17 Weeks Smoke Free Tonight :D: Don't usually... - No Smoking Day

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17 Weeks Smoke Free Tonight :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
11 Replies

Don't usually do these any more (I don't think?) but am posting this to show how it goes, and hopefully to encourage newer quitters along the way :)

It's just shy (by a few hours) of 17 weeks since I smoked my last fag.

119 days

Which would have been

2380+ fags (Christmas, boredom, Saturday afternoons, foul moods, nights out etc would have made that a fair bit higher)

£950 not spent (on fags lol)

1428mg of tar has not gone into my lungs

Saving me 9 days, 21 hours and 30 mins of life.

Scary figures really.

Anyway, am not just blowing my own trumpet here - although I am flipping proud of myself :D

Right now, I hardly get any real craves. Might fancy a fag now and then, but actually *craving* one is extremely rare.

I cannot remember what smoking feels like, or tastes like (except horrible) and have no desire to refresh my memory.

It's normal for me to be a non-smoker now, I can watch smokers without feeling like joining them, and all that keeps me from standing with someone who is smoking is that I find the smell utterly repulsive. A month or so ago, I wrote that I had made myself hate smoking, for fear of being tempted. I don't any more, I don't care - do pity smokers though.

Everyone said back when I joined "it gets easier" and so on. Didn't really believe that TBH, but you know what? It does!!

Finally a huge thank you to everyone who has praised, slapped, encouraged and dragged me away from the yellow stained clutches of the Marlboro Man!!

I owe you!! xxx

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Well done Gem,

So, you and Mr Malboro were a couple, I never really fancied him!!

I liked Mr S. Cut, he was purple and very popular with the ladies you know.

What are we like now though, we kicked them outta our lives:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Well done Gemma, it is absolutely fantastic to see the attitude you have to your quit now lovey. I'm dead proud of you :D

I can't wait to tell Kazzytee how you're getting on she will be impressed, Kazzy always knew that you'd make it :)

Molly x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


I sooooo love it when you do these posts, it's fantastic to see just how far along on this journey you are and gives me hope that I'll get there too! I know you tend to beat yourself up about what aids you've used, etc, etc but I have to point out that all of that pales into insignificance when viewed next to the fact that YOU HAVE BEEN SMOKE FREE FOR 17 WHOLE WEEKS! That's over a quarter of a year since Nic O'Tine had you under his smelly yellow thumb, you have kicked him into touch, got him on the ropes and pummelled him, and despite his increasingly desperate attempts to keep any kind of foothold in your life you have told him, in no uncertain terms, where to go!!! And in the middle of all that, you have found the time to help pull me, Sarah, Max, Doodles and no doubt lots of others through some pretty rough times - so THANK YOU!!!

Now pick up that glass, I'm raising mine (pink Cava) - to the founding member of the Cornish Contingent! *clinks*

Thanks Kat :D

Am really proud of myself, and didn't think I'd manage back at the start - nor did my dad 'cos he gave me a week!!

I do hope it helps posting this and I'm really pleased to have been able to help on here as well!!

*Clinks glasses*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gemma, it is absolutely fantastic to see the attitude you have to your quit now lovey. I'm dead proud of you :D

I can't wait to tell Kazzytee how you're getting on she will be impressed, Kazzy always knew that you'd make it :)

Molly x

Aww thank you Molly!! That's lovely!!

How is Kazzy?

Well done Gem,

So, you and Mr Malboro were a couple, I never really fancied him!!

I liked Mr S. Cut, he was purple and very popular with the ladies you know.

What are we like now though, we kicked them outta our lives:)

Fi x

Lol! Among others yes :eek:

Am glad to be rid of him!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey Gemma how ****** great are you. 17 weeks is brilliant :) I have belief in myself through watching you and the 'others' succeed. Thanks for your support and keep up the fab work x

Aww thanks!! :)

Am glad to have helped, but how well are you doing now? It's lovely to see you beating the nicotine demon, always knew you could do it!! :D xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oops didn't think my b word would get starred out :D

I get that all the time, lol.

Last time I was told off for saying that was by my gran when I was like 13 :p

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Aww thank you Molly!! That's lovely!!

How is Kazzy?


Kazzy is doing brilliantly. She passed five months this weekend just gone and has exercised herself to a terrific weight loss. I don't think I have ever met anyone as determined as Kazzy. She is someone I definitely look up to and she has helped me no end. I am exceedingly lucky to have her as a quit buddy.

