Moving on up: Right then, after much... - No Smoking Day

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Moving on up

nsd_user663_53658 profile image
14 Replies

Right then, after much internal debate as to whether I deserve to post the following, I have decided after much lecturing by a certain Nifty (and another), that I will.

Despite not believing for a second that I could get through more than a couple of hours whilst awake without a cig, and if I forgive myself my 3 cig hour of utter stupidity and self destruction, I have now completed 6 months since my quit date.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would not have done that if not for this forum and the many wonderful people I have met here. I found this forum the day after I quit and read tonnes of old posts. I couldn't believe how much of a difference those old posts made to my knowledge of my addiction and to my resolve to stay off the fags. I owe a lot to the well informed long term quitters that chose to share their knowledge and opinions with the rest of this forum.

I also know that I would not have got through the bad times I have had without smoking if not for the amazing kindness of the people here. It is a wonderous thing to know that anyone can log on here and immediately get very specific support (i.e. Don't smoke!) as well as genuine sympathy and advice on all things no matter what the problem.

Anyway, I know that I have not been around as much of late but I wanted to say thank you to everyone on here for helping me get to where I am now. You lot really are pretty cool :D

Also, I just would not be 6 months quit without my quit buddies, Kazzy and Greg, I know they are not around as much now but we got each other through those first few months with smiles and laughs :D

Right, is anyone still awake? :)

Molly x

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nsd_user663_53658 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Molly you have been such a great force on the forum. You've been there for all of us. Congratulations chick x x x

PS - my favourite joke from you

A horse walks into a bar and the barman says - why the long face :D:D:D

Thank you Karri and .... LOL

I'm well chuffed you liked that joke petal, I drive everyone at work absolutely nuts with it! Its my stock answer if anyone says "You're joking", I hate that saying so I always say "No, if I were joking I'd say, etc etc"

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh well done Molly!! :D

Know you've had some really hard times to go through, but you've done so well and you're a huge help to everyone on here!!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Congrats Molly 6 months is awesome :D

hellerscatch profile image

Big well done Molly, 6 months is brilliant :D

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Well done quit buddy, never doubted you for a second, you've been such a rock for e personally in my quit and to many others too. Hope you're celebrating, you deserve it - here's to the rest of our smoke filled life xxx


P.s you better keep that room tidy as I aim to be in there in just over a month!!

nsd_user663_54852 profile image

Huge congratulations for a 6 month quit , its a fantastic and proud moment. Hope you keep posting as your thoughts and obsevations on the quit process help many others to stay on track.

well done

Donna x

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

OOOOOH. 6 months:D I love it. Bloomin brilliant, Molly, especially after the terrifically sad and very significant event that you have had to cope with. You should be so proud of yourself. I'm so chuffed for you. xx

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Hi Molly!

Well, there you have it. WHAT THEY SAID ^^^!!

This is such an achievement, half way to the penthouse already. Thoroughly deserved - your resolve, determination and sheer will have brought you to this fantastic place in time. Your posts were among the first I read when I joined this forum to get a feel for what it's like further up the mountain, and they helped and inspired without you even noticing. Thank you!!

Congratulations on six months Molly and here's to the next six! Big smiles all round!! :):D:)

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Hi Molly, Jusy wanted to add my three penneth to a wonderful quit buddy. You have done brilliantly Molly, just brilliantly considering all you have been through. I am so proud of you and sooooo pleased Iknow lots of love to you.xxxx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Good morning all,

I hope no one is feeling sleep deprived?!

I'm sorry I haven't been on in a couple of days. Thank you for all your wonderful replies, some of them brought a lump to my throat, very touching. Now, here's to standing firm and staying strong for another 26 weeks, then the rest of my life!

I hope everyone is having a lovely Easter and that you're all eating way way way too much chocolate! :D:D

From the ever expanding Molly :D

Ps Kazzy, I have a huge squishy bean bag with your name on it and I've ordered in a brand new spin bike just for you (and maybe me too :o)

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Molly, catching up with Fi!


Just popped in to say how proud I am of you for reaching the 6 month mark:)

Huge hugs to you Molly, well done my love:)

Fi xx

nsd_user663_53437 profile image

well done

Well done Molly!!!

nsd_user663_53306 profile image

Just wanted to say well done :)

I know but I've been AWOL but I'm coming up to my 6 month mark and intend on joining you soon.

Huge congrats Molly xo

nsd_user663_51038 profile image

MOLLY..... Now there's another familiar face!!! CONGRATULATIONS GIRLFRIEND!!! I never doubted you for a second, so proud of you!!!

Keep it up... I expect you to join me in the PH shortly after me! Book your tickets in advance, that way you get to choose the best location with the best of the best... Sipping on gin n' juice!!! ;)

P.S. what's happened to Nifty?! Is he okay? Xxx

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