Give me strength!!!: Today has been my... - No Smoking Day

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Give me strength!!!

nsd_user663_55563 profile image
12 Replies

Today has been my biggest test so far. I had about 3 hours sleep last night as I had to get up at 3.30 to take my eldest to get the coach from school to France for the day. I did a full day at work and thought I'd text him to say Hi! He replied to tell me his bag was missing!! I told him he must tell an adult and get help finding it. Seems its been nicked though:( I've had to phone him to console him, he's lost his iPod, the souvenirs he bought, snacks and coat. Luckily he had his wallet and phone. I could cry for him...... My baby is in another country having a crappy time and won't be back till midnight.

I won't use this as a catalyst to smoke but my god, it's really testing me right now.

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nsd_user663_55563 profile image
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12 Replies
nsd_user663_55563 profile image

Thanks you 2 xx

The iPod was a few years old and wasn't compatible with the tracking apps I have for my phone. I've been checking up a bit on what to do so I'll change the password but it doesn't seem there's much else we can do. I don't have the serial number etc for it. :(

nsd_user663_55563 profile image

Thanks too Doodle x Really appreciating you chaps being here. Hub will be home soon and he will get the full force of my woes then.

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Oh no, I would be in a right state (smoking will not help though, only make you feel guilty).

At least he is safe. Stay strong, I'm sure he will be pleased that you are still quit. It will bother you more than him.

Take care

Jane x

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Aw, your poor wee boy, that's an awful thing to have happened. Extra hug needed when he gets home tonight. As the others have said, material things can be replaced, main thing is he's ok.

Fi x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Just to echo what everyone else has said Pisky! That is awful to happen to your young son on a school trip. Life just smacks us in the face at times.:( However good point made that at least he is safe!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh how horrible for you both!!

Am really sorry that happened!!

nsd_user663_55563 profile image

Bless you all. I know he's fine and that's all that matters but he was so looking forward to this. I'm starting to get angry though that the school haven't contacted me. Am I expecting too much? He's 12 ffs! He says he's ok and that he's eaten and has €10 left and still has his phone.....I am being an hysterical mother here but at least I'm a non smoking hysterical mother.

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

I would be fuming that they hadn't contacted me. I put a complaint in two weeks go as myson broke hs finger in school and no one contacted me. To be in a foreign country age 12, and had his bag stolen grrr. Teachers these days!

Sorry to ny teachers out there

nsd_user663_55563 profile image

I would be fuming that they hadn't contacted me. I put a complaint in two weeks go as myson broke hs finger in school and no one contacted me. To be in a foreign country age 12, and had his bag stolen grrr. Teachers these days!

Sorry to ny teachers out there

Lol That's me!! I work with preschool children (which isn't "real" teaching) but we have to let parents know if there little darling so much as falls over with no injury. It doesn't matter whether they're 12 or 3 they are still somebody's child and parents need to know they're in safe hands and they're being looked out for.

Things are looking up a bit. Hubba home now and has brought wine and went straight back out to get kebabs for and kebabs! The answer to most of life's problems x

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

. and kebabs! The answer to most of life's problems x

Lol, you sound just like me, enjoy and relax, no nipping out in the cold for smelly fags and son home this evening. Perfect:)

nsd_user663_55563 profile image

Aww thanks for thinking of us. He amazes me sometimes, he's been so mature about it and says hes putting it down to experience. I'd have thrown a right wobbly if it was me. He could replace his iPod with his birthday money he had recently but he's mulling it over. He says his mate had a worse time of it than he did as he lost his wallet with all his money. He says his teachers were helpful and kind, so I've calmed down about them not contacting me.....after all what good would that have done? my lad was fine and the bag was gone, phoning me wasn't going to change anything I suppose.

So glad he's back and I didn't crack and have a smoke. :)

nsd_user663_55563 profile image

Impressive Pisky :D

Think you might succeed here..

There is no might about it.......I will succeed:D

Proud of me and my boy for coping.

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