I know that she was impressed with your determination Gemma and she was right.

Well done again, you deserve it being said twice. Not only are you so strong in your own quit but you also take the time to be really helpful and supportive of everyone around you on this forum.

Molly x

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Congrats! 17 weeks is fantastic and you give me hope there will come a time when I will feel comfortable as a non smoker. Onwards and upwards to us all :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Kazzy is doing brilliantly. She passed five months this weekend just gone and has exercised herself to a terrific weight loss. I don't think I have ever met anyone as determined as Kazzy. She is someone I definitely look up to and she has helped me no end. I am exceedingly lucky to have her as a quit buddy.

I know that she was impressed with your determination Gemma and she was right.

Well done again, you deserve it being said twice. Not only are you so strong in your own quit but you also take the time to be really helpful and supportive of everyone around you on this forum.

Molly x

Oh that's fab, I'm really glad she's doing so well!!

Especially losing weight too, it's not easy :eek:

And thanks!! x

Gemma Lou

What a superstar you are :D

You show the most determined defiance and will,but also have the humanity and love to extend a high quality sympathy and advice to new quitters too.Witty,clever,lovely in every way,what can we say but-well done sweetheart!:D

DEAD proud of you! xx

Aww thanks Max, that's lovely!!

I do try to help!! x

Congrats! 17 weeks is fantastic and you give me hope there will come a time when I will feel comfortable as a non smoker. Onwards and upwards to us all :)

You definitely will Isolde, it takes time and there's some rough bits on the way but you'll make it!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Don't usually do these any more (I don't think?) but am posting this to show how it goes, and hopefully to encourage newer quitters along the way :)

It's just shy (by a few hours) of 17 weeks since I smoked my last fag.

119 days

Which would have been

2380+ fags (Christmas, boredom, Saturday afternoons, foul moods, nights out etc would have made that a fair bit higher)

£950 not spent (on fags lol)

1428mg of tar has not gone into my lungs

Saving me 9 days, 21 hours and 30 mins of life.

Scary figures really.

Anyway, am not just blowing my own trumpet here - although I am flipping proud of myself :D

Right now, I hardly get any real craves. Might fancy a fag now and then, but actually *craving* one is extremely rare.

I cannot remember what smoking feels like, or tastes like (except horrible) and have no desire to refresh my memory.

It's normal for me to be a non-smoker now, I can watch smokers without feeling like joining them, and all that keeps me from standing with someone who is smoking is that I find the smell utterly repulsive. A month or so ago, I wrote that I had made myself hate smoking, for fear of being tempted. I don't any more, I don't care - do pity smokers though.

Everyone said back when I joined "it gets easier" and so on. Didn't really believe that TBH, but you know what? It does!!

Finally a huge thank you to everyone who has praised, slapped, encouraged and dragged me away from the yellow stained clutches of the Marlboro Man!!

I owe you!! xxx

I'm so sorry I didn't get my butt on here straight away last night to CONGRATULATE YOU!!!

Well done sweetie pie *kneels and bows head in admiration*. You've done so well and seeing some of your old posts (which you kindly advised me to do), shows that you're confidence has grown so much!

This is the kind of post that people like me need:

Everyone said back when I joined "it gets easier" and so on. Didn't really believe that TBH, but you know what? It does!!

This is the position I'm in now and to hear you say that you believed exactly the same gives me, and I'm sure a lot of others, the reassurance we need :) So thank you!

Big hugs and congratulations hun :D xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm so sorry I didn't get my butt on here straight away last night to CONGRATULATE YOU!!!

Well done sweetie pie *kneels and bows head in admiration*. You've done so well and seeing some of your old posts (which you kindly advised me to do), shows that you're confidence has grown so much!

This is the kind of post that people like me need:

Everyone said back when I joined "it gets easier" and so on. Didn't really believe that TBH, but you know what? It does!!

This is the position I'm in now and to hear you say that you believed exactly the same gives me, and I'm sure a lot of others, the reassurance we need :) So thank you!

Big hugs and congratulations hun :D xxx

Aww thank you hun!!

I hope it does help reading things like this 'cos it's a bit of a battle at times for everyone, and knowing it *can* be done is important, especially if you've taken a bit of a knock to your confidence!!

Lol, I feel totally different to when I wrote those posts way back :eek:

But you'll be here before you know it!! xxx

Not what you're looking for?