out, it serves no purpose x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Thanks DGee

Thanks Dgee, for your support and kind words you have had for me whilst we have been members of the forum. You have been inspirational, funny, annoying even childish sometimes, but never boring!

You do have a way with words that I can only envy so I do hope that you will pop back every now and then and give us the benefit of your wit and wisdom again.xx Take care and enjoy your smoke free life cos your sure deserve to!:)

nsd_user663_54940 profile image

Best of luck for the future DGee! I may start a translation thread for when you come back so you don't get quite as confused :D

That sunset must look stunning without the haze of cigarette smoke!

Take care x

You know, even cowboys can get a little saddle sore from time to time. I popped back on to see if there'd been much response to my "Riding off into the sunset" thread and was shocked to see all the responses.

Let me say thanks to all of you who shared kind words about me. I had always hoped, for most of my posts, that I was of some small help to someone - otherwise, why post? I don't know when my posts morphed from the typical newbie posts about my early struggles, when I sought advice or at least a little sympathy - and always go it - to one where it was I giving the advice.

I do know that eventually I came to peace with my quit, I knew I would make the Penthouse, the struggle was (largely) over. And I do remember consciously wanting to let others know that their time was coming as well, if they just hung in there.

It warms my heart to hear so many people come on my thread to wish me well and to thank me for my small contribution here. So rarely in life do we ever know how/if/when we made a difference to someone else.

Anyway, as I say, I just popped back on to see if there had been a response to my post, and I'm overwhelmed with all the good wishes. Thank you one and all.

Because you've been so nice, I'll make a point to come back every now and then to see how things are. It feels like home here. So many good and kind and wise people to hang out with.

Okay, time to saddle up again. I need to make Waco before sunset. There's a damsel in distress that I'm fixin' to rescue!

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Good luck DGee....I know a winner when I see one and you will win at staying quit, you've got this one licked.

And oh dear...where has Karri gone??? What happened? If you've been around long enough or look in my post history Karri and I didn't see eye to eye occasionally but I'd never want to see her or anyone else leave over a forum argument. Karri spoke her mind and had a differing point of view sometimes which was refreshing. A lot of the times we'd clash but days later I'd think begrudgingly...."well I can kinda see where she's coming from!". And she helped loads of people over the time she was a member here in their quits. What a shame! Will miss you Karri.

I must admit though this forum has changed recently and a lot of old timers don't post anymore including myself. I did try to contribute something back to this forum a little while ago but felt that what I had to say was probably being ignored. Therefore, I don't really post anymore as what's the point if it's not really helping anyone?

I'm also a little reluctant to express my opinions on a subject sometimes as I know I'd probably get toasted as it would be a slightly different viewpoint to that generally being expressed on the thread. I do lurk a little bit though.....and as of two weeks ago (sorry been on holiday) there seem to be lots and lots of short well done/get back on your quit posts (these are really needed on the forum) BUT I do miss the quality advice being given by people in established quits. It's a shame as the long term quitters really helped me when I started in my quit as they proved quitting smoking could be achieved in the long term. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that sometimes quality is needed rather than quantity. I hope I haven't reignited a fire by writing this post and would rather people ignore it than argue but I felt I had to express my opinion. I'll go back to lurking now and posting in the social groups.

Live long and prosper. Good luck to everyone including fellow lurkers and old timers.

Lisa xx

nsd_user663_51469 profile image

I agree with you Lisa. I lurk as well. I love reading about the successes, but having suffered depression since my quit, my posts did not seem to fit in a lot of places. It's a lonely disease, and we tend to suffer in silence. Now clawing my way back to normality, I look out for folks suffering the same, in case I can chime in. The best advice I can give is - be kinder to yourself.

Oh and I love Carol's cats and the quiz.

(Gingerly steps around the issue of joining the weight loss thread. F Plan diet in process at the moment!)

toucan x

nsd_user663_18145 profile image

oh only just saw this im struggling to read some of the posts unless some bumps it up thanks Una for doing that to this one :)

so glad to see you doing so well Dgee and cutting some of the cords to posting on this forum is part of the process of quitting after all you dont want to be constantly reminded that you smoked all the time and with all the new people joining which is brilliant its time to pass on the reigns to up coming members but please pop back and lurk in the back anytime your in the area but just make your way forward every now and again to say hi :D

glad to see your still lurking too Lisa :)and i have already mentioned that its a shame Karri has gone :(she wilbe missed hopefully she is lurking somewhere and reading these posts and who knows in the future may well come back and share her views again i for one am hoping she will as she was also a very supporting member to everyone

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